IS IT TRUE March 4, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE the First Lady of Evansville Carol McLintock sent an email of support last week to her Republican friends who had a vote in the party caucus for the candidacy of Michelle Mercer for the Vice Chair position of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party?…in that letter the First Lady even went so far as to boast about having “control” of the Evansville City Council?…to do that the First Lady and Mayor Winnecke would have to have a minimum of 4 elected Democrats in their pocket?…the First Family may well have 4 Democrats in their pocket but they do not have the voting members of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party in their pockets?…the proof of that is in the results of the two horse race for Vice Chair that was won in the Republican caucus by none other than Michelle Peterlin, the spouse of local businessman and Republican Tea Party activist Frank Peterlin?…it has been reported that some of the First Families inner circle were so upset at the election of Mrs. Peterlin that some name calling was going on?…that the name used on Peterlin was that of a Kardashian?…that is a pretty low blow considering the widely accepted description of a Kardashian as a spoiled publicity seeking, rich yet brainless parody of why taxes should be increased on the rich who became that way through paparazzi driven media attention?…knowing what a Kardashian is and also knowing Michelle Peterlin, the City County Observer would have to say that there is no person that is more of a polar opposite of Michelle Peterlin than Kim Kardashian or her sisters?…not getting one’s way sure seems to bring out the worst in some people?…that coming in last in a two horse race with the support of the First Lady should be a lesson to the First Lady about over playing whatever hand comes with being the spouse of the Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE in a readers poll in the CCO last week and currently still accepting votes we asked for our readers to vote for who are the 4 Democrats in the Evansville City Council most likely to be under the control of the Republicans and the First Family?…the distinction in order of votes received so far are Missy Mosby, Jonathan Weaver, Connie Robinson, and John Friend?…Mosby and Weaver were overwhelmingly the highest vote getters with Robinson and Friend far behind them but well ahead of the other 4 Democrats on Council?…that being controlled sure does make for some strange bed fellows?

IS IT TRUE that the crime statistics for 2012 are now available?…reviewing those statistics for the region that this writer lives in an interesting discovery was made?…in 2012, Indian Wells, CA had exactly ZERO VIOLENT CRIMES?…for a city of 5,000 people that is an astounding statistic?…Rancho Mirage, CA right next to Indian Wells with a population of just under 20,000 only registered 16 violent crimes none of which were murder, rape, or arson?…there must be something quite different about these two towns when compared to most of the rest of the United States?…on the surface the demographics of these two cities are that of high wealth, high income, limited retail business, and civic pride?

IS IT TRUE on the opposite end of the violent crime spectrum in order of danger and violence are Flint, MI; Detroit, MI; St. Louis, MO; New Haven, CT, and Memphis, TN disrespectfully?…on the bright side all of these 5 cities have seen substantial improvements in recent years?…the things that seem to be driving the violence in these 5 cities and other hotbeds of crime are poverty, low educational attainment, drugs, and unemployment?…four of these five cities (Memphis being the exception) were at one time places of wealth and safety only to see it degrade over time?

IS IT TRUE the CCO would like to congratulate the Mater Dei girls basketball team on bringing back the 2A Indiana State Championship to Evansville?…this is one accomplishment that we can all take pride in that may just propel some of those team members to be a little bit more accomplished as adults while inspiring Wildcat teams that come after them?


  1. The CCO has had a lot of fun with the fact Carol, the Mayor’s wife, obviously made a typo error when she referenced control of the City Council instead of County Council in her letter of support for Mercer for Republican Party Vice-Chairman. Mercer is a good person but lost to Michelle Peterlin another good person. As the vote turned out, it was a not a wise move for the Mayor’s wife to publicly support a person who lost by a 2:1 margin. That is why there is is an election. It is Carol’s right to publicly support whomever she wishes. More people need to be active in the political process. If they do, we will have better government.

    • A typo??? You mean like the typo from John Friend about David Garrett’s CPA? No one believes the spin of typo from either of those two.

      • Have you read Carol’s email? Anyone reasonable person would recognise it as a typo. Do think the Mayor’s wife does not know the Democrats have a 8:1 majority on City Council!Granted it was a careless typo error by the Mayor’s wife. The CCO has had some fun with it–trying to make a point.

        John Friend unfortunately screwed up and then led others take the blame for his error.

        • I’m glad to see there’s someone on here who dedicates their life to defending this woman. If she made a typo I guess we better call her Carol McCantTalk.

    • That’s true in most cases. In the last mayors race the democrats lined up and voted for the republican candidate as ordered. Heard a lot of complaints from union members about that. Why were the democrats so fearful Rick?

      • It was not “the Democrats” that feared Rick Davis. It was the loyal minions of Weinzapfel who seemed terrified of Rick being in office. That included some union leadership.

  2. Is it true…”to do that the First Lady and Mayor Winnecke would have to have a minimum of 4 elected Democrats in their pocket?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Or,….(long drum roll here…………have a cozy working relationship with Jonathan Weinzapfel.


  3. No story on yet another dirty firefighter or cop in the area? It seems our firefighters and police think they can and do get away with anything. I’m referring to whoever embezzled from the memorial fund for the fella that was killed last year. He’s gotten the standard cop/firefighter punishment. He’s hanging out doing whatever he wants while getting paid. It’s going to warm up later this week, he might get 18 holes in.

    • I am not saying the incident you are talking about did not happen. Other news people have said it is being looked into.
      But please stop with the whole paid vacation BS. You can’t give ONE case where a cop or fireman that was PUNISHED for wrong doing by getting paid to stay home. I am not talking about just an allegation. I am talking about an allegation that was proven to be true. Just one example. That’s all you need to show us to prove you are not an idiot, a flunkie who could not make it as either a cop or fireman, or a criminal who is mad because you got caught. Or all of the above.

      • The DUI leaving the scene of an accident guy who was hung up drunk in grandma’s flower bed came to mind first. I know for a fact the tv watcher got a paid vacay. There are countless others, but I’m on a cell phone and posting links is tedious if not impossible.

      • Also, wasn’t Lindsey’s suspension paid? They announced that it wasn’t but somebody had reported that he was getting paid anyway. There is a different set of rules for cops/firemen/politicians and you’re delusional if you think otherwise.

  4. Re the posted results of the current “Readers Poll”: why is Conor O’Daniel’s name in bold print?

    • I use three different computers to post from. This is not the case on any of my computers. I therefore can not answer your question.

    • It is bold because you (or someone on your computer) voted for him. All polls here bold the choices you make.

    • I do not vote in CCO polls so I will never have a bold name. Curious is correct that once a vote is cast the user’s selection does get bolded. Perhaps you did vote by mistake.

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