IS IT TRUE March 31, 2014 “Political Boycotts have Consequences”


against the machineIS IT TRUE that a boycott is an act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for social or political reasons?…it has become obvious during the last three days that there is a boycott of sorts forming against the CCO as we have had several well timed inquiries about canceling existing ads that are under binding contracts?…this has never ever happened in the history of this publication?…last Wednesday night, the CCO published a 3 minute audio recording of County Commissioner Marsha Abell who was heard to say that “hi tech computer people don’t produce one dime” and that such jobs are not what is needed in Vanderburgh County?…we also published the part of the speech before a partisan Republican crowd that expressed a preference for “jobs that make something”?…our publication sparked sharp retribution from the Republican Chairman who proceeded to convene a two hour meeting of the Republican Central Committee?…that shortly after that meeting was adjourned we received cancellation of ad inquiries from a couple of our long term customers most of whom are well paid vendors to the government of Vanderburgh County?…that means that Commissioner Abell controls the goose that is laying the golden eggs for these advertisers?…we wonder if the timing of this meeting of the Republican Central Committee and this boycott of our advertising is coincidence or is it orchestrated?

IS IT TRUE if this political boycott is orchestrated by the Republican Central Committee then it is a manipulation of the free markets in the City of Evansville for the political purpose to try to shut down a private for-profit business?…we ask our attorney Scott Danks to start exploring the legality of such an action and will take any actions necessary to recover any damages that the CCO suffers as a result of political boycott?…the long term loyal advertisers in the CCO need to understand that they are being manipulated by the Republican Central Committee’s bullying tactics and respond appropriately?…they also need to understand that boycotts are a two way proposition and that as ads disappear it will be obvious to the 39,450 unique viewers that the CCO has just in the last month and the 144,229 unique viewers we have had in the last year just exactly which of our long term advertisers have cowered before the admonishments of the Republican Central Committee?…it is possible that supporters of the CCO whose sole purpose to exist is to push for GOOD PUBLIC POLICY will choose to sort of boycott those businesses?…it will also be interesting to see just how these long term advertisers will dance a different dance in the event that Commissioner Abell does not win the primary against Bruce Ungenthiem and no longer controls the golden goose?…that answer will be coming in 5 weeks?…short term actions often cloud the judgement of some and damage long term goals?

IS IT TRUE in spite of any short term disruption to our cash flow that results as a result of any alleged politically orchestrated boycott, the CCO has no intention of ever compromising our commitment to expose political malfeasance for the purpose of leading Evansville and Vanderburgh toward a future where GOOD PUBLIC POLICY replaces back room GOOD OLD BOY deals?…the CCO has continued in spite of adversaries who have resorted to many harassing and threatening phone calls in the middle of the night, efforts to blunt advertising, stalking issues and even an explicit death threat on this writer four years ago?…we power on and add readers in spite of all of these things and will continue to do so?…we have not and never will allow and advertiser or a bully to intimidate us from doing what we do best?…that commitment and our willingness to be maligned by the powers that be without fading in reporting things like the back room meeting to take away your Homestead Tax Credit (Marsha Abell and Mayor Winnecke were there), the McCurdy Fiasco, the delusions of the Weinzapfel Administration regarding a downtown convention hotel, etc, etc, etc?…intimidation and threats did not silence us before and they will not now?…in ten short years the CCO has grown from having very few readers to having over 2 Million page views a year from nearly 150,000 (adult population of the entire county) different readers?…this growth happened because we are filling a NEED FOR HONESTY IN EXPOSING BAD PUBLIC POLICY?…this is our task, this is what we do, and a handful of advertisers who seem to be fearful enough of the retribution of a political party central committee to abandon their ability to reach this audience may just learn that boycott is a two edged sword?

IS IT TRUE we are changing our long term policy of not endorsing political candidates for office and are presently working on forming a political nonpartisan editorial board made up of distinguished individuals to endorse candidates who are most likely to further “good public policy” for the betterment of this community?  …we shall be making an announcement next week who has accepted our invitation to serve of this board?


  1. My God what is going on with my party? Please stand your ground CCO. I shall have my uncle call you’ll next week to advertise in your paper. I guarantee that the CCO can expect many advertisers to come forward and support them after what Abell and Parke has done to them. My plea to all COO readers and supporters to come forward and support them with your advertising dollars I was leaning towards voting for Abell before this situation but not now.

  2. SHAME on those asking to pull their ads from the CCO. I would sure like to know who those advertisers are so I can boycott them. I haven’t eaten at KFC in 7 years and McDonalds only once in 10 years so I’d have no problem adding these machine supporting businesses to my do not patronize list.

  3. Is the Wayne Parke that called this special meeting the same Wayne Parke that came on here and told me he didn’t have time to answer my questions? Surely not. Whatever happened to him? I sure haven’t seen the CCO Wayne Parke in a while.

  4. This is EXACTLY the type of thing people like Wayne Parke and Marsha Abell get up to. They are under the mistaken belief they are adept at navigating the political landscape, that they are savvy. I’m here to tell them both, they are not savvy. Their grasp on the reigns of power is tenuous. Their public relations skills are non-existent. I hope the CCO readers and the voters of Vanderburgh County give them both black eyes they will not soon forget.

    And to those advertisers bowing to the pressure of these blowhards, you’re making a big mistake. I would politely invite you to reconsider your position from a LONG TERM perspective. Look at the political landscape around you and ask how much longer the Republican Party can hold off the tide of libertarianism in its ranks. How much longer do you think people of Parke and Abell’s ilk will control that Party? Look at the rise of alternate media and the CCO. How long do you think the good old boy network will reign when people are getting their news in ways that do not fit the old mold?

    Better get with the program.

  5. Could it be true that by CCO “endorsing” candidates that this site could set itself up for failure? Would it be “wise” to push the agenda towards the candidates favored by this site, instead of officially painting yourself into a “Wayne Parke’s” corner? Please reconsider that thought of officially endorsing someone. Lean heavy towards someone would be fine.

    Why do I see a vision of a “Austin Power’s” movie, Wayne Parke’s playing Doctor Evil, and CCO thinking of playing “Mini-me”.

    • Out there,where you might be at in that county, one aspect you all should watch is the ground temperature vs moisture levels and what and what doesn’t perk water, when.
      This seasons gonna be a rather interesting one, we think. The [smart community] science stuff that started this stuff is watching that real close. Some of our systems operate on real time ground sensing technology. We have some prototyping at different locations around the region, northern Vanderburgh included.

      So far the conditions might hold a fella back a couple of weeks forward. The rain event coming will further warm the soil however probably not to the depth we would recommend some numbers ,in, for timely germination. Its interesting that some “fields of production” that are holding some overwinter cover structure have turned the “affect” somewhat maybe,overhead conductivity,could be the fact that some feral root structure induces moisture conductivity to start to spring forward somewhat.

      Relate that to local politics,and you’ve got it nailed.
      In the mean time we’ll keep developing our models for ease and viability for more profitability for the fellas planting the “seeds.”

      “cultivation of the mind is as necessary as food to the body”
      (Marcus Tillius Cicero)

      “I can always tell’ya where “Dutch” fellas farm,they sure plant the rows tight,and straight,even the short rows.” ( Old Indiana farmer), (GrandPa) 😉

      • 7:15 pm

        Air temp at 52 degree

        Surface temp of last years double crop wheat/late beans. Bare, bean stubbles, cover crop areas ect. 45-50 degree

        4″, 8″ 12″ below ground all running at 46-47 degree.

        • Our data is being recovered further down than that,soil type,structure,positioning ground sl/elv. and all atmospheric condition per TOD.
          We are returning ten points at increased incremental levels to relative depths,with some incremental above ground traces conditionally observed for moisture/elemental/evaporation for chemical and irrigation controls per each defined environmental GPS location. Wind conditionals,as well.

          I referred to the duck blind conversations with some leading agribusiness people. This and just my own experiences on farms throughout ones life contact. We’ve found that the more we develop this system the more practical uses it actually has.
          Side note to that is our Taguchi DOE is now providing some awesome information to a major seed and chemical function.,this in the timing for applicable encapsulation chemistry per seasonal spanning per regional site projected

          That’s corporate confidence protected.

          Our systems goal throughout its span of objective’s is provisional to the farm operation itself to provide best timing per irrigation,chemical application,tillage,and harvest,including best condition for set up for the spring planning forward. Costing controls for climate change actions forward. Our methodology is incrementally protected per combinations,as well.

          Its clean water,and carbon farm credit at its, and our technologies finest. Mostly thermodynamics applied stuff with a touch of the planet included.
          Real good “higher tech Jobs” at all levels in agribusiness forward applied anywhere people grow things,in all aspect ranges as perceived and tested.

          The farm can be managed daily by device of choice, starting every morning at the breakfast table to the pillow after sundown,the farmer sleeps better,the system,never does.
          This system will probably end up in the hands of the true farm manager,the Lady in the kitchen,while the farmer attends to other more physical touch points around the working agribusiness.

          No April fools joke, its leading edge technology available today,bushels of jobs for actual climate change management brought home where it belongs (Indiana?or?),moved forward,leading edge to best angle of attack,for max lift for altitude &”Bin,Bustin,Elevation” forward.*
          Clear up some of the minor localized stuff,I really need to talk to GE and Boeing about this,CoOp,so too speak.

          I abhor the word collaboration,sounds to us like something one might hear,in Ukraine today, or the planet in 1941.

          I like to present this conceptualization as rising with the sun,and the times,putting both to bed,as,well*

    • For all my past gripes about the Courier & Press, one thing they did that I liked was to publish their candidate endorsements (with rationales) very shortly before Election Day (I think it was the preceding Sunday). Although I didn’t agree with all of them, their rationales provided perspectives that I didn’t always have before then, and expanded my background for my voting decisions (always split ticket). The CCO could do the same, and I’d be sure to read & consider the editors’ opinions as well.

  6. I’m also very interested with who is on the list of politically controlled businesses. Its nice to know who you are ultimately supporting.

    Money talks.

  7. Didn’t Scott Danks post something on Facebook about the Winnecke administration interfering with someone’s business interest for failure to support him. Is that true and is this now the playbook of the local GOP? If so it’s time to get the Feds involved!

  8. I too, would not switch policy on edorsements. Instead I’d release the names of the advertisers seeking to be released from their contracts. Other than vectren there are no advertisers who do not have alternatives in the market for us to spend our money. I predict no sortage of businesses wanting to fill those spots. Knowing there is no way for these busnesses to increase income by not advertsing with the readers here, there is no other contact point to reach the unique customers here.

    • The CCO is free to take their business in any direction they deem necessary. Though I am not sure a non-political editorial board is a good idea. On the surface it sounds good but I think it would change the character of the CCO. Though no doubt it would make for some real lengthy threads.

  9. The only way to fight this is with the truth. Release the names of the businesses that are attempting to withdraw contracts. Only then will the voters know what is going on, by whom and to whom.

  10. Breaking News: Chicago politics invades Evansville.

    What can be any worse than the powers that be wanting truthful information kept from the populace.


    • Speaking of “information kept from the populace”: where in the world is the State Board of Accounts audit ?

      Did the City Administration tell SBOA that revealing the audit prior to the IU Medical School decision would jeopardize Downtown’s chances ?????????????

  11. Serious questions: How is this any different than what Wal-Mart or any other big business does when it demands concessions from it’s contractors and providers in order to continue doing business with them?

    It seems to me you can’t have your cake and eat it took, CCO. Either a free market allows interest groups to influence how those they deal with spend their capital or they do not. What could possibly be illegal about it? The Boss says don’t do something, and you are free to decide if you want to comply or not. If there are financial consequences for non-compliance with those wishes (in this case, a reduced chance of a government contract?), that’s on the entity making the decision, isn’t it?

    I thought the CCO wanted the government to start acting more like a business?

    • The difference is business always dickers and deals for best prices, it’s called commerce.

      When government affects commerce to alter opinion it’s called repression.

      • Negative. Because business is a human enterprise, it is often rife with kickbacks, favoritism, under the table dealings, nepotism, and other ‘sneagel’ behavior.

        I still fail to see the difference in what private enterprise does daily and what the Republicans are accused of doing now. I am happy to be educated on the subject, however.

        I fear the CCO does not want done unto them what they advocate private entities should be allowed to do unto others?

        • I think the big difference is who the “investors” are. I’m not sure the taxpayers would appreciate politicians using their investment as collateral in a grade school playground fight. They are tasked with being good stewards of our money but that expectation flew out the window long ago.

    • I have to agree with DB on this one, free society, do we want one or not? business same as individuals should have the right to choose, if they are under contractual obligations then they’ll have to satisfy the contract or face litigation, but that doesn’t trump their rights to choose.

      Having said that is it ethical in this instance? not in my mind because it has little to do with a business decision and has the connotation of being vindictive because of a position or view point not shared by both parties, will it effect the CCO at the end of the day? not in the least bit, but it will serve to show how politics in Evansville works.

      And Wayne wonders why some of us who do business with the city/county/state won’t post under our real names, this is a prefect example why we don’t.


  12. I’m waiting for my invitation!

    However, I much prefer focusing on Warrick County!

    • …What does that mean?

      You have no duty to explain how?

      It sounds like a bomb-throwing statement made by a coward.

  13. Time for the sun to shine on the businesses who have ‘inquired’ about pulling their ads from the CCO.

    I think the CCO must list the names of those threatening to pull their ads at the behest of the local Republican Party leadership to keep their credibility. I understand they don’t want to lose the potential revenue but you really just can’t cave to blackmail. It will only embolden the malefactors, let it blow up in their face instead.

    ‘Abell was I ere I saw Abell.’ ~~ Napoléon Lajoie’s final words

    • Agreed. Is it not the goal, meme and purpose of the CCO? Of course acting as an “armchair” adviser (not in real life) to the CCO revealing the names of the businesses fulfills the CCO purpose and also at least to me would go a very long way to enhance their purpose. Let the chips fall where they may.

      Just an opinion.

      • We will be giving the businesses who pulled their ads a day to think about the contents of today’s IS IT TRUE before explicitly publishing who they are. Some are already gone at their own request. Care to guess who they are?

        • One is Joe Harrison, Jr., attorney for County.

          One is John Friend and Company.

          One is Scott Danks.

        • I prefer not to guess but I think you are wise to give them a cooling of period to rethink their decisions. Will you let us know who decided return?

          Am I to infer; ” Some are already gone at their own request.” to mean it was not politically motivated or their politics are so ingrained with their business that is was a “no brainer” to withdraw their advertising?

          • As we stated in today’s IS IT TRUE, we have never in five years had an ad cancelled. Four were cancelled within 24 hours of the Republican Central Committee meeting last week. Three are under contract to the County and are thus getting their contracts approved by Commissioner Abell. The other is a Republican candidate for office. We do not believe this is a coincidence. But yes, a cooling off period to realize how they are being strong armed and decide if towing the line for the party boss trumps a business decision is in order. As our avatar said today, “Keep Calm, and Rage Against the Machine”.

          • dveactch: What ever the local politics does now should be to move for altitude with just how your metro and regional are going to be set forward with the “thermodynamic planetary period”. As in end of sentence. Smart Balance Infrastructure first.

            This isn’t going away,you all need to plan the next 25 years with some real constructive applications to push your metro into the future with this.

            Smart communities are doing this and the people and commerce are following them. Period. The politicians who don’t get this are might as well give in too it,or they are extinct. Another period.

            This is about the balance,and its sustainability* of any given communities affordable well being, if that’s not a social economic engine,we don’t know what will be.
            BTW; We,ve determined the Earthcare letdown turbo thingy is a parasitic addition to the whole problem,even,if it was granted an actual market,or function thereof. We want to see the council meeting when is that?


            • Council meeting is tonight and it remains an opportunity to start the discussion to rescind the previously approved under duress loan in it’s rightful place. That would be swimming with the fishes.

              Tantum fossor gets acerbus per idem eadem idem snake bis

              (only a fool gets bitten by the same snake twice)

  14. Looks like Wayne and Marsha are flexing their political muscle. Would anyone who knows the way these people operate expect anything else from them?

    I expect the launching of the CCO Me-TV video interviews kicked things up a notch in their world. They realized that their control of the media has suffered a hit, and they reacted in typical fashion.

    This will undoubtedly only serve to INCREASE traffic on CCO, and rightfully so.

    The sooner the machine is broken into small pieces, and those pieces are swept out the door, the sooner Evansville can start a new and better chapter for her future generations of Hoosiers.

    We currently have all the municipal debt we can handle. There should be a moratorium on new debt until this current debt is paid down to more realistic levels. If that means closing some facilities that perpetually bleed red ink, then so be it! It certainly means that Santa Claus will not be handing out goodies to the business community at the levels we have seen in the past.


  15. It’s our own fault.

    When we saw Reagan come in and restart America, with “Out of Business” signs turning into “Help Wanted” signs, and people EVEN MAKING A NEW LINE OF CARS, America thought we were on the right track. And we were. It was a boom that lasted deep into the second Bush administration.

    Then we went to sleep.

    “Republicans” entered the fray, thinking “being like Democrats will keep us elected” but time after time the pathology LOST. Who wants a pretend Democrat, when Bill Clinton is around?

    And right now they ignore the two landslides of Reagan, trying their “just like Democrats” plan which keeps failing, and hating the TEA Party candidates who are whipping them.

    But locally? WTF? We’re mired DEEP in establishment republicans, NOT proper Conservatives. They’re morons.

    And for that, I apologize.

  16. Importantly, True Serenity Massage and The Fonz are still here. The other Fonz, Joe Jr. seems to be MIA. I hope he finds his way back.

    I do not understand how folks who kowtow in such a public manner to a mini-Priebus could keep any self respect let alone expect it and maybe a vote from others.

    Maybe Reincette did it to imtimidate Ethridge.

    • There is a big difference in Ethridge and the CCO. Ethridge needs his paycheck to eat. The CCO guys don’t. The CP needs ad revenue to keep the lights on. The CCO does not. That fact has been the bane of everyone who has tried to control the content of the CCO by intimidation and threats. Local politicians need the CCO. The CCO does not need them. The same goes for the ad buyers who have gone into hiding because Wayne “Dog” Parke did a beat down on them.

      • You are wrong that the CCO does not need the local politicians. They clearly need the local politicians to keep doing sneaky and stupid things so they can report it. So far one would think the local politicians have a vested interest in seeing the CCO grow by the volume of material they keep supplying.

        • I’m starting to wonder if the Civic Center is built on a site with so many toxins that it is causing mental infirmities in those who spend a lot of time there. Some of the behaviors being exhibited there make me worry about the mental health of some of our “leaders.”

      • Truth and Justice has always been popular in comic books, not so much in Evansville politics, the question is would the GOP pull ads from the C&P if they wrote a story that cast Ms Abell in a bad light?

        IMHO the C&P is more flexible in how it writes/words political stories with that ad revenue always on the editors mind, the CCO does not succumb to such restrictions because it’s always striving to publish the truth with no political spin in either direction, but the CCO does have it’s biases same as the C&P it’s just that the CCO’s are not motivated by the bottom line.

        Lets face it the C&P is a dieing business, it may not be on life support yet but it is getting close.


        • Rev. Brooks appeared in front of the city council and said: no no, the C&P reporter had it all wrong, I don’t know why they don’t let JM write the articles about Memorial Community Development Corporation, he “understands” what is going on.

          Next article, Bob’s your uncle, TL was replaced by JM. Speaks volumes about the newspaper.


  17. Mr. Editor my guess who withdrew from advertising in the City County Observer are,County Attorney and Marsha re-election campaignChairman Joe Harrison , Jr, Vanderburgh County insurance provider-Dillow, Flitttner and Hofman Insurance Co. and Ron Bacon- Republican State Representative.

    Hows my guess?

      • Editor,

        1) For those with whom you had a history of billing for ads, the case would be TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE WITH CONTRACT; and

        2) For those with whom you were discussing running their ads in the future, the case would be TORTIOUS INTERFERENCE WITH PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS RELATiONS.

        no charge.

        • Perfect description of what we suspect. Here is what can happen to those who practice such things. Looking through that definition there have been many such instances of this offense that we know of in Evansville and it all is not recent Republican shenanigans. Ah the price of mental distress and malice.

          “Typical legal damages for tortious interference include economic losses, if they can be proven with certainty, and mental distress. Additionally punitive damages may be awarded if malice on the part of the wrongdoer can be established.”

          • If I recall correctly, punitive damages carry a higher than normal monetary penalty. But how many times in Evansville has anyone been held legally accountable in such cases or cases ever brought to court?

          • Additionally, how can you prove it? Yes I know you have said in the four or five years of operation there has never been an advertiser withdrawing. That is a decent track record of retaining “customers” to use the term.

            I just have a feeling it would amount to nothing more than circumstantial evidence. On the other hand civil cases have a much lower bar to jump when evidence is concerned. So you just might have a shot. IANAL.

  18. When you run a political publication expect political retribution. It just seems naive and somewhat hypocritical to argue agaist their freedom of choice. No, I am not a Abell fan.

    • What freedom of choice, to be told by the head of the party to pull the ad, or else there will be consequences? Some freedom of choice for them.

      • There are consequences to every action, you just have to be willing to accept them. I suppose the implicit threat is that if they don’t pull their ads the will no longer be given business opportunities by Republicans, correct?

        So what? If the threatened folks are a competent provider of goods and services already, no big deal. They can likely absorb a loss of revenue that a moral stand would cause. If they only exist because they are the beneficiary of crony deals from our politicians, good riddance to them.

        To say they have no ‘choice’ is disingenuous.

    • You’ve got to be kidding me Brent. This is not some freedom of choice, this is a massive bullying by the power elites.

  19. Just when I think nothing will shock me about E’ville politics, something like this comes along. Do those clowns really think that cancelling their ads in CCO is going to get them anything, except some “backlash”?

    • It should get any direct competitor to the businesses or politicians that answered the Parkeian gong reduced advertising rates at the CCO (after the appropriate period of reflection that is being charitably afforded the skittish follyticians).

      Machiavelli would advise waiting no longer to move and giving the blade a gratuitous half turn for good measure.

    • It’s the only tool they have, but the bigger question is for how long? the demographics/traffic numbers for the CCO would tell most folks that advertizing here would be a smart move, but then again we are talking about politicians in Evansville.

      It just really shows that what a lot of us have been saying for years that there really is no difference between parties, take this instance for an example, either party would have handled this in the same manner ie pulling ads because they think they are hurting the CCO by doing so, but it’s not hurting them at all they existed before the ads and will continue without them.

      What they are doing besides looking foolish is alienating potential voters who are not party loyalists which is the bulk of the people who are eligible to vote, not saying they will vote but if they do choose to be informed and vote shenanigans like this is what sends people to 3rd tier parties, eventually those parties will be strong enough to win elections.


    • It almost reads as a poorly written plot line for a B grade movie.

      Petty people have little concern about their actions. Any backlash is viewed as a necessary “evil”. You know its the ends justify the means kind of thing. It is really disappointing to see such pettiness in the Republican party at this level. Sadly the Democrats do the same.

  20. When does early voting for the primary start? It’s time to get out the vote for Mr. U!

  21. I would rather the CCO just keep giving us the facts and let us decide rather than endorsing any candidates.

  22. I’m voting for Mr. U. There was never a doubt in my mind about this. Marsha was there when they tried to steal my homestead exemption. It’s time for professional politicians to go and regular citizens to take back our government.

  23. I’m going off topic here, but I hope somebody can enlighten me. An article just appeared in the C&P, telling about the Mayor’s cuts to the budget to make up for the shortfall. One of the first things it says is “The city is buying back compensatory time owed to Evansville Police Department,…”.
    Isn’t that the exact opposite of what was announced a few weeks back? How is following the same policy that has been in place for years suddenly a “budget cut?”
    Oh, not to worry though! Hizzoner says there will be no negative impact on city services, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief!

  24. Sure appears that we are walking down memory lane, i.e. remember the Nixon years, how censorship ruled the day, when plumbers were employed to stop the so-called leaks, and the press was ridiculed and attacked. Remember how businesses found the IRS, OSHA, and EPA at their door steps, and some received lucrative government contracts and others were left out. Businesses have to maintain sale revenues and are forced to the well…let’s not be critical towards those insurance agencies and lawyers who hope to maintain lucrative contracts, but be critical towards those politicians who abuse their offices. So, let your voices be heard on election day!!!

  25. Btw, does all this mean that Wayne is going to stop enlightening us peons with his spot-on, well-written comments here?

  26. Why is everyone not surprise about Ms. Abell. Remember in 1995 at the Junior League event when she stood in front the entire audience and criticize her opponent, Alberta Matlock concerning, apparently, Ms. Matlock’s social habits, lets say alleged social habits, hanging out in bars, etc. etc. etc. It was totally embarrassing and uncalled for…obviously, the votes thought likewise…and of course, lets not forget about the Homestead Credit, were Ms Abell has dementia, at least regarding who was at the meeting. Hell, I feel sorry for Mayor Weinzapfel, who took it in the neck, knowing that Wennecke coupled with Abell called for the meeting. The saga just keeps on going. Hopefully, the May primary will put an end to this craziness.

    • You are crazy if you think Weinzapfel was an innocent pawn in that backroom deal. He asked Winnecke to call the meeting and Winnecke fell for it. Abell was right there in on the whole deal though. Troy even had evidence of it during the last run for commissioner and WEINZAPFEL TALKED HIM OUT OF USING IT. Sort of like Wayne Parke bullying those folks into boycotting the CCO if you ask me. Abell is a backroom dirty dealer from way back. She is not the ringleader though. Evansville has been run by the old boys forever. Marsha is one of the old boys.

      • Damn I forgot about that ad that TT was going to run.

        I won’t forget the shouting match that took place outside the Coliseum that election night though.

  27. Isn’t that what free speech is about. You don’t always agree lbut you should be able to report what is true.
    Hummmm, has Carl Rove been in town?

  28. As we are speaking, VECTREN has their mouthpiece in front of the Evansville City Council doing some cheer leading for his company.

    I must say his timing is excellent, here just a couple of weeks before the IURC meets in Evansville, for a change, to discuss VECTREN’s gas rates.

    So tune in and listen to his well prepared spiel on why the new higher rates are necessary, while I continue here with what is really going on with natural gas nowadays.

    FRACKING. That is what is going on, and it is producing a glut of natural gas, which will tend, or at least should tend to lower cost to the end user.

    Couple that with the fact that the high efficiency equipment that goes in new construction and remodeled homes and businesses, and you can see that consumption of BTUs is on a downward path.

    So how do you keep revenue coming in the front door in such circumstances if you are a gas utility.

    Well you could lobby government to allow you to annually “upgrade” an agreed upon percentage of your underground plant, based on age and not need, and to be allowed to pass that cost on to the consumer. Did that.

    Well you could purchase a company that does the type of work that the IURC has agreed to allow you to perform annually. Did that.

    Well you could use that pipeline company very handily, since there is no one looking over your shoulder to see how long it takes you to do a rehab job (hours billed), or how much equipment was used (as opposed to how much was actually needed), and I think you get the picture here on how one might use the regulated side of the house to drive profits for the non regulated side.

    Just a little something for people to contemplate here, two weeks before the IURC hearing at 6:pm on April 14, 2014 at the Civic Center.


  29. Boycott? Parke, I have said a lot of uncomplimentary things about you, related to your own rhetoric, on this site, as well as to family, and friends. You are indeed your own worst enemy without a doubt! My own rule in posting is that I would never say any thing that I would not say to your face.
    I now feel the obligation to to stand up and call you out as the SCUM you are! I will call out anyone who supports this Chickenshit Boycott, as SCUM as well! My Name? TERRY LEE RICKARD,–and YOU are less than worthless to the Republican Party, and the Whole Community for that matter.

    • Trouble with the hotel???????? After the golden shovel party????? Say it ain’t so, please, please say it ain’t so.

    • Citizen Dunn has apparently made a complaint with Hilton over the new hotel competing with his.

    • Well if no one listens to their foolishness, they will fail and the CCO will not be impacted at all. You guys say you want good public policy. The public failure and humiliation of these two toads would help you move toward that goal.

  30. Obviously, many politician mis-speak or their comments are taken out of context or are just misconstrued and when confronted, those politician that step up and admit an error, generally show leadership, however, those who deny any impropriety demonstrate their arrogance and utter contempt toward the electorate. In regards to Ms. Abell, just examine the fruit she bares, keeping in mind her famous display with Kelly Cores captured by one of the TV networks at the republican gathering in Nov 2007 witnessing the outcome of the City election. Something to be proud. Maybe it is time for real change?

  31. We should keep in mind that it is the democrats who have given us today’s Evansville. Republicans should be an option for change. I guess if it doesn’t matter if the change is for the better or worse, they are. Currently, the people who impress me the most are democrats.

  32. If Marsha Abell loses the election no one is to blame but local GOP Chairmen Wayne Parke! He killed her re-election bid by running his stupid mouth.


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