IS IT TRUE? March 30, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? March 30, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the US Census Bureau has just released the new location of the median center of the population of the United States based on the 2010 census?…that this location is the intersection of two thin lines on a map and is the point where half of the people of the country live to the north, half to the south, half to the east, and half to the west?…that this new location is in a cornfield on a family farm in Pike County, Indiana?…that the migration of this point is a good indicator of which parts of the country are growing the fastest?…that if growth patterns continue at the same rates as they have for the last 50 years that in 2020 this distinction will be near New Harmony and by 2030 will be near Harrisburg, Illinois?

IS IT TRUE that local legend says that Evansville is in the ideal location for logistics due to the fact that it is the closest city to the median center of population?…that one would intuitively think that would have some value that could be commercialized?…that we do not seem to be doing so?…that the big logistical centers in America that have materialized during the last 50 years are all based on AIRPORTS?…that FedEx chose Memphis and UPS chose Louisville to capitalize on their locations?…that rather than being the closest city to the median center of the population the attribute that can be commercialized is being the closest city with the infrastructure to support a logistics center?…that without an AIRPORT that can handle the traffic the distinction of being the closest city to the population center of the United States is simply a statistic on a brochure about the City of Evansville?…that in 50 years at present growth rates the center of population will be near Bentonville, Arkansas the corporate headquarters of WalMart?…that this fleeting and moving opportunity will have passed by Evansville if something is not done in the next 20 years to capitalize upon it?…that the following link has a really nice animation showing just how rapidly this is passing Evansville by?

IS IT TRUE that the parking garage for the Executive Inn has a new date with the wrecking ball?…that the new date to start the demolition is April 12th?…that the City County Observer supports Woodruff Hospitality and wish them no more delays or unwelcomed surprises in their efforts to develop a the new Hyatt Place Convention hotel?…that we do not believe that the demolition of the Executive Inn parking garage with adversely affect the parking situation in downtown Evansville?…that Woodruff will be constructing an underground parking structure that will replace the parking that is being lost due to demolishing the parking garage?…that if parking was a problem before it still will be a problem and that if parking was a piece of cake before it still will be?…that the number of parking spaces within a reasonable walk of the new Arena exceeds the number of parking spaces in the Roberts Stadium parking lot?…that with the sole exception of the “Back 40” that the downtown spaces are and will be harder to find?…that the ease of parking for the events at the new Arena will be completely dependent on the communication system that will hopefully be put into place as part of the Arena project?…that this will be frustrating and will take some learning on the part of the attendees but that the spaces are definitely there?

IS IT TRUE that the Executive Inn itself has been out of the limelight and off of peoples radar for a while now?…that darn eyesore still has to come down too?…that it would have been prudent to have the April 12th demolition include both structures?…that we are quite curious to know when the fleabag Executive Inn will have its second date with the wrecking ball?…that we also are curious about the bidding process for the demolition of the Executive Inn?…that we would like to know who the bidders were and what the bids happened to be?


  1. When counting “available” parking spaces “within walking distance” of the new arena, remember a few things: 1) the employees and owners of all the new businesses result of this wonderful economic boon to downtown also need a place to park and will be parked before the arena ticket holders get there, and 2) all the folks who live in the lofts and their guests, whether for pre-event parties or tailgating, also will be there first, and 3) coinciding events and longterm parking by government employees, government vehicles, other unrelated business employees and equipment, etc. also will be parked or seeking parking during many of the arena events.

    Okay, back to talking about the surplus of “available parking spaces within walking distance of the new arena …”

  2. Is it true that tearing down the old executive inn should have been done with the rest of it? That when the wrecking ball swings, it is impossible to tear down with out affecting the precious new arena. We wonder how much damage it will have?

  3. when are they suppose to start on the arena ? all i have seen is a big jon down there

  4. Is there a map of the exact spot of this median location? That link stopped at the year 2000. I sure hope they put some kind of plaque out there at the very least to recognize this.

    As for the Exec, I’d much rather have it than what they are building especially when it had its tall tower and lit up at night. I support the Woodruffs but that new hotel is uuuuuugggggggggggly. I’m still wondering why building a parking garage and hotel above ground was never considered.

    This is what a hotel should look like…

    As for the notion that the Exec is beyond repair, if Detroit can renovate this, I’m pretty sure the Exec is no problem…

  5. Is it true that a couple of trolley cars going back and forth between the arena and the back 40 would be nice? That this would help the older folks who can’t walk that far? That it would be safer as well? And maybe a 3rd trolley to go in the other direction, down Walnut and back up Main?

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