IS IT TRUE that Earthcare Energy under their new name Enviro Energy LLC is 17 hours away from completion of their 31 day campaign to raise donations on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo and still has not raised one thin dime?…the pitch on Indiegogo actually has more detail about the Gas Letdown Technology than the fellows from Earthcare Energy LLC shared with Mayor Winnecke or the City Council the last time the TRAVELING ECONOMIC SALVATION SHOW came to town?…as we should all remember that during their first Evansville performance Ken Haney, Steven Geldmacher, Ervin Washington and the rest of the sideshow convinced Mayor Winnecke and the Loan Administration Board that there was such urgency to do a deal that they had a photo-op and pocketed a check for $200,000 before the City Council was even notified?…today is the day of reckoning for all who cast a favorable vote for this TRAVELING ECONOMIC SALVATION SHOW to pocket that $200,000?
IS IT TRUE after the weekend we now have a sufficient number of MOLES who have advised us that Mayor Winnecke and the Loan Administration Board are strongly considering extending the time of this $200,000 loan so they don’t have to deal with the consequences of collection during the same time as the GOLDEN SHOVEL EVENT for the downtown convention hotel that still has not shown or spoken about a formal loan approval document?…our MOLES even tell us that there are some prominent Civic Center employees and contractors who still think the 50 year old technology that Earthcare Energy LLC shook them down with is a viable technology to create lots of local jobs?…as the old saying goes “fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you?â€
IS IT TRUE the CCO has also confirmed that the Evansville City Council never formally rescinded the commitment to loan Earthcare Energy LLC an additional $4.8 Million on top of the $200,000 that they have remained current on?…if the powers that be wanted to they could still write the TRAVELING ECONOMIC SALVATION SHOW a check for $4.8 Million to get this hot air device going?…if the Mayor and his inner sanctum really believed that Earthcare, Enviro, or whatever the name du jour is was a good investment they could have written that check anytime during the last two years?…if the loan is extended it is simply a cowardly politically driven act to avoid a date with responsibility?…it is time to rescind the commitment and collect the debt?…any actions other than those will brand Evansville as SUCKERTOWN again?
IS IT TRUE the operating performance for the Ford Center and the Victory Theatre were released over the weekend to avoid scrutiny and as most rational minds had predicted THEY BOTH JOINED THE BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE CENTRE as losers of the people’s money?…they all three even lost money before considering the debt payments that are of course serviced from another pocket?…in the cast of the Ford Center with its $127.5 Million debt if the interest rate is 4% the interest alone amounts to roughly $5 Million on top of the nearly $500,000 loss on operations?…back when the Weinzapfel Administration was paying a consulting firm to tell them what they wanted to hear everyone was drunk on borrowed money in predicting that “Ford Center will be profitable from DAY ONE?â€â€¦we wonder if that was just a pack of lies or if the cast of characters actually believed the tea leaves they were reading while drinking the Kool-Aid?…the people of Evansville has had enough smoke blown up their kiester with the returns on investment of the fun and games schemes?…except in some very large cities with established entertainment brands fun and games schemes have been proven time and time again to be financial black holes?…we wonder why would anyone have thought it would have been different here?
Wayne Parke with all positives coming do you think a Winnecke and Weinzapfel coalition will win again!!!!! Hey I took my aspirin so I am on my meds! Thanks for the concern!!!
This wasn’t just the mayor approving these loans. It was John Friend and gang too!
“Finance Committee Chairman John Friend entered a motion to table the loan issue to an April 9 meeting:”—ev_citycouncil/
Fool me once SHAME ON YOU fool me twice SHAME ON ME… What is wrong with these people?? How many times have they been to the dog and pony show but never remember the last act and bite on each pitch that comes along.. Makes me think follow the money.
My question is: Who brought these people to our community in the first place? Who was their local sponsor? Was it Weinzapfel?
Bagby was running the operation to get the city council on board. Wonder what the democrat patronage king has to say about his pushing for this turd to be funded?
I would sure like to know more about the people involved in the process of the sale of the old Whirlpool building. This seems to be key to the present discussion, as Weinzapfel was constantly trying to find tenants for the properties he set the Kunkel Group up in with the aid of taxpayer funds, be the funds local, state, or federal.
How many lawyers on City Council . . . and the loan commitment was not rescinded ?
With apologies to SBR, the 2012 link to WFIE shown below (posted by Editor) from 2012 shows that she TRIED to rescind the commitment, but her colleagues didn’t back her.
Way to go Stephanie, you had the right idea !
This promises to be an interesting week in news. Surely there will be an announcement of a firm committment to financing for the hotel and I’m just certain the audit will be completed any day now. We’re expecting a big announcement about the future of E’ville and the scam formerly known as Earthcare. I look for an explanation of why the losses shown by the Victory and the Ford Center aren’t really losses, because I’m sure somebody in City Hall has figured out a “spin” for that one. There is a good possiblility that the decision on the appeal of the “Cross the River” case could come down as soon as this week, too.
There is always the chance that Wayne will have commissioned a new poll that shows the Mayor with a 90% approval rating. I always look forward to Wayne’s polls.
Get your rest, Joe. This could be a busy week.
The “Community Resources/Blood” flowing into “Combined Sewers of Old Downtown”, brought to you for your “entertainment”, by the Sewer Rats that write the Checks, and IOUs, on Community resources.
The EarthCare debacle leaves the city leaders looking very foolish, perhaps that’s why they won’t address it. This really has been the strangest administration. Unwilling to speak to citizen’s concerns, aloof and seemingly not too sharp.
It is almost as if they are training to occupy the side rings of a three ring circus. When they do send their surrogates out to speak the honking from the clown car preempts and overshadows the clichés before they can trot them out. The next stop stocked with primed rubes beckons and the Funstermobile won’t be denied.
You don’t bite the hand that fed you for 8 years. It would not have been prudent for you or your employer, 5/3rd. It is all about the homeless……the morally/ethically homeless, that is. This administration is a continuation of the last, and we all witnessed Weinzapfel hand pick his successor.
“…if the powers that be wanted to they could still write the TRAVELING ECONOMIC SALVATION SHOW a check for $4.8 Million to get this hot air device going?…”
Way to go editor! The powers hadn’t thought of that possibility yet. Stop giving them ideas!
Last meeting where the rescind option was tabled.
Diving a little deeper into an article linked to the original I found this reassuring statement from our mayor.
“Regardless of differing opinions, city officials say Earthcare does still owe the City $184,000 from an initial loan they were given.
The mayor says he has no reason to believe that money won’t be repaid to taxpayers.”
What a blast from the past. I had not read a lot of those articles. It’s nice to be reminded of how just a voice or two, if persistent enough, can really have an impact.
One council member tried but could not muster the support needed. Today would be a good day to try to muster that support again.
Meeting canceled for today. Weather.
I understand that the City Council is cancelled, but will the meeting on what to do with EarthCare cancelled, too?
Editor; (+1) Good run down on that old technology,heck,the safety viability alone is a twist in itself.
Like I previously posted its nothing new,takes from work,and “supplied line pressures”,to create work.
The existing pressure source pathways are not clear,lease/or costing,and the product liability issues are immense,at least they were back in 1972 when we researched the same type conceptuality and model viability forward.
We thought of the use of the same thing on drilling sites,as excessive wellhead gas vent technology used instead of wasted and just burnt off.
Our pressure supplies,viable supply pathway,however the product liability costing was far too costly to continue developmental funding. The technologies balance was not sustainable for “remote operational viabilities.” When they first explained what they had,I kinda knew from previous experience,who’d been had.
“Nihil sub sole novum”
“Nothing new under the sun”
Speaking of earth care and screw pumps, what’s your learned opinion on Sterling engines?
Operating pressures and lubricants usually work against the Stirling,the first types go back to pre 1820,I think, The size and weight of the things can be a problem.
Being closed cycle they can develop caustic reactive problems internally. In thermodynamic fluids applied with cryocoolers they have found more uses.
The main issue with the colder gases and fluids is embrittlement of the metals used, and compression flammability or explosion failures.
Last one I had any testing input on was being looked at for exploiting methane as a working gas/liquid element.
The design was pretty much a “boat anchor” as far as viable cost to production. Tooling costs were a roadblock game stopper on that one. It was a beta design,however I’ve seen some efficient flat types in smaller applications that seem to work well,the isothermal cycles are less pronounced and steady,but the torque availability is challenged. “boat anchors”.
SBR announced last night that John Friend had assembled the 6 necessary votes to rescind the $4.8 m loan approval. Regardless of what this loan committee does this afternoon, they will have to make their decision knowing that the underlying loan approval is all but gone. Connie Robinson is one of the 6 votes to rescind and she, as a member of this committee, will not vote to extend the loan term 12 months. She’s too smart, and she knows when a deal is dead. This deal was dead on arrival, some people are just really slow. It’s not the technology that poses the biggest problem. It’s the management team, and their obvious inability to get backing essentially anywhere in the world. There are legitimate companies related to this technology. Enviro Energy, LLC just doesn’t happen to be one of them.
No the problem *is* the technology, its snake oil.
Imagine these jokers on Shark Tank.
Haney: We have a patented technology that will we guarantee will sell over a billion a year.
Shark: I just looked for the patent on line and you don’t have one. Can you show me the patent?
Haney: No but I promise we have it, just fly to Nevada and see the prototype, you will be convinced.
Shark: How many have you sold?
Haney: Well ZERO but it is a really good thing and we have talked to the DOE and the Indonesians.
Shark (laughing): I think you are full of crap, go sell your song and dance in Evansville, I’M OUT
Winnecke does not equal good leadership! Winnecke = DERP
Please take a few minutes of you time to review the points put forward in this dissertation.
You have to laugh at some of the tantrums here against Mayor-Apparent Winneckezapfel. Many of these posters are the same C&P liberals who blindly cheered everything that King Jonathan Weinzippy did and told us that the Farce Center was a 100%-certain, can’t-miss, absolutely guaranteed moneymaker from the start–including the debt service.
Don’t worry, mom’s basement dwellers: when the Democrat Party decides that Mayor-Apparent Winneckezapfel has served his purpose, he will be returned to the bank from which they borrowed him. You will get 100% of the patronage jobs back instead of only the 90% you have now (the RINOpublicans get a 10% cut for services rendered). The only question is what kinds of back-door tax increases and borrowing he will be made to do before he leaves.
Speaking of the C&P, would it not be appropriate for the C&P to apologize for its Farce Center cheerleading?
Last sentence is spot on. C&P should apologize for lacking balance; however, I will not be staying up past my bedtime waiting for that to happen. Tim Ethridge is a red neck who just does what ‘upstairs’ (ERBC) tells him to do.
Wienie will not win in the primay, Park will declare Weaver/Wieneke is the Repub choice, Musgrave or SBR elected next mayor.
I vote for SBR
“Debbie did a tremendous job, Debbie went to Nevada to put her eyes on the technology to insure it worked,” said Winnecke. ~~ WFIE Article
You doin’ a heckuva job, Brownie.
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