IS IT TRUE some of our Civic Center Moles are telling us that there are rumblings within the City Administration that if the City Council rescinds the $4.8 Million loan it was deceived into approving for Earthcare Energy that it will put the prospects of downtown Evansville being selected for the IU Medical School in peril? …this is one of the most absurd assertions that we have ever heard? …anyone who would concoct such a story and try to use it to block an effort to rescind this loan must have a lot to hide or a completely demented outlook on event linkage? …sanity would have one to believe that rescinding a loan that was passed under duress and false pretenses like patents and a working models that ready to begin mass production would make a governing body look wiser and bolder?…quite frankly this writer would never make an investment in a location where local government got the wool pulled over their eyes and then failed to correct the problem?  …the next few weeks will indeed be interesting to watch unfold as some people are seemingly choosing selfish politics over good stewardship of taxpayer dollars?
IS IT TRUE that the annual Gallup Study on the State of American Well being has once again placed greater Evansville in among the worst places in the United States for well being? …last year Evansville ranked 182nd out of the 189 places included in the research?…in 2013 Evansville found itself in a four way tie for 180th with Sheveport, LA; Mobile, AL; and Chattanooga, TN? …the scaled ranking earned by Evansville was 62.9 on a scale where scores ranged from a rock bottom low of 59.5 for Huntington, WV to 71.4 for Provo, UT which scored the highest?…among the nations large cities with metro areas over 1 million people our big neighbor to the east Louisville, KY finished deal last out of 52 with a score of 64.1? …just for the record and FYI to the local officials who question it when the City County Observer compares Evansville to Detroit, Detroit scored a 64.4 or 2.4% better than Evansville? …if this continuous situation in being in the bottom cluster of cities in Well Being is not a wake up call to Evansville’s leaders then they must have the phone off the hook?
IS IT TRUE it is of interest to learn just what is considered when calculating the well being index so the CCO downloaded the entire study to see how it is that Evansville seems to be a perennial bottom feeder? …the six domains of well-being comprise the national Well-Being Index, including life evaluation, emotional health, work environment, physical health, healthy behaviors, and basic access? … Combined, these domains create a composite score, which has been relatively stable since 2008, but not without upward and downward movement during this time? …in 2013, the national score fell to 66.2 from 66.7 in 2012, a statistically significant decrease that matches the previous low measured in 2011?…it seems as though the entire country scored lower than ever in 2013 so Evansville is not alone in its slide? …it is more than location that determines well being and when occupation is considered on a national scale the highest ranking of 73.3 goes to business owners and the lowest of 63.3 goes to manufacturing workers
IS IT TRUE when it comes to state rankings the upper plains states dominate the top five with North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Montana taking the top 5 spots? …they also incidentally have vibrant economies and low unemployment due to the oil boom? …the bottom five included West Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, and Ohio most of which felt the lash of the war on coal and saw a continuation of declining wages and a downwardly mobile population due to the nation’s energy policies finding their ways of life out of favor? …as a note 3 of the top states for well being are right to work states and three of the cellar dwellers are not right to work states for whatever that may be worth? …Indiana checked in at #40 up two places from last year?
IS IT TRUE the highest ranking place in Indiana was Indianapolis at #50 and Evansville brought up the rear in a four way tie for #180? …as congressional districts go, Indiana’s 8th District came in at #410 out of the 434 congressional districts? …the file size exceeds what WordPress will allow us to embed by you can cut and paste the following link into your browser to read the entire report?
Saw Rumplebeancounter this morning. Looks like another night of cooking the books in his suit. I think he’s concerned with the new State Board manager (General Sherman) who supposedly hates all things southern Indiana and wants to write up everyone for everything.
Say what ? I thought the Audit was done, the Exit Conference has been completed, and it’s time to go public?
Why would General Sherman be there now, if that’s the case ? All the chefs have completed their work, the cooking is done ??
They got an office in the basement that they use all-year long. I saw General Sherman and Cowabunga today.
What about Sheldon Cooper? Has anyone seen him lately. He now works for the State Board!
I saw him telling Russ:
Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, pur-r-r.
It would take a complete idiot to buy into a story that make the medical school contingent on the funding of earthcare. WTF, did some aliens come to town and suck the brains out of your elected officials or did you elect a bunch of people with the IQ of Forrest Gump.
Maybe it’s both, and the aliens sucked out the Gump-type brains.
EKB: At least the Gump character listened to his Momma.
Don’t think most aliens have never met theirs.
I warned’um about Bee Slough,think they’d learn…
Quit demeaning Forrest Gump; he is better than the local politicians. Would he have approved a $5 million loan/grant to an unproven business?
No. You’re right. My apologies to Mr. Gump.
I have made four attempts to put into words my thoughts about the City Administrations attempt to link the scam they swallowed hook line and sinker to IU Medical School, and the words just fall short.
All I can say is there is some real, I mean real desperation, lying, cowardice and a lack of a moral backbone in the City Administration.
You left out they think we’re all idiots. Maybe they’re right as we elected most of those in this administration. Still, we deserve a little credit.
My bad and you’re right. They didn’t get there without votes.
a resounding YES
“if the City Council rescinds the $4.8 Million loan it was deceived into approving for Earthcare Energy that it will put the prospects of downtown Evansville being selected for the IU Medical School in peril”
The chances of IU building the med school downtown is IMHO in the low 10% of probability, for the anyone in the civic center to hold on to the notion that it is a “preferred location” for IU they obviously didn’t read the RFP.
Then to tie the Earthcare scam to the IU med center being located downtown is straight out of a episode of the “Twilight Zone”, there is no possible correlation between the two, everyone else would come to the conclusion that rescinding the loan would have the effect on IU that Evansville’s leadership is smarter than they look.
What am I missing? ..are they really just this stupid, or is there information that hasn’t been made public? Or is the mayor just drunk on those poll numbers that Wayne keeps touting?
You see the commitment letter, then you will know it is a done deal or if it is really a 20 page breach list.
Show the commitment letter publicly. The council should do this just out of common sense, given they city’s share of the financing. If this is a clean letter, I would think the city would be happy to show it.
I don’t recall the lead bank was ever identified, which is puzzling and a cause of concern. All that was done at the ground breaking was some guy pointing in a general direction alluding to someone or some group financing the hotel that we should be greatful to, which is demeaning.
That lead bank by the way is not ONB by any stretch. I also doubt ONB would fund a $14 million hotel loan in a second lien position on thier own without partcipants, which only murks up things even more. Good luck to ONB also trying to be an investor in a hotel and making the regulators buy that one from a safety and soundness stand point. I hope it all works out but this is out of the ordinary.
And by the way, the only way IU could give a rat fart about the Eathscare loan is if the $4.8 million is paid as an incentive; they could care less about Evanspatch intrigues like this.
The downtown placement of IU Med School should be in peril, it’s the worst alternative. I’m still curious about the financing for the hotel. Have the details of financing and signed documents been made public? I haven’t heard anything about it, and HCW is probably not above exaggerating. I’d think that if that project is not totally “nailed down” it would surely be a negative for attracting the Med school downtown.
Could it be the golden shovel moment was an attempt to pull the wool over the IU people’s eyes the way Earthcare pulled the wool over Evansville’s eyes? I have not seen any real construction effort going on down on the consecrated lot.
I think it’s entirely possible. All I’ve heard is that the clown from HCW pointed to a “group of bankers” and said that they financed it. I haven’t read a word about the entity that is furnishing the money. I don’t even know how the newspaper reporter knew it was a “group of bankers”. I don’t read the Courier much, but I have kept an eye open for that info. Am I just missing it? If anybody knows, please share!
I thought that a little odd too, when the HCW guy pointed to some people at the photo op and said they were the ones who loaned HCW the money. If the ‘bankers’ did indeed come from the Rescue Mission I wonder if they got the keep the clothes.
I just checked their website. Nothing has been updated. There is no mention of a ground-breaking or the date of the start of construction. It is exactly what it was several months ago.
I can’t believe that the body financing the project would not have been recognized by name at the “ceremony” if it was legitimate.
Maybe I’m paranoid, but I wonder if Haney may have referred HCW to E’ville. As for the “bankers”, I bet all they got a haircut and $2 apiece. I bet they were all about the same size as Winnecke, Weinzapfel, or Ziemer. How long now has Kunkel been “on the verge” of getting financing for the McCurdy?
They might have Greyhounded the ‘bankers’ in from an outlying area. That way as they are rearrested on various misdemeanors their cot-sleeping mugs won’t show up in the local media.
Hey!! Isn’t that the lead lender on the hotel deal??!!? Looks like him except for the orange jumpsuit that looks nicer than his hotel photo op clothes. He never did look right in that suit or that alley applied haircut. That’s him alright.
The Haney referral might not be too far off the mark (pun). He might have got his start as a steer man, many of them do.
This is crazy, but I have my doubts about the loan being a “done deal”. You’re probably right about imported “bankers.” It seems like somebody on here would know something about it.
This is going to look like a town full of jackasses if this is a scam.
Wonder what Wayne Parke thinks about this subject?
Dang. That”s to predictable even to ponder.
“That isn’t your real name!” -Wayne Parke
Most of our city council and mayor and chief of staff ,city controller and numerous other politico and appointees either have crap for brains or either they are very smart crooks and they are ripping us off blind
former mayor weiny boy is in on it too,he started it IMHO
Your damn right he is and his pet rock Winnecke is doing his bidding as usual. I hope John Friend can see the light and break up with the other two stooges by righting this wrong.
Anybody who took part of that mulcted $200,000 should come forward before the feds get involved. First one to the prosecutor gets the best deal. Who’s protecting Haney besides Gage?
If anyone is truly trying to tie downtown’s chances of being the site for the medical school to the Haney loan they should grab a mike and tell it to the people. Apparently reasoning or thinking have never entered into this but maybe they could explain their argument to those who pay their salary.
I haven’t heard any good reasons not to rescind the authority to give up the rest of the original target score or go after the remainder of the unpaid and due deuce. In fact, I haven’t heard any reasons, good or bad, for anything related to this. The arrogance is astounding.
The correlation of the Earthcare $5 million dollar loan and the IU Medical School’s location decision is typical political smoke and mirrors!
All the BS politicians from the U.S. President all the way down to the local Dog Catcher use this diversionary tactic.
Politics as usual!
I wonder who are reaping gratuities from the Vanderburgh Co. taxpayers involving the tab on the Green River Road construction negligence?
Your county commissioner president Marsha Able has dedicated the county taxpayers as liable for this expense.
Sounds to me like some Vanderburgh Co. attorneys heads need to roll!
Has it been determined who is responsible for the flooding at North High School because of a pipe that burst?
Were the contract specifications followed regarding the quality of the pipe/elbow? Did the architect allow for enough insulation throughout? Did he architect/project manager properly examine the completed work, including the quality of the pipe?
I have seen many construction project contracts written in such a way that they are one-sided (i.e. favoring the contractors).
Really? Was it around here?
My 30+ years around this field says otherwise.
I cannot speak for a two-bit Architect (never had to deal with one of these), designing two-bit projects using two- bit so called contractors.
As far as the above mention North High School project and all other projects around this area, the owner use reputable architects. They have the upper hand on the Contract Documents. They write them and have their back side covered. One must submit all material information in advance for approval before using such material!
I too, would like to know what was determine was the cause! I have several times in the past go back to a job done were a pipe had burst. Owner would have a communication, ect person come thru and run wiring above drop ceilings that were insulated and was not all put back in place. Results were extreme cold air getting to the pipe.
Give me examples of these projects you are referring to!
I did read this morning that the County Commissioners are considering updating the Centre. It was not referred to as the ONB Events Plaza in the article.
WFIE.com does.
When you give unuathorized loans to unproven businesses
you get stressed,
When you get stressed you go out and look for a distraction.
When you need a distraction you try to build an overpriced hotel.
When you try to build an overpriced hotel, you try to get into the convention business.
When you realize your town is not a convention destination, your lies become exposed.
When your lies become exposed you try to buy a poltically biased poll.
When you try buy a politcally biased poll you get a qualified opinion on your audit.
When you get a qualified opinion on your audit you need to get away.
When you need to get away you go to someplace exotic.
When you go to someplace exotic you get bitten by an exoctic insect.
When you get bitten by an exotic insect you get delerious.
When you get delerious you try to make the connection between a bad debt and a medical school.
When you try to make the connection between a bad debt and a medical school you become a laughingstock with something to hide.
Evansville don’t become a laughingstock with something to hide, get rid of Winnecke and upgrade to Mike Goebel.
You gotta do a commercial of that one. +1,000
That is one of the best.
I hope our city’s junketeers don’t take it as an OK to go looking for Whirlpool tennants in some expensive resort area. It would be fitting and keeping with the spirit of the deal. Don’t keep with the spirit of the deal.
Here ya go Bandana!
“Turbo screw type poop scoop”,oh my,with a electrical power supply parasitic device on board,approved for 24 hour operation, has a head light,as well. double as a walking stick….maybe GAGE could field test the sucker for them… 🙂
Now in production and sales! “as seen on TV”
I’m buying a couple dozen of those. Gonna set up a kiosk at the Dog Park and rent ’em out. A little steep @ $149+ but I’ve got that solved too. Bringing Haney in to do my negotiating.
Bandana: Careful the market is going green,and, blended purpose.
Heck this one is a one stop location use blending type tool.
Clean Fido’s dog park contact,but wait! You can practice for the putting green,as well.
The ripp!Dog.has arrived!
Shoot! We’ll build one with a multi”pile” functions. Wanna invest?
The cloud based “spot”&”deliver” system… An simple ROV flies over the park, “Identifies” the “specific waste product” dives down,hovers and scopes in the pile,in a superdooper turbo augar suction chamber and deposits it at any programmed by app. GPS location within operational range…..now where, would be a place to test the accuracy?_____________
Cost projection $200,000 each,maybe,the DOD could use’um for cleaning up after the sentry pooches! Shoot,ever major metro in the world needs one of these.
]flyingdoodroppingturboscooperdrone.org[ (sic)
Lol. Excellent.
Geez Evansville, if you run off and get married while you are drunk you can get an annulment the next day. If you get married to someone who lies to you about not being married you get an annulment and they get charged with a crime.
What does Haney have on Winnecke and crew to keep this stupid loan alive. Does Haney have John Friend by the short hairs too? Show some sense and end this thing.
Earthcare = Medical School???????? How effing stupid can one city be?
We’re tied with Chattanooga? We should be so lucky. They’ve got a vibrant downtown, a great aquarium, Chickamauga is nearby, they have a riverboat that cruises, they have bridges over their river, Lookout Mountain National Military Park is neat, they have hotels and motels, they have an Interstate highway system that gets you around and/or through the town. What brought Chattanooga down to our level?
This proves that building a bunch of stuff on the public dime does not change things.
I had trouble figuring that out, too. We try to spend some time in the Smokies once a year and always make a stop in Chattanooga. It seems like a nice town to me.
This sort of stupid crap coming out of the city administration absolutely makes the case for putting that med school at USI.
The less influence these local peanut politicians have on the school, the better.
This city is crying about lack of revenue when they will not even enforce property tax collections. And why wont they enforce those collections? Because that would pull the plug on a bunch of so called businesses, or at least force those businesses to sell to someone who may be able to do something constructive with it.
Try not paying your residential taxes for a while and see what happens to your property.
City collecting property taxes?
Does not the county collect these and hand over their portion to the city?
Or did I miss something?
Correction: Should read
Does not the county collect these and send over the city government portion?
If only something like this could be done to give the City Administration a backbone;
Some what graphical for you squeamish types.
There’s a live look in online of the Elite Eight at the Ford Center. I don’t see too many people there. I’m kind of surprised.
In case anyone is interested, here are the minutes of the City Counsel on March 12, 2012 being awed by slides and shyster-ism courtesy of Geldmacher (Earthcare);
Here are the minutes of the City Council dated March 26, 2012 where they voted;
Some had reservations then about this scam but as we know were out voted. Here is just one excerpt;
“O’Daniel: I have really struggled with this over the last two weeks. Clearly the possibility of having 120 jobs is a wonderful thing. I don’t think anybody would ever vote against it, if it was just simply that easy. On the other hand, you’ve got 5 million dollars of tax payer money, who to a company, that frankly is completely unproven at this point.” But still voted yes.
The “nos” were Lindsey, Friend, Brinkerhoff-Riley and McGinn. There may be other minutes where they have talked about this “deal” but I’ve yet to find them.
Oddly in poking around nearly everyone on the council at one time was opposed or at the very least suspicious to skeptical about this scam. What changed their minds? Was the mind changer really jobs or something else? I could possibly understand if they came out and said they were blinded by the prospects of jobs coming to Evansville, well not really.
But the councils continued silence on this matter tells me something else is in the air and they are hiding until they can get their stories straight.
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