IS IT TRUE: March 26, 2012 PART 2
IS IT TRUEÂ that several years ago that the City of Evansville made a loan to a Christmas Tree Manufacturer from Newburgh, New York for a large amount of start up money, tossed in some tax abatement, a bit of reduced utilities rate charges, and provided them with prime location?…that they not only spent a short time in Evansville and quickly packed up and left the city taxpayers without repaying a red cent of the loans back?…that we wonder why this failed City sponsored start up venture didn’t receive the same political fanfare when they abruptly left this area as a failed Governmental sponsored business entity as they did when the administration in charge announced jobs with big smiles and self congratulations?
IS IT TRUE the Evansville City Councilman at-large, Dr. Dan Adams shall be challenging the authority of Councilman and Budget Chairman, John Friend’s, decision to hold the proposed Earthcare Energy project in committee in order to obtain more information about this startup company request for a $5 million dollar loan?…that Dr. Adams shall be asking City Council to force this request out of the Finance Committee in order for City Council to vote on this issue TONIGHT? …that CCO predicts that Dr. Adams political move shall fall on deaf ears and go down to defeat? …even with his back room political buddy helping (Council President, Connie Robinsons) this loan won’t be approved this evening?
I always thought more highly of Dan Adams than what he is showing me today
Drats, I voted no instead of yes in the poll. Like it matters. Do not approve the loan.
Ah yes.. was this the Hudson Valley Tree deal? In dollar terms, that deal was peanuts compared to Earthscare.
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