IS IT TRUE that there was no meeting of the Evansville City Council tonight so the issue of the $4.8 Million LOAN APPROVAL for Earthcare Energy LLC could not be brought up for discussion but that there will be one next week? …next week is the first opportunity for the City Council to bring this issue up for discussion and vote to rescind this LOAN APPROVAL that they were bullied and tricked into approving just about exactly two years ago today? …it will be interesting to see if there is sufficient courage on the City Council to take on this situation and do the right thing or if politics and old boy games will prevail once again here in the Teutonic Republic of the Good Old Boys? …to leave this LOAN APPROVAL in place gives the management of Earthcare Energy LLC that has ceased to even identify by that name in their native Texas to be out doing road shows to raise investment capital and say “the City Council of Evansville, Indiana has approved a loan to us of $4.8 Million” as they pitch their business to unsuspecting and unknowing investors? …those investors can confirm this truth by simply using Google and searching under the terms “Earthcare+Evansville+Loan”?…the reality is that either the Evansville City Council believes in this company or it doesn’t? …if our City Council believes in Earthcare Energy LLC and the prosperity they will bring to town then the LOAN APPROVAL should remain in place? …if the Evansville City Council does not believe in Earthcare Energy LLC as many of them opined at the meeting where the Loan Administration Board approved the extension of the $200,000 questionable loan then they need to prove it by rescinding this damaging and risky agreement that could have more liability than meets the eye?
IS IT TRUE there was a recent Kickstarter fundraising campaign where the reincarnated Earthcare Energy LLC, under the new name of Enviro Energy LLC was making an investment pitch touting $200,000 of REVENUE already earned?…this Kickstarter video campaign was the same youtube that was used to pull the wool over the eyes of Mayor Winnecke, GAGE’s Debbie Dewey, and the City Council in 2012?…we wonder just how in the dickens one can classify loan proceeds as REVENUE and pretend to know anything about accounting?…the guys from Earthcare are already using the Evansville, Indiana SEAL OF APPROVAL to attempt to raise money from investors?…if the $4.8 Million LOAN APPROVAL had been cancelled 2 years ago when it should have been this would not be possible?
IS IT TRUE that April 14, the day before our income taxes are due is the day that residents of SW Indiana will have an opportunity to attend a public hearing about the request that Vectren has made to raise the rates for gas? …this is reminiscent of the electric fee for dense pack technology hearings that came to Evansville several years ago? …the CCO thinks it is a good thing that the people of Evansville will have an opportunity to attend this hearing and hope that some of our fellow citizens will show up with some well thought out intelligent questions as opposed to just a parade of hardship stories that tug at one’s heartstrings but make credible argument against the well thought out proffers that we are sure the Vectren team will bring?  …these are the kinds of challenges that are won by brains, facts and not emotional appeal?
IS IT TRUE that a senior official of the Obama Administration was not to happy today with a question posed directly by the editor of the CCO during an economic development summit in Washington DC? …the subject was the continuing delays of the crowd funding provision that was passed by Congress in the JOBS Act of 2012 that was widely touted during the presidential election as a way for regular people to invest in early stage companies without passing accreditation tests? …the particular question that Mr. Wallace asked the top ranking official at the SBA was “if grandma and grandpa can spend their entire Social Security check each month and their entire life savings on lottery tickets and slot machines, why can’t they buy some stock in start-up companies that have their SEC offering prospectus in compliance?” …the answer was a myriad of deer in the headlights nonsense about protecting grandma from the false hopes of a slick advertiser? …another member of the audience chimed in with “you mean like lottery and casino advertisements”? …it went downhill from there until this senior government official was escorted from the podium and away from the simple but real questions that had been asked? …one would think that a program passed by Congress and touted by the President as good for the country during an election year that was supposed to be working 15 months ago would have been met with a more humble and real explanation as opposed to indignant nonsense?
Is it true that in the C&P this morning that the
sculpture was shown what was selected by KEB for the new “welcome to Evansville” wall by the airport?
Is it true the sculpture reminds this person of a “Everybody loves Raymond” episode? The one where Maria made a sculpture and gave it to Raymond and Debra to display in their home? Only to find out it resemble a “******”.
I assume you mean this; http://www.courierpress.com/news/2014/mar/24/airport/ .
What is that?
And no, I don’t watch Raymond so don’t get the reference or the meaning of your bleeped word done by the editor.
On a side note. That’s the first time looking at the C&P since resting here at the CCO, same ol’ stuff.
It reminds me of an Aliens-fied rabbit.
I thought it was the worst choice available. It seems “earthbound”, while all of the others made me think of being airbourne. Maybe it was the cheapest.
Think in the abstract “d”,EKB; We, instantly knew what that was,its quite,clever in its own “gravity of regional representation.”
“Its” the Chairman of the Vanderburgh county Republican party” as seen,in his mirror,however with a “touch of subliminal abstraction” of realism from,the artist.
Got it immediately! Classic Interpretation of an lead bottomed albatross,sporting someones orbital poll numbers.
“extrema alienatiO”
“leading edge,abstraction”
We must take care not to attribute to artistic facility what can be explained by an errant Playboy Bunny mounting the beak of a dangerous raptor. They do it all the time. I just never thought it’d happen in Evansville.
It’s Wayne’s fault. He asked Zasadny what he’d done for Evansville and Sculptin’ Bob responded with this.
LOL! Great analysis VR!
@ Bandana:
It just hit me, this is the serial “Letters to the Editor” writer who sculpted this thing! You’ve got a good take on what it represents, too. I thought “Jackalope” when I first looked at it.
hee hee good one.
Marie’s sculpture:
Proposed airport sculpture:
Got it.
To me, the airport sculpture looks like a penguin facing left and trying to fly.
Of course the only place penguins can fly is under water. Draw your own conclusions on that on.
I guess it can always be a little worse:
This would have been my first pick if it would have resembled LW with his black rimmed glasses on and a Caesar type toga covering his nasties:
I don’t have a problem with the winner but this one should have been selected. It needs to be built somewhere…
Deja vu on the $4.8 million. Until things come to a greater head will the council overcome their embarrassment of being fooled by a shyster, til then nothing will happen.
Editor, IIT grandma and grandpa are truly excluded? Granted its early morning and I’ve yet to finish a pot of joe but where in this does it say that;
Grandma and grandpa were the words chosen by the government official to describe unaccredited investors. I just fed that back to him. The hang up with crowdfunding of equity is because the SEC and the people who write the regulations of the bill can’t decide on what accredited should mean. Today accredited means that one earns $200,000 per year OR has $1 Million in liquid capital excluding one’s personal residence. They are mired up in deciding just how to amend that and how to limit what one can invest. In the mean time the Social Security checks and family wealth continue to be squandered on lottery tickets and gambling. I will be with this crew again in about 30 minutes. The bumbling reminds me of the healthcare website and it is coming from the same cast of jesters.
Then it will be a cluster, the jesters didn’t learn the last time.
If I had to place a bet on what I know I would bet that your comment will come true. Actually it already has from a governmental perspective. The websites are all privately owned and are already working very well. They have been since December 2012. The continue to be used only for crowd begging and social causes because the government continues to drop the ball. By the indignant way they were responding yesterday I even doubt they ever had any intention to make it work. I had at least a dozen people yesterday come up and encourage me to continue the pointed questions and run a few more of them off the stage. I think I will. Have a good day.
By all means hold their feet to the fire and add more coals while your at it. We do not deserve another Mystery Box gift that turned out to be the ACA.
On the whole this sounds like a great idea but it has a certain smell I’ve not yet identified.
First break of the day. I was quiet because the delegate from Montana just made three appointed feds look like they belong on the monkey boat. He asked a couple of leading questions that they danced around without answering. Then he told a story about being told by the SBA that the SEC was holding things up, then he went to the SEC who said they were finished and had stopped work. He point blank stood at the microphone and asked “are you people in Washington aware that there is this thing called a telephone? I have one here in my pocket? Would you like to borrow it to place a call? Do you %$*#$% people even talk to each other?” Of course many faces turned red and many in the audience roared with laughter. The hallway chatter was not flattering to the administration.
One more session and I am headed back to Cali. I thought Cali had some bureaucratic nonsense until I came to Washington. These guys can’t organize a bake sale.
I don’t suppose there is a video link to this, ermm what should it be called? From your description not sure if this should be classified a press meeting or a farce.
There is a third description and sounds more likely if not plausible. I’ll use the following analogy;
This gathering of administration officials is a collection of linear motors configured in a circular manner. The bidirectional movement of these linear motors of which their axis of movement is irrelevant is measured by the degree of their responses to questions. This circular arrangement enhances their incompetence to the degree in which their choice of axial movement (answers) is exercised.
The term “linear silos” has been tossed their way.
Bake sale? Geez,man, you spun us back around to the evansville audit books again.
Sounds less like a ‘summit’ and more like an Abyssinian Neverland.
silos? not bad,however we’ll stick with “d”s cluster thingy.
“magnus whoosh” semper extendendo
“the big whoosh” ever expanding
“Blue” surrounded by “Red”,”Green” in the middle,ever expanding,controlled by “dark matter”. 🙂
Globular cluster. “collision thereof”
The effect called “gravitational lensing”
The image reveals that a clump dark matter resides near most of the hot gas(Green)where very few galaxies are found”
cosmic ACA!…..”cluster”
I overheard State Board’s Sheldon Cooper telling Rumplebeancounter
Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.
When’s the City going to give their official response? It’s been over ten days!
I’m guessing they ran out of dots for the “i” and crosses for the “t” or they did not have any at the get go.
The city does not a set of balanced books? Heck Winnecke is at a 70% approval rating say so Wayne Parke so it must be good for the citizens of Evansville? Hey vote these cronies out of office!
Love the exchange between the CCO Editor and dveatch. You guys rock.
Don’t count on John Friend to step forward to push resend the $4.8 million dollar Earthcare loan because he has no back bone. He also plays both ends to the middle.
Nancy P. Is that loan from a Federal grant based availability?
“rubi sutor”
“blackberry cobbler”……..> “otnay osay uchmay”
I have been a long time supporter of John Friend but have seen him back away from important issues lately. Sorry to say that it looks like I may beginning to agree with Nancy P.
The silence of Mr. Friend is as they say, deafening.
Dewey’s poorly written press release a couple of weeks ago indicate she still thinks the Haney Mob will/should set up shop here and get the $4.8.
We can only watch the money go. It’s almost surreal at this point. As far as I know Winnecke hasn’t said a public word about this con/giveaway. If the council doesn’t move to rescind at the meeting next week it would begin to look as though some envelopes changed hands.
Conmen often rely on their mark’s reluctance to admit being had, their unwillingness to come forward and look like a fool. We are getting a good look at just how powerful and expensive that can be. It is one of the shyster’s best weapons, keeps many of their crimes unreported and allows them to roam free.
I think when Dewey went to ‘lay her eyes’ on the technology Haney took her measure and pencilled Evansville in for 5 million.
Taken down by Editor because post was improper.
Taken down because remark was improper.
Lol. I will call that the quote of the day.
I think the editor needs to add that ability to the site.
There is a stench comming from City Council chambers that is unequaled, even from Bee Slough. And this is coming from the entire body we call “representatives” over the Earthcare loan fiasco. This needs to be revisited, and abolished at the next council meeting. Who has the public interest at heart enough to end this loan? SBR makes waves, Friend nods his head, O’Daniel is waiting direction from the Mayor, Adams is confused, so here we sit, patting our feet. Many people are fed up with the actions of this council, and unless they as a group stand up and say NO, eveyone of the council needs to be shown the door next election.
John Friend is the City Council President. If he does not have the balls to lead on ending this farce, he has no business ever being Mayor. He makes lots of noise but at the end of the day he is pretty much just another clone of the Weinzapfel/Winnecke legacy. Here is his chance to avoid being the third stooge.
That is hilarious. Mental picture. Moe = Weinzapfel, Larry = Winnecke, Curly = Friend.
I object to characterizing the Stooges in that fashion. The W2F crew do not deserve that level of recognition rather lower but have no examples, at least none that I care to say.
Here’s an off-topic “fun fact”! The results of the latest Gallup Well-being Survey are in. Both Evansville and IN made better showings this time. The Evansville area is up two slots to 180th of 189, and IN is also up two, at 40th out of the 50 states.
It looks like hizzoner is going to have to do a P90X video for E’ville to break into the 160’s.
How’s that RTW utopia working out?
I’m no RTW fan! My union pension and health benefits are working out well for me. It’s a shame that the next generation isn’t going to have it as easy. It’s not like they’re going to be able to put away much for retirement, with the lower wages they’re making.
I realize all generations have people who feel they are entitled to everything without working for it , it just seems to me that the younger ones nowadays don’t want to hit a lick ,much worse then in the past ‘,,,,,with social security running low ,taxes high and all the illegal aliens being taken care of financially
You are correct tho the ones that do bust their butt will have a rough go at it.
And how are all the shovel-ready jobs made possible by the enormus stimulas working out? Oh that’s right…not so shovel-ready.
Ellen: That estimate would depend on the current nature of the of the “substance” due shoveling.
In some aspects your regional is sporting an overwhelming abundance of “shovel ready”,___________”. However, an enormous stimulus might start with some “stimulation” at the correct contact points.
“The best minds are not in government,if they were,business would steal them away.” (Ronald Reagan)
“No man is good enough to govern another man without the others consent.” (Abraham Lincoln)
“Ancient Rome declined because it had a senate,now what going to happen to us with both a house and a senate?” (Will Rogers)
I think can answer ole Wills question….”not so much”.
Try as I may, I’m struggling to find a cohesive point in your words, and diverse quotes, as they relate to my question about the colossal failure that was Obamas’ first gargantuan waste of tax dollars, a/k/a, the Stimulus Package of 2009.
North Dakota is #1 in their survey and they happen to be a right to work state, established in 1948, Indiana in 2012. Given North Dakota has an index of 70.4 and Indiana’s is 64.9, Right To Work is working just fine.
With regard to the Earthcare loan; perhaps Debbie and Lloyd stepped into a deeper pile of doo-doo than we realize. Perhaps the City will not only have to stand patiently by for repayment of the $200,000, but is legally committed to the full loan.
Perhaps if we pressure them at all, they will sue for breach of contract? Perhaps we are only at the beginning of the tunnel, not at the end.
Just a thought. …
From the shoddy contract that the city signed I think you are onto something. Can you imagine a city that is afraid of being sued by a dead beat huckster because their attorney and mayor are totally inept? Welcome to Evansville.
Saw General Sherman from the State Board in the Civic Center this morning. Week 2 on the job and he looks exhausted and it looks like he hasn’t shaved in a week. What a mess that guy inherited!
Looks like I found a poll that beats Parkes’ poll.
It is rumored that Cowabunga was passing out Airheads candy at the City Exit Conference. For those of you who haven’t been paying attention, that was who was leading the clowns on the State Board audit this year.
To be historically accurate, I think you mean Chief Thunderthud, “cowabunga” was his way of greeting people. But I don’t know to whom you refer.
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