IS IT TRUE March 18, 2014
IS IT TRUE although it is often overlooked, a key statistic for understanding the labor market is the length of the average workweek?…small changes in the average workweek imply large changes in total hours worked?…the average workweek in the U.S. has fallen to 34.2 hours in February from 34.5 hours in September 2013, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics?…that decline, coupled with mediocre job creation, implies that the total hours of employment have decreased over the period?…a fuller explanation shows the job-equivalence number is computed simply by taking the total decline in hours and dividing by the average workweek?…in a company of about 1,000 workers if the average worker was employed for 34.4 hours and total hours worked declined by 344 hours, the 344 hours would be the equivalent of losing 10 workers’ worth of labor?…thus, although the U.S. economy added about 900,000 jobs since September, the shortened workweek is equivalent to losing about one million jobs during this same period?…the difference between the loss of the equivalent of one million jobs and the gain of 900,000 new jobs yields a net effect of the equivalent of 100,000 lost jobs?…it is strongly suspected that this reduction in the average number of hours worked is directly attributable to corporate America gearing up for ObamaCare by cutting peoples hours back to be less than 30 and avoid the mandates of ACA?
IS IT TRUE one of the CCO Moles asked a big time Democrat what the deal was with Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. not knowing the tax distribution shortfall since the impact of the tax caps is a simple formula?…our Mole learned the problem is property tax collections and that Vanderburgh County Assessor Bill Fluty has stacks of property tax appeals that he hasn’t moved through the process, thus no payment on them.?… there was a comment on the CCO yesterday from a poster who said he filed an appeal last year and has heard nothing?…Fluty is protected by Republican County Council, County Commissioners and Mayor Winnecke?…unless the City Council presses the issue, it will remain a mystery to the public?
IS IT TRUE another friend of the CCO was kind enough to point out that the assessments were not even made available to the property owners of Vanderburgh County by Assessor Fluty until after the filing period for someone to challenge him in this year’s election?…after pulling that trick which is sneaky but legal (SNEGAL) Fluty is now running unopposed after negatively impacting the budget process of the City of Evansville and countless homeowners through his strategic laziness?…if Fluty had done his job in a timely manner instead of a self serving political manner maybe he would be facing a challenger in this year’s election?…maybe even City Councilman and former County Assessor Jonathan Weaver or former Assessor, County Commissioner, and Indiana State Commissioner of Local Government Finance may have thrown their hat into the ring?…there should be some provision that would allow a challenger to come forth when someone is unopposed through damaging sneakiness?
IS IT TRUE the Evansville Fire Department, the Evansville Police Department, and the Ambulance service did a tremendous job yesterday on the fire that killed three people and injured many others including several members of the EFD on West Franklin Street?…the fire was a tragedy and on site indications according to the investigation team are that the fire was set?…that was a surprise to no one as the first two things on people’s minds that the CCO has spoken to were arson and meth lab explosion?…it is a sad state of affairs when the presumption of much of the population to any house fire is arson or a meth lab explosion?…this fire turned out to be worse in the loss of human lives than the bullets of East Riverside over the weekend?…we ask that all of our readers remember the dead, the injured, and their families with positive thoughts and prayers?…you may want to throw some of that sentiment in for the City of Evansville too as there are several parts of town that just do not seem correctable by the acts of people?
Wayne is this how the local Republicans run the city? We can’t balance the books or do due process! Wow must be 95% by now!
Saw many Montrastelle signs in yards today as I drove home from work hoping for many more!!!!
The out-of-balance books are a carry-over from Jon Weinzapfel and Jenny Collins. But you are trying to put the entire blame on the Repuplican ticket. It is true that Rusty should have cleared up this fiasco by now.
If the situation with property tax appeals is as grave as it appears, isn’t there some recourse available to the taxpayers when an office holder fails to fulfill the duties of their office?
The people who are appealing their assessments need to flood the assessor, the County Commissioners, and County Council with phone calls and their presence at those bodies’ and the City Council’s meetings.
It sounds to me like the wheel needs to start squeaking.
Sounds like the demand for labor is very low. Maybe the ultrarich and the megacorps could stick a crowbar in their wallets and put the trillions of dollars stuck in MM accounts and hidden away in overseas accounts and put it to work building additional plant and equipment to put people to work. Oh wait a second the stores are already stocked!
So who else has access to easy low interest rate money?
I know I know the government!
We could build things like roads and bridges and stuff.
That’s right class.
And how would that help?
Well when you build stuff you have to hire people to do it.
That’s right. Teacher you have a very smart class!!
Sad when a junior achievment class could figure this out but American conservatives can not, or more appropiately will not, becuase well it would help “that man” in the WH.
Don’t you realize they are going trickle down that overseas money?
Yup. Guess so ghost,while the seas continue to widen.
Build for “changed climate”*,build infrastructure,build American jobs.
“currit horologii”
“the clock is running”
Wait a minute V, Obama said he was going to lower the oceans, so obviously Nature Climate Change has fudged their data. Damn commies contradicting Obama and all, the gall.
I guess this was sent my direction,So, all I will say is “adaptation” would be left best served if politics just stayed away form the subject.
As for you an the comment “pull it out” they’res sun light about.
Its a social economic issue estimate of some 70-100 trillion bucks in the next 25 years. And that barely touches the sustainable portions for human contact balances. “Its time”.
I guess this was sent my direction,So, all I will say is “adaptation” would be left best served if politics just stayed away form the subject.
As for you an the comment “pull it out” they’res sun light about.
Its a social economic issue estimate of some 70-100 trillion bucks in the next 25 years. And that barely touches the sustainable portions for human contact balances. “Its time”.
Emperor No-Hopey was a big fan of infrastructure spending as a quick economic fix until he wasn’t.
Evidently the brains-in-their-behinds mom’s basement dwellers did not pay attention to their god-emperor’s proclamation of several years ago. Please be good, mindless liberal drones and get with No-Hopey’s program–whatever it happens to be at this nano-second.
So now you’re saying you would get behind repairing our infrastructure.
So let’s get after it.
You and Dan Coats and Mitch McTurtle would be all for it correct?
What are we waiting for? Oh yeah I forget!! Only white republican male presidents are allowed to do that!!
How silly of me!
How racist of you No-Brains Benton. Shame on you.
I agree that mom’s-basement-dwelling liberals look very silly as they try and miserably fail to follow every twist, turn, excuse, and evasion of Emperor No-Hopey. I make allowances for them, however. Trying to deal with magnitude of No-Hopey’s abysmal failures would task anyone. It must be a very bitter feeling indeed to have reposed all one’s hopes in a two-bit huckster who has now heaved many of his acolytes under the bus and revealed their credulousness, ignorance, and hypocrisy at the same time.
Infrastructure, like mom (the kind that don’t tolerate parasites in their basements, anyway), apple pie, and baseball is a good thing. Food stamps, Obamaphones, ACA “navigators,” etc. are not infrastructure, yet those are the kind of spending that is most beloved by the Obamacrat Party. Mention “highway,” and before you know it, a pack of Bloomington eco-warriors will appear, pledging to defend every snail darter, Indiana snow-gizzarded imperial moonbat, and random piece of limestone from the predations of the (undoubtedly Republican) highway contractors. Mention “decaying water and sewer system,” and a Johnny-on-the-spot Obamacrat will build you an unneeded Farce Center.
The last five years has made very clear that the only thing “shovel ready” produced by Emperor No-Hopey and his posse is an endless supply of BS.
No liberal/progressive said anything about new roads. We can’t take care of the one’s we have.
So your environmental objection argument is a strawman, that seems to be a personal favorite among your many logical fallacies.
Obamaphones were started by Bush(whom I’m sure you voted for twice) in 2008 and are paid for by the telecom companies. Of course you know this and are reaching desparately for some sort of insult that insuates that Democrats are lazy and only want free stuff.
Roberts needed to be replaced or rebuit no getting around that, however I will agree with you that the Sewer and water systems should have had a higher priority.
Last five years the stock market has more than doubled, so my IRA and other retirements accounts are very happy with presdient Obama at the helm.
Do you think for one moment that the telecom companies are shouldering the cost of Obamaphones? Those costs are passed on to paying subscribers. The number of free phones provided as entitlements has skyrocked under Obama’s watch, as have the issuance of food stamps. Lucky he can’t have another term or we would become a third-world country with an even wider gap between the rich and the poor.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
— Winston Churchill
“I may be drunk, miss,but in the morning I will be sober,and you miss will still be ugly.”
Same guy Ellen. (Winston Churchill)
“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing,after they tried everything else”
Again,(Winston Churchill)
Old farts cigars stunk,as well.
You must have loved Reagan and GWB’s first 6 years before the Dems took over Congress.
So the Dems that were in Congress during the ’80’s get credit for the recovery instead of Reagan?
’80’s recovery Reagan President full credit to Reagan, NOT congress
2008 financial collapse because of ’06 Dem Congress
Heads republicans win Tails Democrats lose.
Got it!
I would have given the Dems some credit in the 1980’s until they raised taxes without cutting the spending the promised. Remember the Senate was Republican 6 out of 8 and Reagan had Reagan Dems that supported his econ policies in the House.
The last two years of GWB the Congress was controlled by Dems, both House and Senate. I seem to recall Barney Frank saying he would give Fannie and Freddie more leash given how good they were. Famous last words.
I’m no foreign policy expert by a long shot but it sure seems like a lot of Crimeans wanted to be annexed by Russia. How many? Who knows??? Maybe if a real vote were taken it would be 60% for independence and 40% for annexation.
Even if it was 70-30 why should we get wring our hands over that? Doesn’t history show us how a even small percentage of the civilian population can wreck havoc on an occupier?
The main line in the sand IMO is Ukraine.
If Putin’s makes a move for Ukraine then yeah we have a real problem on our hands.
However, I think if he does that Vladathug will find himself with a real buzz saw in his hands. As they say JMHO.
I would agree partially with you, but given the vote Crimea made in the 1991, I doubt they would vote to join Russia; that was overwhelming a NO when NO was an option. Lots of bad blood, although the Crimea was part of Russia until Nikita K gave it the Ukraine in 1959 as a gift; Nikita was of course Ukrainian.
Both of the Ukrainian leaders prior to the Russian invasion were crooks, and pro Russian Crimeans are more worried about losing spoils than joining Russia. The factories in east Ukraine sell to Russia; they are in bad shape but without Russia buying its products, it could be worse.
The reason we should be worried is that next on the hit parade is east Ukraine, then Vlad threatens Poland and Lithuania, and the hits just keep coming.
Any time Putin see an opportunity when a POTUS is weak he jumps; first in Georgia and now Ukraine. His real goal I think is to make Europe neutral and his man in Germany makes my case. We cant have that an expect the Russians to behave, that is simply not their history, which by the way, unlike the Europeans, the Russians appear they want to have more of in the future.
I agree that a small asymmetric force can cause problems and win, but the Russian have a history of taking care of business when left alone, the exception being Afghanistan, only because the US, over enormous dissentions both here and abroad, armed the Mujahedeen? And how did that workout?. Better to not have let the USSR invade to start with.
I don’t think the EU would let the Ukrainians have a chance to fight anymore than in Georgia.
Remember who had the third largest nuclear arsenal; it was the Ukraine post USSR. If they still had SOME (not all) of these, I don’t think the Russian calculus would be the same. You can thank both the UK and US for that, and yes there were implied security assurances given when this was done; which is another example of the US not holding up to its promises and showing weakness, just like Syria’s line in the sand.
Don’t ever place bets on the Russians NOT doing something if you dare them. An don’t forget China, Ukraine’s 2nd or 3rd largest trading partner; their not exactly walking arm in arm with the Russian either on this one.
Many of the unemployed don’t know the front end of a hammer from the back end. Infrastructure projects only work for labor when there is a competent workforce available to work. That is sadly not the case.
As for you people who seem to feel entitled to someone else’s savings, you are delusional and disgusting. The investment levels are down because of people like you. You effers are feeding a death spiral on the US economy.
Are you that racist piece of trash on the 107.5 FM morning show? What’s your solution? More tax cuts for the rich? Didn’t work so well last time.
Hey. Good catch. Could be.
Squawk racist every time someone disagrees with you. What a mindless jerk you are. It’s gotta be racist to call out the President for his F ups. It couldn’t possibly be calling out stupidity could it. Like I said before. You mindless followers if that idiot in the white house are a threat to the nation.
I said you’re a racist if you’re the radio Johnboy. I’ve heard lots of racism on the morning show. If you’re not, you may not be a racist.
I am not a disk jockey, but have heard of JohnBoy and Billy. I am not that JohnBoy and have never listened to their show. I will take your word for their shortcomings.
You asked yesterday what Romney would have done to avert the crisis in Crimea. He spells it out pretty well in this editorial. Guess what, it was the preventative medicine of competence and strength. Now the horse has left the barn on both of those fronts. Hopefully by 2030 the United States will recover from the damage Obama and Bush have done.
Barack Obama is not an idiot and we aren’t mindless. We’re the ones who elected him TWICE and will elect Hillary Clinton in 2016. Get a grip, man!
No, President Obama is not an idiot. He is an extremely intelligent person. But he has a hell of a lot to learn about foreign affairs and a very short time in which to learn it.
Meanwhile, Syria continues to decay into a nationwide killing field, and the spillover will take down Lebanon and possibly Jordan.
God save Israel when Iran is dragged into the Syrian fray.
So Laura, what do you think of John Kerry’s abilities as Sec. of State, and Obama’s foot dragging avoidance of Syrian crisis? And to hell with Crimea. It’s gone now. Over and done.
An extremely intelligent person has the good sense to know what he does not know. Whatever IQ that President Obama may enjoy his ego dwarfs it. His ego leads him to make irrational claims to go with terrible decisions. He obviously knew that he was lying about ObamaCare and chose to tell the lie anyway thinking he could just lie out of the first lie. That is not the way an intelligent person operates. That is the way a con artist operates. Obama actually thought he could make the oceans rise and that the world would follow him the way his entitlement seeking sheep did. SURPRISE. The world does not worship an unqualified person just because some dumb Americans do. All of the overseas aggression was actually predicted by McCain and the Russian problem was laid on the table by Romney in a presidential debate. The President may have a decent IQ, but he was not and is not qualified for the job that his cast of beggars has elected him to do. His questionable IQ aside, he is clearly not doing an intelligent job of running this country.
From a 2012 article on Obama’s brainpower: Link at bottom
Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host Don Imus in November of 2008. “So what is his IQ?” Mr. Imus asked. Mr. Beschloss didn’t know. He was just assuming. There is little evidence to support it. Mr. Obama went to Harvard, but so did George W. Bush, who some liberals consider dumber than dirt. The president won’t release his transcripts, so we can’t judge by his grades. Mr. Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, but when he was selected, popularity mattered more than scholarship. Mr. Obama joined an undistinguished law firm, where he tried no cases. So no help there.
Mr. Obama has said a lot of unsmart things: there are 57 states; Canada has a president; “Austrian” is a language; America is “20 centuries” old; Arabic is spoken in Afghanistan. He’s called the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) the Maldives, and declared it would be “unprecedented” for the Supreme Court to invalidate a law passed by Congress.
President Obama’s stimulus bill didn’t stimulate. His subsidies to “green” firms have produced neither the jobs nor the energy he promised. Unemployment on his watch peaked at 10 percent, one of the highest rates since the Great Depression. Deficits are out of control. “The man who promised everything is delivering nothing,” wrote Noemie Emery in the Weekly Standard. “Journalists who wept when he won the election now grind their teeth in despair. … The gap between sizzle and steak never seemed so large.”
Could it be that Mr. Obama’s “superior intellect” is a myth created by journalists to mask what may be the thinnest resume of anyone ever elected president? An example of puffery is the description of Mr. Obama as a former “professor of constitutional law.” Mr. Obama was a part time instructor at the University of Chicago law school, without the title or status of professor. And, according to blogger Doug Ross, he wasn’t very popular with the real professors.
“I spent some time with the highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law a few months back,” Mr. Ross wrote in March 2010. “According to my professor friend, [Obama] had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. … The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified,”
Mr. Obama’s been governing like someone with a resume too thin for a president. He’s “incompetent,” an “amateur,” former President Bill Clinton told Hillary Clinton at a private gathering with friends, according to a new book by Ed Klein. The Clintons have vehemently denied his account.
Even Ms. Daum noticed “the gulf between the brilliant young man who wanted to change the world and the stymied president who can barely pass a piece of legislation.” Mr. Obama is just too smart to be a good president, she wrote.
Or not smart enough. “The presidency of Barack Obama is a case study in stupid does,” said Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal.
Oh, and as to whom we elect for President? Hell’s Bells, all we seem to do is vote for personalities. The more dough, the more show. What is that quote about suckers that’s attributed to P.T. Barnum?
Stupid Is, I think in fact that Geo. W. Bush went to Yale, his father’s and grandfather’s alma mater. All three Bushes also were Skull & Bones. So, it is a family affair.
President Obama didn’t have a father and grandfather with the pull to get him into Harvard.
And Geo. W’s grades are a matter of record. Look it up.
Hillary has little chance…the world is not the same as when Obama was elected and she left right as the heat in the kitchen in Foggy Bottom got turned up. Let the help clean up the mess.
We now have a new cold war along with an Iranian nuclear threat that Mrs. Clinton did little about as USSOS. Not to mention a dead ambassador, the details of which are likely being hid unless she decides to run. There is way too much work that needs to be done for her to want this job now.
No more giggling reset button photo ops Mrs. Clinton; Vlad has his own button, thanks but no thanks, and its called 1979 b’yatch!!! We don’t have time to care about the failed ACA, which is ClintonCare part II.
Approx. 15 million people under 35 voted for Obama in 2008; 12 million in 2012. Young people have too much student loan debt, no jobs and live at home until they are 26, no plan to spur growth to give them hope beyond 26, a President that wasted his first two years on the failed ACA, and now an attempt by the President and Democrats to get young people to buy insurance they don’t need or want at a price that is too high. Young voters will defect in droves after 6 years of this mess.
And now the cherry on top, Booyah!! No only are they broke and can’t afford to order Dominoes’ while sitting in their basement or dorm room, now they get to watch the start of a new cold war, something they only read about in Tom Clancy novels, at least that is what Obama told them. Not that it was really ever over, just on low simmer. Is this the Spring or Summer of Recovery?
The 20 Somethings are used to grasping their hands over a fatality and casualty count in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 10 years that in previous wars used to be sustained in a single battle. And what do we have as a result? War is hell no matter how many are killed, but now the ante is raised. It isn’t the cow, but the Bear, that is in the barn, and he is getting ready to have a little Chicken Kiev. Giddy Up!!
On top the current unrest in Syria and Iran, they now have a new cold war to worry about. All of a sudden, there is a realization that when the next conflict erupts, you might not get to watch it on CNN, and we are not playing Halo anymore. This is the Real Deal Holyfield! What is the solution Messr. Obama and Hagel? Let us cut defense and degrade our technological advantage that provide for the common defense and general welfare. Let us just increase the welfare and entitlements.
The 20 Somethings are not stupid if they have a chance of getting shot; no one is and some start to see the scales being removed from their eyes. They will soon learn it is precisely because of money spent on military technology that they can avoid a fight or at engage in one with less blood and tears. Long story short, hope and change should have been called lie and wait. They won’t be fooled and lied to again and this will be reflected in the mid terms come November.
The then the third time your a fool, you know fool me once and all that.
Taken down because remarks was off message and insulting.
Why is it when anyone disagrees with the current administration we are automatically deemed racists? Could it be that we simple disagree with the policies employed by the Obama regime, all essentially designed to redistribute the wealth?
Ellen read my post. I was talking about a specific known racist not labeling all anti Obama crowd racists, though I know for a fact that plays into it with most.
Really Ghost you know for a fact. So how many individuals have you interviewed and taken information from? I would like to see this info that backs up your “fact”. Oh wait you have nothing. You are creating a false narrative all based on your ineptitude at knowing what is gong on in the world around you.
Well maybe your little playmates LKB, brainless Wein-er and a few others) that all have your special meetings to solve the worlds problems and salute the almighty ObaMao.
And how, exactly, do you know that for a fact? There are those of us that oppose his policies purely on their merits, or lack thereof, having nothing at all to do with the color or his skin. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t he half white?
Oh here we go, poor ole Ghost has been stuck to the wall with a common sense post. He has no sensible reply…oh what to do. Well he pulls out the name calling card. You know the liberal way to get out of jam and deflect attention from ones own inabilities. And of course the Brainless one jumps in for his bestest buddy to try and make it look like the liberal way is the only way.
Unemployment in the construction industry is 12.8%
A) Your side is always whining about the national debt
Oh yeah cut spending, except for defense, and subsidies to corporations, etc. etc etc.
B) Once again you act like someone else’s savings was earned legitimately when it was accumulated via socialized risk and private profits or through buying politicians to put their thumb on the legislative scale and bilk consumers, INCLUDING YOU.
Three cheers to our public safety employees. Job well done.
Good catch there editor. As you say, it might be SNEGAL but it takes a lowlife to do it if true. So how many in a stack and does Fluty have any staff?
Obama’s choices are the same as Romney’s would have been, or any other president’s when dealing with bad actors.
A) Public scoldings on the world stage
B) Sanctions of varying degrees and effectiveness. Sanctions seem to hurt the common man and leave the bad guys unharmed thanks to black markets and sanction’s cheaters who sometimes American companies
C) The point of a gun/troops/war
Pick A or B and your accused of being weak and being an appeaser
Pick C and you’re a warmonger.
I just wish W the Lesser and Darth had sold the Iraq war differently than mushroom clouds and getting up in front of the whole world during a State of the Union address and saying unequivocally that Iraq had WMD. Of course no Iraq War and Saddamm or his sons would still be on the world stage causing worldwide mischief.
Obama is not without fault. If we had pulled out of Iraq and Afghanistan after hanging Saddam we might have had the stomach, troop rotation and resources to do something in Syria.
Most presidents choices are either bad, terrible, or horrid, that’s why Harry Truman said, the buck stops here.
if barry obama is not an idiot then a person has to believe all this destruction of America is on purpose…….barrys score card it is not pretty…..https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BWaASBWIgAAyBBF.jpg
Very sad
I’ll say this again, Obama said he will transform this country. You cannot transform without destroying what was.
No doubt transformation and destruction is taking place. We will not recognize our country when the Obama regime gets finished with it.
blame the voters says:
March 18, 2014 at 3:01 pm
An extremely intelligent person has the good sense to know what he does not know. Whatever IQ that President Obama may enjoy his ego dwarfs it. His ego leads him to make irrational claims to go with terrible decisions. He obviously knew that he was lying about ObamaCare and chose to tell the lie anyway thinking he could just lie out of the first lie. That is not the way an intelligent person operates. That is the way a con artist operates. Obama actually thought he could make the oceans rise and that the world would follow him the way his entitlement seeking sheep did. SURPRISE. The world does not worship an unqualified person just because some dumb Americans do. All of the overseas aggression was actually predicted by McCain and the Russian problem was laid on the table by Romney in a presidential debate. The President may have a decent IQ, but he was not and is not qualified for the job that his cast of beggars has elected him to do. His questionable IQ aside, he is clearly not doing an intelligent job of running this country.
Obama’s ego is huge, Romney’s is just as big.
Con artist? I can’t think of a bigger con artist in the world bigger and smirkier than Mitt flocking Romney.
If the shoe fits. That shoe would be the con artist shoe and it clearly fits Mr. Obama. As for Romney you may be right but the guy who defeated him in the last election has proven to be a bigger con artist than he is. It seems as though our two party system has been failing to put good candidates on the ballot for about 14 years now.
I believe the average age of people reading this is 45 yrs old.The generation that ruined this country.I bet Obama would lick any one of you clean in a debate. Get over yourselfs.
Debate, Maybe so, maybe not??? Speech, Certainly, especially with a teleprompter. Actually making something work, he does not have a chance.
Hook a lie detector up to Obama in a debate and he could not even beat Missy Mosby.Just say’in
Well, I hope you like women! Our next president will be one. =^..^= meow!
Monica Lewinski.I can see the adds now we all need a Lewinski.The libs false war on women continues.
Not bad trade. We get rid of pooo-see president and get a real woman in office. Rooooooaaaaarrr Kitty got claws, pooo-see got no cajones.
Funny as hell Vlad..
Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr Purr Purr
Sheldon Cooper, night job is also auditor for Indiana SBOA; with a shout out to Hans because that guy does bear a resemblance.
You’re about as funny as the DOD report on military suicides.
Listen to the little troll making schoolyard taunts and playing armchair general with people’s lives. I’ll bet you egged on your classmates to have fist fights while you sit back and laughed at both of them.
You and Cheney sending other people off to have their limbs blown off to back up your foolish idiotic words.
Calling you fertilizer is an insult to fertilizer as fertilizer has some redeeming value.
You’re just pure poison of no use to anybody.
Truth never funny, brainless benton. President is pooo-seee and next president is honorary virgin if the Hillary woman gets elected. She why Clinton seek out comfort elsewhere. She give comfort to no one. What comment has to do with Cheney or fertilizer? Vladimir think you need brain surgery to deal with dimentia. You connecting things in crazy ways.
I don’t think people that commit suicide is funny.. seen that and it is sad..if you the read the DoD report you would have seen a large percentage of military suicides are not combat related..the military takes many people who already have unhealthy mental health issue..I am sure you know this.
I never mentioned one damn word about military suicide. I was smeared by Brain’s Benton in another one of his famous exaggerations.
He’s a great speaker w/ his teleprompter working but I’d kick his ass in running a profitable business. He hasn’t a clue & has the worst handlers in history.
Obama only wins when it is two on three; he and the moderator vs. the opponent.
I seem to recall that he told Romney he was reading Tom Clancy novels with respect to the Russians.
Another misstep that no one questioned Obama about why he felt this way. He is after all the smartest guy in the room and he could not be wrong..so with so much experience in community organizing.
“Obama only wins when it is two on three”
I’ll never forget the Republican Congress having their annual get together in Baltimore, Md. 2010.
Boring ass “Shut er Down” Pence was the MC.
Obama asked to attend to try to bring harmony between the Parties by stating what he had in mind for the country and answering any and all questions any member of the Republican Congress could conjure.
Two things come to mind about that meeting. #1 – Fox News cut away as soon as they saw Obama making the entire Republican Congress sound like a bunch of dumbasses, and the other was when a Republican congressman named Tom Price, a medical doctor from Georgia stood up and said, “Mr. President, I have a plan that can provide health insurance to every American and it won’t cost a dime.”
The President said, “Please tell us what it is and if it adds up, we”ll make sure it gets implemented.”
Dr. Price sat back down never to be heard from again until I saw him getting involved in another Terri Shiavo type case back some months ago.
I would think it would take a lot of courage to be a community organizer in the war zone of the South Side of Chicago, and to go from there to where he is now a lot more.
At least more than what you have.
Yea he spent at lot time in the “South Side” while living in Hyde Park; that is like telling me you live in the inner city while living in Johnson’s Place.
I find Pence to be no more or less entertaining than any other politician, but he had his own radio show so he could not have been that boring. I enjoyed his show. He could be the next Presidential nominee for the Republicans and I don’t think he would be a bad pick.
Nice the President was asked to attend a Republican event and confront an unsubstantiated claim ; did you ever see GWB be invited to do the same at a similar Dem event while watching Fox?
It’s not like the ACA is all cherries and cream; I wish Pelosi would have “if it adds up, weâ€ll make sure it gets implemented,” instead of saying we have to pass the bill (ACA) before we know what is in it.
“did you ever see GWB be invited to do the same at a similar Dem event while watching Fox?”
My understanding is he was invited many times but there was never enough room to have 14,000 troops standing behind him at the conservative Democrats annual events.
Is that all he would need? Just 14,000?
Better add a thousand:
What’s that got to do with anything here?
I think that imbecile thinks Uncle Walter is Al Sharpton. Probably always secretly admired Ted Kennedy. I don’t blame him for that, he was a good hard working senator.
Bandana: You are so full of crap your eyes are brown. Teddy was a drunk and a murderer. But that is ok because he was a lib. and lib’s are allowed to be that way. You maladjusted sheep that follow them will worship them just the same.
About as much as Regulator’s childish and ignorant posting of videos. He thinks he is proving a point with them, but it all just goes to show he has no clue how to actually have a discussion or defend a point. But I am sure you are all over his tactics. In fact hasn’t the Brainless one also been using vids recently. Could it be they are the same person under differing screen names? Hmmmmmmmm
You’re one of the best, Brndon.
Next time try to remember to type the ‘a’ as you play games with your screen names.
I’m flatter by the comparison but Brains is Wwaayyy Too conservative for my taste.
Bob that head after another apple squirrel.
I don’t believe that’s an apple that clown is bobbing for.
I thought I was the biggest lib in SW Indiana!
Heard that the State Board has a new boss in this area. Russ is calling him Sherman after the Civil War general who torched everything from Atlanta to Savannah. According to Russ he’s a northerner who’s down here to destroy everything in his path. Even heard one of the State Board people calling him Sherman. This guy is also the CPA who wasn’t allowed to speak at the Exit Conference last week.
Is this the same dude that has been camped out at USI for over a decade now?
Why worry. This is the man to stop Vlad.
Thats the smartest man in the world for you right there. No idea how many states there are in the country that he is charge of.
AhHa! Liked this video and thought it noteworthy but disliked the others and think they should not be allowed, right Brandon?
You would make a great First Amendment advocate for Fox News.
Of Cooooooooooooooourse!! Confirmation bias at it’s finest. The fact that the Kock Bros and Julie Boonstra were PROVEN to be FGD liars by numerous media outlets means nothing to them because it doesn’t fit their pathetic preconceived worldview.
Hey look after being on the campaign trail for months on end Obama said 57 states! Check and mate liberals!! Dum de do do dum
Hey look it’s Teddy Kennedy! Dum de do do dum
Ok so Teddy should have gotten manslaughter. I was 10 at the time. So what do the war criminals Bush and Cheney get? Oh yeah a new heart and a presidential library.
V-is-to-R says:
March 19, 2014 at 10:20 pm
“I may be drunk, miss,but in the morning I will be sober,and you miss will still be ugly.â€
Same guy Ellen. (Winston Churchill)
“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing,after they tried everything elseâ€
Again,(Winston Churchill)
Old farts cigars stunk,as well.
LOL! Oh V you crack me up.
In all fairness though the so called “obamaphone” has probably gotten out of hand and some more restrictions should be put on it. In today’s American society though lack of access to a mobil phone can be a big problem for poor families.
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