IS IT TRUE the latest Evansville bout with patronage human resources policies is drawing the ire of nearly everyone in town with enough sense to see what has been proposed by our Vanderburgh County Commissioners?…firing a capable and educated young professional who chose Evansville over other opportunities in other places spits in the face of growing the young and educated part of the local workforce?…it is entirely possible that some elected officials have been indoctrinated from birth in the culture of patronage that they don’t even know it is the path to permanent mediocrity?…this action will be memorialized on future Google searches as a reason for educated professionals to avoid Evansville like a cat avoids a bath?

IS IT TRUE we can’t wait to hear what the President of the Vanderburgh County Commission has to say about the firing of the current Director of Burdette Park without cause?

IS IT TRUE  the State Board of Accounts audited financial statement for the City of Evansville reveals some shocking information?  …that the Post Employment benefits healthcare plan funding status as of January 1, 2015,  was zero (0) percent funded. by the City of Evansville?  ….The actuarial accrued liability for retired city employees benefits was $281,495,540 and the actuarial value of assets for this fund was zero (0) funded, resulting in an unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of $281,495,540.?

IS IT TRUE we have on good authority that today’s County Commissioners meeting should be extremely interesting?  …we been informed by Vanderburgh County Veterans Commander Mark Acker that members of the Vanderburgh County Commission are trying to force the Vanderburgh County Veterans Council to leave the Veterans Memorial Coliseum?  …Mr. Acker also alleges that he believes the Mayor would like to demolish the Veterans Memorial Coliseum because it stands in the way of his future downtown revitalization. plans?  ….Commander Acker also states  “that the Vets are fed up with the way members of County Commission have been mistreating them and have retained legal counsel to represent them ? …this a developing story?

IS IT TRUE that bad news struck the West Franklin Street entertainment district Sunday afternoon when a patron of the restaurant was told “there is no tea”?…the reason given for a tea shortage was that the Tin Man Restaurant will be shutting down and the only things available for sale are whatever is on the shelf in the back?…the last day of operation was communicated from a waiter to a customer as Sunday March, 19, 2017?… The future of the Tin Man Brewery is not known at this time?…the legacy of the Tin Man started about a decade ago when someone won enough lottery money to set themselves up for life and used part of it to start among other things a brewery and a restaurant in Evansville?…with the depth of the pockets backing the Tin Man it must have been facing some insurmountable financial issues for the white flag of surrender to have been hoisted?…this business failure will most certainly cause other aspiring entrepreneurs in the Evansville entertainment market to think twice and bankers to think five times before making loans against such assets?

IS IT TRUE there is about to be another startup business down at Marina Point which has seen its share of challenges to entrepreneurial success?…the list of failed entertainment venues is a long one and we hope that trend ends with the soon to be launched business?…the owner of this new business at Marina Point is the owner of K C TIMEOUT Bar located at the Washington Square Mall on Green River Road?  …we predict that KC Marine Point Bar will be a smashing success because the owner knows his stuff?

IS IT TRUE a 35 year old mother from Henderson is in trouble for supplying alcohol to her own teenager and at least one other teenager?…beer and other alcohol consumption has been an accepted tradition in the Tri-State for at least a century but that does not make it legal or right?…let this Henderson mom be an example to others of how not to raise children?…terrible parenting is likely to be one of the fundamental reasons that there are places like Iceland where people are 15 times less likely to commit murder than Evansvillians are?…multiply that by eleven for St. Louis?…America had better get its act together in the parenting department or we may well be headed to attaining third world status among nations?

NOTE: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel its time for our City and County officials to start planning to demolish the Veterans Memorial Coliseum to make way for future development?


  1. Wondering about the editor’s reaction to Dank’s relationship with the gentleman with the blighted properties?

  2. Please attend the Commissioners’ meeting this afternoon at 3 in the Civic Center!

  3. “with the depth of the pockets backing the Tin Man it must have been facing some insurmountable financial issues for the white flag of surrender to have been hoisted?…this business failure will most certainly cause other aspiring entrepreneurs in the Evansville entertainment market to think twice and bankers to think five times before making loans against such assets?”

    Maybe being a bit of a drama queen here, Editor. It has seemed from the beginning that the restaurant / tasting room side of Tin Man was an afterthought, or at least thought of as a necessary evil addition to the brewery. My impression all along was that the owner wanted to run a brewery, not a food-service. Maybe the juice finally just wasn’t worth the squeeze. If financial ruin were on his horizon, I doubt if Tin Man would have very recently expanded by opening a brewery in Kokomo.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if the ‘tasting room’ didn’t make a comeback in some form or another. Carson’s and Evansville Brewhouse are having success with that model, proof that it can work. Ultimately, as long as I can still get my Rivet and Overlord fix, I’m a happy camper!

      • No, sorry for the confusion. A ‘tasting room’ is basically a bar set up where you can order their house beers, and you can bring in any food you may want to eat. As far as I know there are not any food sales ar either Brewhous or Carsons, it is all BYP.

  4. My father is a veteran of the Air Force 20 plus years leave the coliseum alone please

  5. This situation at Burdett Park has two sides . You are only giving one side and I do not think you really want to be fair but this young man may have not really have had the experience you say and maybe came here from out of town through a relative of a local politician and was hand fed this position . Where did he stay when he moved here at what cost . Do a little research before you attack a office holder who we voted in to make some needed change and shake up the status quo…

  6. I belueve that in 1971 the Vanderburgh County Commissioners leased the Soldiers and Sailors Memorual Coliseun to the Vanderburgh County Veterans Council for 99 years at $1/year. Should be 53 years left on that lease.

  7. Notice of Adoption of Preliminary Determination

    Notice is hereby given pursuant to Indiana Code 6-1.1-20-3.6 that the Board of School Trustees of Evansville- Vanderburgh School Corporation did, on July 7, 2008, make a preliminary determination to enter into a lease or leases and issue bonds for the construction of e new high school and new middle school on the north side of the school district, including the purchase of real estate; the renovation of Glenwood Middle School, Lincoln Elementary School, Lodge Elementary School, Plaza Park Middle School, Highland Elementary School, Stockwell Elementary School; and the renovation and improvements to Cedar Hall Elementary School or in the alternative the construction of a new K 8 building and the renovation or construction of facilities to be used as an alternative education facility and an information systems building (the “Project”).

    The lease or leases and bonds will be for a maximum term of 23 years with a maximum annual lease rental of $19,755,OOO. The maximum annual lease rental has been estimated based upon an estimated principal amount of bonds of $149,000,000 and estimated interest rates ranging from 4.8% to 6.0% and total interest costs of $131,525,479.

    The School Corporation’s current debt service levy is $3,718,986. and the current debt service rate is .0453.
    After the after the school corporation enters into the proposed lease and the bonds are issued, the maximum debt service levy will be $20,755,000 (a maximum increase of $17,036,014) and the maximum debt service rate will be .1336 (a maximum increase of .0883); however, as principal on other obligations is retired, the principal for this Project will replace it to maintain substantially equal payments in the aggregate. For the portion of the Project which consists of a new school facility, the school corporation estimates it will incur annually $1,099,387 to operate those facilities.

    The purpose of the lease or leases is to provide for the construction of the Project. If a valid petition pursuant to IC. 6-1.1.-20-3.5 is received by the School Corporation, the proposed debt service or lease payments must be approved in an election on a local public question held under IC 6-1.1-20-3.6.

    Dated July 9, 2008.

    Christopher A. Kiefer Secretary, Board of School Trustees
    Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    This was just nine (9) years ago that the EVSC went on this building spree. Since then the EVSC has started construction on another elementary school, and just purchased a 135 acre golf course for $3. Million ” for future construction”. This is not an operation to “educate children”, it is a cash cow for the local business establishment!

  8. I went to the Tin Man a couple of times and it was nothing special. There is one place in Evansville that gets the food and beer thing perfect and that place is Turoni’s. I start thinking about Turoni’s pizza and a mug of Honey Blonde every time a board a flight to come back and visit.

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