IS IT TRUE yet another financial question involving a large drop in the balance of a critical account of the City of Evansville was pointed out to the City County Observer yesterday?…this time it is the “hospitalization†account that has been depleted in a single year from well over $5 Million down to a critically low level of about $400,000?…over the course of 2012 the balance of this hospitalization account fell by $5.2 Million?…that works out to an average decline of $433,000 per month?…if that is a valid indicator or the cash flow this fund expends the people who depend on this fund had reserves of only one month on hand in the City of Evansville coffers to pay for hospitalization services?…in the course of 2012 the City of Evansville let this account dwindle from having a 13 month reserve to a single month?…this deserves and explanation from the City Controller’s office?…one explanation could be just one more instance of robbing Peter to pay Paul by moving money from one account to another ad nauseum to cover up for insufficient reserves in critical accounts?
IS IT TRUE that it has been over a year since the Earthcare Energy fiasco was in full bloom in the City of Evansville?…the monthly minimum payments continue to roll in and the status of the $200,000 loan is “currentâ€?…if and we do mean if this money is ever repaid which it must be by this time next year to maintain its account status as “currentâ€, this $200,000 will be the focus of competition for all of the City of Evansville accounts that are at critically low levels?…in the same Gateway report on the City of Evansville’s finances that exposed the $5.2 Million hole in the hospitalization fund it is also easy to figure out that the City of Evansville spent over $22 Million more than it took in from revenue in 2012?…we seem to remember the 2013 budget that was approved by your City Council without the benefit of having the books reconciled increased spending by much more than the cost of living index?…this is happening in a time of declining municipal revenues?…it is mind boggling to think that the Winnecke Administration is serious about spending $10 Million on dog parks and skateboard parks and a $54 million downtown hotel with a negative operating budget?…Evansville is pulling the same stunts that bankrupt cities like Detroit were pulling 10 years ago and the long term result may well be the same no matter what the recent bond rating reiteration was?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Henderson has made public the fact that they are considering merging the Chamber of Commerce with Northwest Kentucky Forward?…Northwest Kentucky Forward has been the rough equivalent of a combination of GAGE and the SW Indiana Coalition for Economic Development since it was formed several years ago?…to merge such an entity with a Chamber of Commerce is an unusual decision to say the least?…Henderson is either a national leader in such things if this merger goes forward or are simply trying to avoid having to lay another six figure salary on the line by merging?…the acting Executive Director of Northwest Kentucky Forward was just named and he is the current CEO of the Chamber of Commerce?…he reportedly applied for the job and was willing to consider a move from the Chamber to NKF?…it will be interesting to see if this gentleman gets double pay for double duty?…we are betting not?
IS IT TRUE that Congressman Larry Buschon is pushing for a bill that will suspend President Barack Obama’s salary until there is a federal budget passed?…that President Obama has never managed the country under an approved budget and that he has been derelict in his duties to present a budget to congress for approval?…that the reality is that no budget the President may have submitted would have passed through Congress without opposition and alteration?…we like Congressman Buschon’s idea but think that idea needs to be extended to the entire Congress along with the President?…the truth is that neither the President nor the Congress are doing this vital part of their job and they all need a looming consequence to motivate a sane compromise?…the President has been quite skilled at manufacturing a crisis so let’s see if we can give him one by suspending his paycheck along with all of Congress until we have a budget that has majority support of the American people?
I just love Tea Party Republicans. They’re soooooo Constitutional and all. (As if ANY of them ever READ or have the ability to COMPREHEND the Constitution…). LARRY BUSCHON is advocating VIOLATING Article II of the UNITED STATES Constitution … The same Constitution he took an Oath and SWORE TO UPHOLD!
Will anybody hold these local politicians accountable for their actions? Anybody? This clause is set in place to DETER and PREVENT the very thing that Buschon is proposing. Folks, let’s put it this way. Our forefathers put PAY into our elected officials’ job descriptions to AVOID preventing poor people from running for office and holding office. You see, if we didn’t pay our local, state and federal politicians, only RICH PEOPLE would have the opportunity to serve. And we all know RICH PEOPLE only look out for themselves. Our forefathers understood this. This clause in Article II allows ANYONE the ability to serve – and that’s what makes our country so unique and special. Even a peanut farmer from Georgia can run for President. Or a rich oil man from Texas.
Clause 7: Salary
The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.
The President’s salary, currently $400,000 a year, must remain constant throughout the President’s term. The President may not receive other compensation from either the federal or any state government.
Okay, so the Congress can cut off his access to Air Force One: No more vacations on the taxpayers’ dime!
Buschon is a hypocrite.
What Bucshon should be pushing is a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. That would make more sense and would be energy better spent.
What Bucshon is proposing is legal. He is proposing a bill that will hold the President’s pay for a period of time—1 year. At the end of the year the President will get his full salary. Bucshon is doing a great job representing the 8th District. This country needs more people like him.
tubby, are you the same tubby that coached Ky a few years ago?BUSCHON has done nothing in congress for over 2 years and it is time for him to move on.In case you haven’t heard , congress has non voted AGAINST the mim. wage law and now you think we need more people like him. Wake up brother you’re in in a dream.
It’s interesting how I always find a way to disagree with everyone, even among people who are already disagreeing with each other…
I agree Bucshon is worthless. He’s a shill for the military industrial complex and the people who benefit from it. He voted to extend the Patriot Act. He is part of the “old” and “moss covered” GOP Rand Paul spoke of at CPAC.
As for the minimum wage… It should be abolished. Wage and price controls do not help workers in the long run. All they do is raise the prices of everything we buy as consumers. Prices merely chase the new wage levels and unskilled workers suffer most because they inevitably get priced out of the new labor market, forcing what could have been an American job offshore. Then the unions (not always the workers, mind you, but the leadership)who pushed for the higher minimum whine to Congress for price controls on imports. It’s a vicious and pointless cycle. Let the free market alone. Everyone will find their level and their niche in it. Protectionism only helps the very few at the expense of the many.
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