Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE June 6, 2016

IS IT TRUE June 6, 2016


We are saddened by the news of the death of a long-time friend, patriot and political activist, Berniece Timmerstein, yesterday in a traffic accident?  Our dear friends and neighbors, Jim and Charlene Braker were also injured in the same accident.   We offer our prayers for them and their families?

IS IT TRUE  are hearing that a local charity thrift store known for its generous service to the most needy among us has fallen on hard times? …we know that other non-profit organizations are doing very well financially and hope that they will share their bounty with the more humble charities? … we have noticed that a few faith-based non-profits appear to be frequent recipients of grants through DMD because they have seemly exercised political influence helpful to the Winnecke administration?

IS IT TRUE an Appeal Application has been quietly filed with the Zoning Appeals Board requesting that they give permission for an variance for someone who wants to start a STRIP CLUB on South Green River Road just across from Planet Fitness, Stein Mart and soon to be built Schnuck grocery store?  …we are hearing that property and business owners that do business in that section of South Green River Road are banning together to oppose this development? ….If you would like to join this battle please call Charles (Skip) Garnett at 812-430-2606?  ….this a developing story so get ready to read about a in your face Zoning Appeals battle?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that a group of respected and well-heeled Democrats are already seeking a young, energetic primary opponent for Second Ward Councilwoman Missy Mosby in 2019?…that they have already identified one fresh face with no political baggage who is receptive to the idea? …we also hear the same group will seek opposition for other Democrat office holders? … the names of Jonathon Weaver and James Brinkmeyer might appear on their list, too?

IS IT TRUE that the Southwestern corner of Indiana is shaping up to be a battleground in the Governor’s race?  …John Gregg has opened a campaign office in Evansville as a sign that he is courting local support?  …it looks like Mr. Gregg is in the  Governors race to win?

IS IT TRUE attached below is the most recent 990 IRS Tax Report filed by Deaconess Hospital-Evansville for you to analyze?  …we hope you will pay special attention to the section that gives a detailed breakdown of salaries paid to top administrators?


IS IT TRUE we advise our readers to check for detours if they plan to traverse the downtown area anytime soon? …that construction of the land-based casino, the North Main project, and the public events held in the summer will cause a lot of street closings?

IS IT TRUE today’s “READERS POLL” question is:  Who do you feel is the most effective Vanderburgh County Council member?


  1. A new STRIP CLUB opening in Evansville is a great opportunity for Winnecke to have a news conference, talking of the great jobs that this new employer will bring to our community.

    • Photo op for a couple of City Councilmen in yellow blazers and holding coffee cups!

  2. ….FYI, and I know this doesn’t matter to the fellow racists who support Trump for President,
    but the Judge sworn to uphold the US Constitution who Trump believes can’t be impartial
    because he has an Hispanic name, is not only a US Citizen, but he is BORN in Indiana.
    News Flash: The Racist National Convention is July 18, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio.
    I don’t see how Trump wins this. Hillary is a disastrous candidate. But Trump is a catastrophe.
    How does he win this?

    • “The Racist National Convention is July 18, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio”

      Seriously, Don? You’re better than that. Painting all members of a political party with the ‘racist brush’ is something both sides love to do, and both sides are lessened by the tactic. It doesn’t move the discussion forward.

      • Their policies are racist, sexist and their presidential candidate is an unabashed bigot. Come down from the affected high moral ground and get over here, ➡︎ https://city-countyobserver.com/bingo-riot/, they need you. Or, stay here setting up false equivalencies and declaring them true and continue being a scold, either is fine.

        • Delta Bravo….you are correct to note my over the top renaming of the RNC Convention. But that is my point. Trump is taking the Republican Party into to hands of racists. So, indeed, the name WILL fit as long as people put up with this racism. So…..in your words DeltaBravo……WE are supposed to be better than that.

        • Boy howdy, you sure set me straight, Bandana. I formally apologize for opining that name-calling and mudslinging was a tired, unproductive, and intellectually lazy tactic used by both sides. Carry on…

          • That’s not what you ‘opined’.

            As people trying to defend the indefensible often do, you simply said the other side does it too and proceeded to try to expound on it in your rewrite. The old discredited schoolyard defense. To your credit, fake apologies are a great way to try to rehabilitate an unimaginative attempt to spread blame.

          • Oh snap! Got me again, Bandana! When I wrote:

            “Painting all members of a political party with the ‘racist brush’ is something both sides love to do, and both sides are lessened by the tactic.”

            And then stated in a follow-up post:

            “…name-calling and mudslinging {sic} was a tired, unproductive, and intellectually lazy tactic used by both sides…”

            I was clearly engaged in a biased ‘schoolyard defense’ which favored one side over another.

            Dayum! You’ve got my number, amigo! Thanks for calling me to task! I am humbled at your ability to see through my obvious biases, and appreciate the shock therapy! I eagerly await your thoughts on how I was attempting to ‘defend the indefensible’, as well as how you parsed that from my posts. Seriously. Get back with me on that.

          • Great response. You’d make a fair 3rd or 4th responder. You can continue to flounder around trying to give some credence to your false equivalency, but your words precede you. Explain ’em up again. Keep digging, go ahead with another rewrite. You can do it. However, you’ve already made yourself gin clear.

  3. I hate to hear about Berniece and Jim and Charlene. I hope the Braker’s were not seriously injured.

    Berniece was always a pleasure to watch and listen to at City Council meetings. Her soft voice and slender frame made it easy to overlook her, but if you listened to her words you could tell there was intelligence and steel behind them. I thought it was neat that she continued to be an activist (and an apparent thorn in the sides of the powers-that-be) even as she got older. I first met her and Jim and Charlene when they came out and vocally opposed the Weinzapfel plan to close fire stations several years ago. We have lost a dedicated watchdog over our public servants, and as far as I could tell a very sweet lady.

  4. I want to talk about how dishonest and unscrupulous “newspapers” manipulate the product they put before their readers.

    In today’s EVANSVILLE COURIER&PRESS, Monday, June 6, 2016 on page 9A, the Nation & World section there appears an article by Susan Page, the Washington Bureau Chief for USA Today. This is the article:


    While the text of the article appears to be the same in the link provided and in the print edition of today’s Evansville Courier&Press, the file photo and the caption are not the same. The Evansville Courier&Press uses an entirely different file photo by Justin Sullivan of Getty Images, and a caption for the photo that, at this point in time, I have not been able to attribute to the author. The caption beneath the photo states:

    [ “Hillary Clinton’s tone and general likability tend to be reflected in Americans’ opinions of her candidacy, studies show. Though rival Donald Trump is viewed as equally dishonest, he has managed to brand her “Crooked Hillary.” ]

    I have seen no studies or polls that show “Donald Trump is viewed as equally dishonest” as Hillary Clinton. I believe this was attached to this EVANSVILLE COURIER&PRESS article in an attempt to show Mrs. Clinton in a more favorable light than she deserves from her long history of lying to the American public.

  5. I looked over the Deaconess tax return. That is a very well run business. You don’t have to worry about them falling on hard times as long as it keeps being run as it was during that year. The real beauty is that as a non-profit, the stakeholders cannot take any cash out. The profits are available to expand or to keep the equipment maintained and state of the art. The focus should be on the performance of the entity and not what some people who are doing a great job are paid. Look at any closed or struggling non-profit and you are likely to find underpaid staffers. You get what you pay for.

    • Didn’t you leave a local tax draining non-profit, GAGE, for another one in the Coachella Valley? You are awfully hard on small charities that do a lot of good work with volunteers. Are you a capitalist or a socialist?

        • I do not know the answer to your question. What I do know is that such a deal would compromise the non-profit status of Deaconess so I assume these people know that and act accordingly.

      • Over 90% of our funding here is from the private sector. As for non-profits that are underfunded that is a board of directors issue. The expectations placed upon non-profit staffs by their boards often exceeds the capacity of the resources they are granted to deliver. I am a capitalist with a motivation to serve. My life up until age 50 was spent that way. I always have had a goal to “give back” in my golden years and that started at GAGE. Maybe, that was a poor choice.

        FYI, the salary that I have accepted since 2006 has been on the order of 10% of what I was paid in Silicon Valley based companies back in my pure capitalist days. Money isn’t everything.

        • “As for non-profits that are underfunded that is a board of directors issue. The expectations placed upon non-profit staffs by their boards often exceeds the capacity of the resources they are granted to deliver.”
          Very valid point. All you have to do is look at Ruth’s House in Evansville to see how that works. Great concept. Worrhwhile cause. Terribly underfunded and unrealistic expectations placed upon their staff by the board that results in excessive staff turnover and a charity that struggles to keep its doors open.

      • What is wrong with you, taking a 90% pay cut? Did Winnie hurt you that much when he ran you out of town?

        • The cut was with respect to the 1990’s when I was part of a start-up that was the largest gainer on NASDAQ. I moved from CA to Evansville in 1999. That is when I shifted my focus from money to life. Life is fine here and I am paid well by non-profit standards, quite frankly it is much better than GAGE and more effective in supporting entrepreneurship. I do not recall being run out of any town. I tired of dealing with cronyism and decided to make a move before I got too old to care. If I had thought it possible to make a positive difference without making it a life ending mission, I would still be there. Good luck with whatever you are doing to make a difference.

  6. How does Missy Nosby feel about the strip club? She was a Hooter’s Girl before she got on City Council.

  7. Wow.
    The bloom is off the rose, no doubt about that. Trump seems to have lost his charm, can’t evolve into the general election, and doesn’t know how to discuss policy. It’s like he isn’t interested in it, any of it.

    It’s the same as Ross Perot.
    Anyone else think Trump has decided he doesn’t want to actually be President?

    • I don’t think he really wants this. He started to feed his ego and his message resonated with enough people to hand him the republican nomination. In many ways Trump is like the dog that chased a car and caught it and now he doesn’t know what to do with it. I don’t expect he will keep spending personal money and he may bow out if a face saving opportunity presents itself. A guy like that would hate being part of a process oriented organization like the US Government. He likes to snap his fingers and make things happen. Government can’t even furnish a room in six months at a price that is less that triple what the list prices are. It would drive Trump crazy.

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