IS IT TRUE? June 6, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? June 6, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that it is good to see reminders in the media that Evansville was named the most obese city in America?…that while it is a good reminder that people would be healthier if they were to eat better and do some exercise it is interesting that we are not seeing many reasons being put forth that we are too fat as a community?…that to look for reasons that we tend to eat unhealthy foods and too many of them we need to look no further than the food booth list for the upcoming ShrinerFest?…that there are 30 food booths signed up to serve 66 different types of food?…that the list of foods offered is fried, deep fried, candy, sugar, soda, and all sorts of things that are tasty but will clog an artery and fatten one up too quick to imagine?…that a person that wants to eat a healthy meal had better eat before going down?…that people do not need much encouragement to turn into gluttons but that with all of the buffets in town, the festivals that celebrate junk food, and the Bierstubes what is a health nut to do?

IS IT TRUE that the menu and vendor line up for the ShrinersFest is at the website below.!food

IS IT TRUE that health insurance is much more costly for the portly than it is for people with a healthy body mass index?…that this cost can be up to 300% more for a person with a body mass index of over 30 as compared to a person with a body mass index of 20?…that smoking even runs the premiums higher?…that fat people and smokers suffer more lost days at work than non-smokers of healthy weight?…that as much as the City of Evansville likes to promote itself as a place that is inexpensive to do business that the wage advantage is more than lost when businesses Google and find out that 37.9% of our population is clinically obese and that we are the only city over 100,000 people to reverse a smoking ban?…that the lifestyle choices that keep us fat and keep smoking tolerated are hurting us terribly in our capacity to be a competitive place to do business?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer was contacted today and told of a rumor floating around that Lady GAGA will be the opening act at the new Arena?…that there has been a Facebook page dedicated to making this happen for about a year now?…that Lady GAGA just finished a long running “Monsters” tour that brought in more than $100M but reportedly left GAGA $3M in debt?…that all indicators on the concert scene point to a new Lady GAGA tour for 2012 but not any more dates in 2011?…that it was just a couple of months ago that Lady GAGA sold over 20,000 tickets in Louisville’s YUM Center at over $100 each?…that for the Evansville Arena to be cost effective for Lady GAGA that we will need to sell every seat in the house for an average of $200 per ticket?…that this is possible but not necessarily probable?…that if GAGA comes to Evansville it will be out of her charitable feeling toward us?…that if charity comes to town looking and sounding like Lady GAGA that we accept that we will willingly accept that charity?


  1. As raw as I am about the Downtown Arena, I WILL pay whatever, to see Gaga. Call me weak, call me wishy/washy, call me, “Little Monster!”

  2. She grossed $ 100,000,000 and took a loss of $ 3,000,000 ??? Lady Gaga needs a new manager. I would recommend the fellows at Evansville Parks & Recreation.

  3. Is it true that while the City of Evansville has way too many overweight and obese people – like most of the nation – the poll was actually about the Evansville, IN-KY Metropolitan Statistical Area, not the City of Evansville? Is it true that the Evansville, IN-KY MSA has a population of 352,000? Is it true that Evansville is about 1/3 of this area?

    • It is true and it is a reflection on the entire region. Driving about there does not appear to be much difference from Evansville to Henderson to Newburgh, to Owensville to ????? Now the little burghs do tend to look to Evansville for guidance and buffets.

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