IS IT TRUE Joe Wallace posted this comment yesterday? … Joe posted the following comments about the $16 1/2 million dollars Deaconess Sports Complex at Goebel Field? …another one you just can’t make up? …there is a game clock on the baseball scoreboards at the new park but no place for balls and strikes? …who the heck puts a time clock on a baseball scoreboard and forgets to have an indicator for balls and strikes? …they must have outsourced this to someone who is fond of cricket or soccer because they knew nothing about baseball? … base paths wrong, no balls, no strikes, and no outs, but a time clock there to make sure the game doesn’t run too long.? …whatever firm was hired to design this must not have ever even been to a baseball game?

IS IT TRUE we would like  for you to contact the Convention and Visitors Board Executive Director Bob Warren who mastermind the designing of  the $10 Million Dollar Deaconess Sports Complex so you can  express your disappointment about the major mistakes made in building this complex?

IS IT TRUE we are surprised that Vanderburgh County GOP Chairman Wayne Parke’s news release sent to the Courier and Press generated a front page story about State Representative Gail Riecken’s fundraiser in Indianapolis? …Rep. Riecken held a lunchtime fundraiser before she attended a quarterly Department of Child Services (DCS) Oversight committee meeting? …we wonder if Mr. Parke  is  insinuating that State Representative Gail Riecken was double dipping to skirt around campaign limits? … we hope Mr. Parke isn’t suggesting that Mrs. Riecken was doing something illegal concerning the State election laws?  … then he should report her to the Secretary of State Election Division to be prosecuted for election laws violations?  …we hope any future political fund raising activities  Mrs. Riecken has will be in the name of “Riecken For Mayor”? … this will stop any future questions about what office  Mrs. Riecken is running for?  …its time to focus on the important issues in the Mayoral campaign?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why Mayor Winnecke is allowing Wayne Parke to speak on his behalf on issues concerning him and Gail Riecken? …we wonder who is the real Mayor of Evansville , Wayne Parke or Lloyd Winnecke? …it’s time that Mayor Winnecke “Man Up” and stop hiding behind Mr. Parke’s coat tails and take Mrs. Riecken on? …when the Mayor decides to take Mrs. Riecken head on and talk about real issues of the campaign we predict he shall be taking on a tiger by the tail?




    Evansville Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken invited donors to attend an upcoming fundraiser to benefit her campaign…For re-election as State Representative. Riecken distributed an invitation for the event, via email, soliciting donations for her Riecken for State Representative campaign committee. The event is planned for Tuesday, June 9th, in Indianapolis and will be hosted by the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA).

    By actively planning and soliciting funds for a 2016 re-election bid for State Representative, Riecken is either looking beyond her current campaign or combining her fundraising efforts among the office she holds and the one she seeks. Whichever explanation she chooses, Evansville voters deserve to know she is blatantly running for two offices at the same time.

    Wayne Parke, Chairman VCRP

    • Which ever one it is, her performance compared to your Boy will be head and shoulder above his or lack thereof . .let see how your boy’s score card is looking:

      (a) – Failed to properly re-negotiate the Johnson Control Contracts concerning meter damage = $3,000 per home

      (b) – Failed to properly oversee the public’s money and overspent during his first three year in office = $27,000,000

      (c) – Failed to produce a hotel after four ground breaking ceremonies and 3.5 year later = 2.0 million additional engineering and architecture costs.

      (d) – Failed to persuade his party who controls the General Assembly in super majority fashion and the Governor’s mansion to match what the people of Evansville will be tossing in the Med School project = $25,000,000

      (e) – Failed to include the household income in the county concerning the affordable study relating to the CSO consent decree with the EPA thinking that those EPA guys are just stupid and they would NOT notice and of course pissed em off and now expect us to be back in court = $135,000,000

      (f) – Failed to disclose to the public that the City is obligated to the tune of $239,000,000 for post retiree health benefits.

      We are sure there are more to come . . . that’s your Boy!!

      • b) – Failed to properly oversee the public’s money and overspent during his first three year in office = $27,000,000

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        How about: Failed to properly oversee the public’s money and overspent during his entire eight years in office to the tune of $216. million at the very least conservative estimate. The real total is millions of dollars higher. Where was all your bitching when that was was going on?

      • +1000

        I would add paraded around town for 18 months letting on that the money for the Hotel was in the appropriate accounts to begin construction., knowing full well that was false.

    • In Wayne’s World, his SOP is to bully as evident in the fact that . .oh, how many vice-chairs has he had? If his boy can not run on his record, let’s use weapons of mass distraction.

    • I guess Riecken’s fundraising is a lot more fun to talk about than Winnecke’s actual record. Wayne Parke, you have been one of the lowest GOP chairmen in recent history. It’s great to see you doing Winnecke’s dirty work, but just wait until Riecken starts hammering you guys on spending, unfinished projects, and a total mismanagement of the city.

    • First post didn’t work so I’ll try again. Mr. Parke has a point that the Evansville Mayoral candidate is raising State Representative campaign funds. The real issue appears to be whether she can use State Rep. campaign funds for her Mayoral campaign? Or does a former State Rep. get to keep all their campaign funds?

    • I would expect nothing less from a democrat. She’s been at the public teat for far too long.

  2. Scoreboards:

    It is true ! Picture and article in C & P this morning (Friday, 6/5). Someone from ECVB named Laura Libs stating that they left it off so that they could have a ‘crawl’ panel at the bottom for advertising. BRILLIANT ! Leave off balls and strikes so you can push ” go visit the LST, you won’t be sorry” messages ?

    Editor, check your $ 10 Million figure. C & P is reporting $ 16.5 Million. Article also says they are already walking back the company line about not having extended base paths for over 12 travel teams.

    • We’ve seen the “furrier & suppressed” article as well. Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau, ought to trade in the clown car for a couple of short buses. Eco-friendly ones of course, looks like they could fill’um up on any route they might take while planning their projects.

      The F&P story looks allot like an attempt at sugar coating a fresh dropped cow pie.

      • It won’t be long, maybe this afternoon (Friday p.m. being the traditional time for politicos to put out tainted news), when someone on Warren’s mighty team says the advertising crawl at the bottom of those billboards can easily be programmed to display balls and strikes. Depending on the strength of their coffee they might even say that was the plan all along (but they’d be too late with that for anyone but the most blinkered to believe it).

      • The first stop for the Short Bus should be in front of the Civic Center when they let the political goons out for the day.

    • The $16.5 million Deaconess Sports Park, built and managed by the Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau, is being counted on to generate tourism for the area. It hosted its first tournament and opening ceremonies last weekend. The next one is booked June 20-21, and others are to follow during the summer.

      (The above is an excerpt which I borrowed from this morning’s C & P )

      Thanks Tim. We just corrected the figure in the IIT article.


      • Did you notice everyone the C&P interviewed were local? I wonder how many of the teams in last weekend’s tournament were from far enough away that they would spend nights in a hotel?

  3. Those s c r b d z could well become fodder for late night comics. Even given the abysmal Parke/Winnecke/Warren track record it’s difficult to believe they would insult any baseball visitors to this town by putting those billboards up instead of actual scoreboards. This has become what we expect in Lloyd Winnecke’s Evansville. A clown act hatched in secrecy. Astounding ineptitude.

    Laura Libs was probably being too candid by admitting the information relevant to a baseball game was left out in favor of advertising. She will likely soon be asked by Parke if that’s her real name, if that hasn’t already occurred. At least Winnecke generally stays hidden and quiet, not trusted by his handlers to speak without deep scripting. Stone meerkat.

    Vote for Gail Riecken, she’ll put the balls and strikes back in local baseball.

  4. Laura Libs (and Bob Warren) are great examples of those who get jobs based on “who they know” and not on “what they know.” What a couple of brain dead idiots. In the Real World people who screw up that bad get fired.

  5. Scoreboards can be configured to show whatever is desired. The idea put forward that a meeting was held and a conscious decision was made to eliminate strikes, balls, and outs so there was room for an ad bar is just nonsense. No one who knows anything about baseball would be so foolish. They could have easily had both and surely there was room in a $16.5 Million budget to ad 35 – 40 light bulbs. What this reeks of is inattention to detail.

    • Maybe Libs could sport swimwear and hold a hand printed card with the omitted info. Just don’t hold it to high and block the ad board.
      From scoreboards to Earthcare, it’s not that the EV-elite don’t know, it’s that they think they know.

    • Many scoreboards are prefab and standard with score inning and ball strike and out indicators. These things take up a fraction of the board.
      Let’s face it’s just another blunder that shows evansville isn’t ready to play with peer cities in the region or nation.
      Don’t let them build a new basketball or football park. We wouldn’t know the half, quarter, down, tol, fouls.
      In the private sector who ever saw these scoreboards as they are and approved it would be fired.

  6. Sounds like it is time for Bob Warren to pack his bags and head back down to Paduky KY, and take Laura Libs with him. What a pitiful example of $18M spent for a couple of hundred people.

  7. ー Deaconess Sports Complex, Home Of The Rolling Scoreboard ー

    After-the-fact, half assed solutions to the scoreboard debacle abound. Fixing the mindset responsible for the screw up could take a couple of election cycles.

  8. If any of you had been to a little league baseball game, you would know that each game is on a time limit – hence the clock. It counts down, usually from 2 hours, and depending on score an inning can’t start when the time runs out. That being said, all the scoreboards I have seen with a clock also have balls and strikes. Surely they could have figured out a way to have messages, too, in addition to the essentials.

  9. Dog and pony show while both parties rob you of your substance driving you deeper and deeper into debt so your children will be complete debt slaves.

    • From now on anyone cracking jokes or referencing Gail’s protest of the, Orwellian phrased, RTW law by going to Illinois should have to explain to the board and CCO reader’s why Indiana’s unemployment rate isn’t below the national average.

      After all it’s been over three years since we went “Right to force unions to represent workers even if they don’t pay their dues”. It was supposed to be raining jobs like manna from heaven by now.

      • What do you think the national unemployment rate is? You foolishly believe the number spat out by the owebama admin? Pity you.

      • Yeah, “brains”. And according to the dems the world would come to an end if RTW passed.
        Regarding Gail: some of us take going AWOL more seriously than you do. In fact, most get fired, or, in the case of the military, get locked up.

        • No one claimed the world end. They did claim that the economic condition of workers would deteriorate, and that has become the reality. Right To Work For Less… Thanks R’s!

      • The Winnecke Huggers are simply criticizing Gail Riecken for having a fundraiser. Unable or unwilling or both to recognize the legality and beauty of it. They’re stuck with a loser, a flawed horse heading a screwed up administration. Someone who somehow hasn’t managed to do one single positive thing for this city. Some are still squeaking Urbana, unable to appreciate a principled act when they see one. They are not only foolish, they are booking yet another loser. Winnecke laughs down on them from his roost overlooking main street and prepares for his dismissal from city government. Our accidental mayor has single handedly constituted a sad, embarrassing chapter in Evansville’s history.

      • Sorry Brains, you don’t get to write the rules. The one running for office should explain to the real thinkers how breaking her oath to our Constitution should instill trust in us that she will keep her campaign promises.

        But I will allow you to explain the doom and gloom predictions you closed shop progees made. You might add to your homework an explanation why when given a choice so many do not find a value in forced unionism.

  10. Re: The Great Scoreboard Fiasco. Just tell everyone that the scoreboards are Evansville’s homage to the mechanical scoreboard at the Big Green Monster in Boston. We’re just trying to figure out how to clone Marvin Gray so he can operate multiple scoreboards at the same time.

  11. Gail Riecken having a fundraiser for State Rep while running a campaign for mayor shows indecisiveness and reeks of lack of confidence. What would you think about an interviewee that is emailing resumes to other employers while interviewing with you for a position at your company?

    • meh, it’s all legal. Seriously, this a non-issue. And under the current rules of campaign finance it’s exactly what she SHOULD do. If you really want to impress people you would argue for getting money out of politics entirely. Personally, I would just like to see a few public debates, or better yet, both candidates taking questions from the public, off the cuff.

  12. Race for mayor. Pick the lesser of two turds.

    It’s a damn shame what they did to Rick Davis. He was an honest dude that would have most importantly spent money right. He was probably the last honest non professional politician that we’ll ever have run for mayor.

  13. The debacle of the scoreboards (no balls, no strikes no outs) and the base paths being incorrect is just so very very wrong for a 16 1/2 million dollar ballpark. It reflects very poorly on the paid staff of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau (Bob Warren & Laura Libs). The Board of Directors of ECVB must address this serious transgression of their professional ineptitude by issuing a written reprimand for their personnel files. The bucks stops with the Convention and Visitors Bureau paid employees. From my vantage point such an expensive snafu should truly result in termination of their employment.

    Deaconess Sports Complex sole corporate sponsor (Deaconess Hospital) Linda E. White President and CEO and of Deaconess Health Systems should DEMAND the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau FIX IT!!

    The lack of quality at the Deaconess Sports Complex is an embarrassment and reflects poorly on Deaconess Health Systems. Their name attached to the Deaconess Sports Complex does not portray the quality that the Deaconess name is known for.

    Mistakes happen. Let us show our fortitude and commitment to doing the right thing by fixing the mistakes both at the Ballpark and the ECVB.

  14. On January 27, 2006 Al Gore announced that we had 10 years to save the planet. It’s hard to take your dramatic statement seriously but it’s a good rallying point for the left to tell us what to eat, what to drive and what kind of light bulbs we must use.

    • And we’ve just recently passed the CO2 threshold levels in the atmosphere and in the oceans that Mr. Gore was referring to. but thanks for your ignorant, misinformed straw man / red herring argument.

      • You guys take yourselves way too seriously – and your contrived science. You are always good for a laugh. Thanks

        • You are one to talk. Wako Right wing zeolots are the worst. Besides you are off topic. You should be talking about Obama this… and Obama That…? 🙂

  15. Travel ball games rely heavily on time limits for baseball games so yes the game clocks are essential but not including balls strikes and outs are idiotic.

  16. So crazy that such an uproar can be caused by 7 light bulbs on a scoreboard. Is everyone on here rooting for failure that badly? All I can do is shake my head and wonder why it is that every little thing that you can find to pick apart you do. The answer is simple pay attention to the umpire, he indicates outs and pitch counts during the game. But then you would actually have to pay attention to the game instead of winning and complaining about the laundry and the $500 bat you just bought Johnny so you can keep up with the Jones’.

    • Awe it really is adorable how you bootlick so passionately and justify your boss’s failure..
      Fact is, this mistake is a HUGE f’ing deal. Teams, coaches and parents want to SEE that stuff on the scoreboards. I would go further, as a baseball fan, and say baseball scoreboards should show the SCORE BY INNING.
      These things are important enough to ballers to score this facility as a NO and they will play elsewhere next time.
      It IS a big f’ing deal, even if you wish it weren’t.

    • Are you really that much of a Winnecke lackey you’re justifying scoreboards with no pertinent information?

  17. By the way, it’s not just us here complaining. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE at that initial tournament, noticed the crap scoreboards. And no one said “that’s cool we don’t need to know that stuff”. You really can’t recover from such a bad first impression. The word is already out on Evansville.

    I don’t know any particulars about the purchase but was someone given a budget for the purchase, went with the cheapest option and then pocket the rest as their ” fee”? How else do you spend $16 million dollars on a ball park that’s mostly dirt and grass.

  18. Whiners, complainers and malcontents. This site used to be about bettering evansville not anymore you all are about tearing it down from the inside out. Have fun banging your chest and causing a stir over light bulbs on your website. And I voted for rick davis btw. Not a Winnetka boot licker just someone that can see past this bullshit. Not one cent of public money financed that park so what gives you all the right to bitch?

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