IS IT TRUE June 5, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 5, 2012

IS IT TRUE the City County Observer is solidly on track to exceed ONE MILLION PAGEVIEWS in 2012 and continues to grow readership depth and breadth?…with some good election related traffic in the second half of the year that another year of over 50% growth in readership is highly probable?…that what some still refer to as a fledgling blog has maintained its lead in total time online readership over every other local media outlet and the Louisville Courier Journal during what is traditionally a downtime for local political news?

IS IT TRUE Earthcare Energy is how supposedly going to make and interest payment $381.47 tomorrow which is contractually sufficient to cover the interest on a $200,000 loan the Economic Development Loan Committee approved without City Council knowledge?…this is just one more example of the inept contract written by and signed by the City of Evansville?…that this is just one more indication that this little debacle is heading for court or a settlement in Earthcare’s favor due to the foolish way the Winnecke Administration managed the people of Evansville’s money?

IS IT TRUE that polling now indicates that 38% of the American people now reject both political parties and consider themselves to be independent?…the 38% of independents is larger than the percentage of supporters who respond that they are either Republicans or Democrats?…that the combined percentage of people identifying with one of the major parties is down to only 60% which is an all time low?…that the CCO thinks that independent thought was the most important thing that the United States of America was founded on and encourages independence at the polls?

IS IT TRUE that the son of Sean Combs (Puff Daddy or P. Diddy) is coming under fire for being offered an athletic scholarship at UCLA?…the reason that Diddy’s son is attracting all of this scrutiny is because his father is a very rich man from a long and successful career in entertainment?…that to raise a ruckus over the fact that Diddy is wealthy when it comes to an athletic scholarship for his son is simply preposterous?…that if Sean Comb’s son is one of the elite performers in his sport and UCLA want him to become a Bruin that the price of his athletic services is a scholarship and he should get the scholarship just as an athlete from a poor family should?…that anyone who seriously thinks that Diddy’s son should not get an athletic scholarship because his father is wealthy is an entitlement minded person driven by envy and needs to come to grips with the fruits of talent?

IS IT TRUE today is another day of opportunity for the Winnecke Administration and the Evansville City Council to start the VETTING of the Johnson Controls deal that Mayor Weinzapfel shoved through without City Council approval two days before he left office?…that the sooner that Mayor Winnecke learns that everything that Mayor Weinzapfel did was not perfect and should be subject to VETTING is one day sooner that Mayor Winnecke can start to become his own man and not be seen as a surrogate of the ex-Mayor?…that the Winnecke campaign was awarded a 2011 Mole award from the City County Observer for running a transparent, open, and highly professional campaign?…that we stand beside the award that the CCO presented the Winnecke campaign with?…that we have seen how professional and competent of an organization that Lloyd Winnecke can assemble and encourage him to be as good at serving the people of Evansville as Mayor as he ran his own campaign for that office?…that a critical part of being that person is leaning how to VET and assuring that VETTING is done on every project?


  1. TH epoll does not have my choice. Earthcare will pay. Not because Robinson is right, but they will not let $400 get in the way of a lawsuit that will net more.

    What I wonder is why Earthcare paid $16,000 of principle which they needed for start up?

  2. CCO: running Vectren ads on your site ? BOOOOOOOOOO ! Bad message to your readers. Hope you charged them the highest ad rates in Indiana !!

    • I guess Vectren figured if they threw some advertisement $ the CCO’s way it will quiet them down on the negative stories. I hope they are wrong.

    • Come on CCO,lose the Vectren ads ! What will happen when City Councilor John Friend finishes his tax season and is ready to resume his crusade against Vectren and their rates ? You will lose credibility if you are criticizing their rates while simultaneously accepting their ad revenue !!!! Slash your budgets, pay your employees in Groupons, but get off that Vectren teat ASAP !!!

        • jbird:

          Friend can’t help it if 5,000 of his tax clients all filed extensions on April 14th ! He will soon be leaving the salt mines and going after those Vectren rates again. Conversely, you might want to check Friend’s web site and make sure no Vectren ads appear !

          • personally I believe that Gail Reicken is our best hope to take on Vectren in a nonelection year. at least she consistently doesn’t like them.

  3. I so agree with you about student athlete Justin Combs, who happens to be the son of P.Diddy Combs! UCLA stated “Unlike need-based scholarships, athletic scholarships are awarded to students strictly on the basis of their athletic and academic ability — not their financial need.” Earning an athletic scholarship is a reward for his hard work, dedication and athletic ability and should NOT be taken away from this young man due to envy and jealousy of his Father’s success. He earned it!

  4. Congrats CCO! I’m still not a fan of the polls (you word them so as to make it pretty clear which way you want people to vote), but the articles are great and your moles are second to none.

    • You mean kind of like my hero Ed Schultz’s polls on MSNBC? “Text A if you think Scott Walker will go to Hell for what he’s done in Wisconsin, or Text B if you think Scott Walker has done a magnificent job in Wisconsin and want to Hell along with him.”

  5. Okay let’s see. 550 total individual viewers make 5 page views per day for 365 days and it will top a million views per year. Woopity doo!

    • That is one formula to 1 million but not our formula. In reality our unique viewer number is closer to 10,000 per month and the time online per visit is roughly 45 minutes. You can confirm these online if you know how.

      • According to this statistics website, your unique visitor number averages closer to 4500 per month over a 12 month period. Peak was about 6000 last Nov/Dec, and has since steadily dropped down to around 2000 in April, which was about the same as it was a year ago.

        I realize these stat websites can vary in the numbers they report, but usually by a small percentage. Whatever formula you say that you are using is double what this analytics report provides.

        Also interesting is that on it reports that “This site has a relatively good traffic rank in the cities of Palm Springs (#80) and Evansville (#475)” I wonder why the Palm Springs ranking is sooooo much higher than the Evansville ranking.

        • The numbers we report are from google analytics that is the most accurate and respected count available.

          Nov 2011: Unique visitors 10,364

          2012 thus far: 2 months over 10,000, 3 months under. Range is right at 2,000

          These are exact counts. If you send us your direct email I will send you any month you like.

          As for city ranks on Alexa we do not know how they rank by city so we can’t offer an answer. Their country and global rankings seem to make sense. When the Alexa administrator for CCO lived in Evansville the local ranking was about 50th. Alexa administrator lives in Palm Springs now so that must influence the city ranking.

          On Google roughly 75% of all traffic for the CCO is from Indiana with the bulk of that in Vanderburgh County. As for city visits during May Evansville recorded 20,067 in May while Palm Springs recorded exactly 62 (two per day) and those are me.

  6. As a monopoly, Vectren should never be allowed to advertise. If they want to improve their image, cut the advertising and cut the rates.

    This is ethically wrong and IMO, the CCO is practicing a somewhat “snegal” move by participating in their advertising.

    • Buzzard, I’m with you for zero advertising by the Vectren monopoly. With that said Vectren legally can advertise and I’m glad it goes to the CCO that is not influenced by who advertises and we get fair and accurate independent news from the CCO and we can post our opinions without fear of PC editing.

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