IS IT TRUE? June 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department has now been exposed for not even keeping any record of complaints that come in from the citizens of Evansville?…that even such public disasters such as a child stepping on a drug addicts needle are not kept in a complaints data base?…that Dan Schall the Director of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department thinks that a complaint tracking system is not even necessary?…that this is the Mayoral appointment who just a couple of weeks ago was on record as saying that emergency kiosks were not needed on the Greenway jogging trail because people have cell phones they can call 911 with?…that this same City of Evansville department head was dismissive about the exposed fact that random emergency kiosks that were installed as a lifeline for joggers and walkers?…that the #1 Bossman who was appointed by the Mayor seems to believe that having a system to track efficiency, effectivity, and improvement with a system of accountability is not even necessary in the Evansville Parks Department?…that this attitude is not only astonishing to anyone that has ever so much as wanted to lose 10 pounds but that it defies the very tenet of accountability in local government?

IS IT TRUE that without the diligence of people like Dr. Neil Troost, City Councilman Dan Adams, this publication, and a growing army of disgusted citizens that the problems in the parks would not even have been acknowledged by local authorities?…that even though the Mayor’s office is now tracking complaints that come their way and Councilwoman Missy Mosby is “looking into accountability” that they would have continued in their oblivious bliss unless diligent citizens who will not accept “I don’t know and I don’t care” for an answer came along?…that the lack of accountability and the arrogant way that accountability is rejected by a City of Evansville department head just confirms that Evansville seems to be run by rank amateurs when it comes to even knowing the basics of improvement and feedback systems?…that COMPETENCE should be a LITMUS TEST in the upcoming city elections and that having “deer in the headlight” looks from City Council members and oblivious department heads should be a thing of the past after January 1, 2012?

IS IT TRUE that the new CVB director Bob Warren has a refreshing view of how to run another of our public entities that did not seem to have had accountability in their day to day operating plan?…that Mr. Warren is quoted as saying “if it ain’t broke break it” which is the documented philosophy of Intel founder Andy Grove and many other Silicon Valley luminaries?…that is particularly welcome and needed in a city that was treated to the opposite philosophy by the President of the Evansville City Council B. J. Watts when he recently uttered the age old cliché “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?…that Mr. Warren will find as he settles into this job that there are plenty of things that are BROKE but that plenty of the administrative relics that Evansville seems to cling to that are not technically BROKE but are obsolete and ineffective?…that the City County Observer would like to suggest a new mantra and that Bob Warren sounds like a good guy to put it into action?…that our suggestion is “BREAK EVERYTHING”?… that only a few things that have had the privilege of being under the thumb of the City of Evansville have any value if Evansville is to become WORLD CLASS at anything?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Warren’s experience with a “good old boy” board of directors in Panama City, Florida should give him a good understanding of how the non-profit and local government has worked in Evansville too?…that in the aftermath of his dismissal in Panama City things ground to a halt and the board was replaced?…that it has been said that the “good old boy” board of directors set Panama City backwards by 5 years by dismissing Mr. Warren?…that from the sound of the interviews that we have read, Panama City should just change its name to “Evansville by the Sea”?

IS IT TRUE that it will take hundreds of people like Bob Warren and Neil Troost to destroy the “good old boy” damage that has been done in Evansville?…that setting things back 50 years would be quite descriptive of the decisions that have emanated from “good old boy” boards and departments here?…that change is finally in the air but that the citizens have to take a breath to feel its effects?…that it is time for the “good old boys” here to be shown the door at every place that they have kept in the dark ages to further personal agendas?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Warren has the right kind of attitude and experience to make something good happen here?…that we will be pleased with state championships but dreaming of being WORLD CLASS is a good thing? Maybe someday???


  1. The CVB should look into cleaning,maintaing and upgrading our local parks. This might be a good first step for the goal of Evansville being a world class destination. The people of Evansville need to look at house cleaning of Weinzapfel and his gang of cronies. Vote for change not the same old same old in this falls elections.

  2. Isn’t it true that the parks dept. could pick up all the trash and rake the sand at Sunset Park and later that day or the neext day, a child could get stuck by a needle? It isn’t cost affective to station a
    parks employee at each park. Another related question is why doesn’t the city enclose the port-a-pottys at Garvin Park and chain them when they lock the north end rest room? The ball teams do theirs this way, and vandals can’t knock them over. lomax

    • Why the hell do we have sandboxes in public parks anyway? That is about as 19th Century an idea as I ever heard of. And what kind of parent, not to mention an educated doctor, would allow his child to play in a public sandbox in the first place?!? I mean if it weren’t a needle, it would’ve been pet or wild animal waste, or who knows what else. Get frickin’ real.

  3. The parks department isn’t the only municipal agency (city and county) that doesn’t have an adequate and appropriate system of receiving, tracking, recording and responding to citizen concerns and complaints. Most complaints and concerns are logged on scraps of paper, tossed on the dashboards of white, yellow or orange vehicles, and left to fade away in the sun. This has been a fact for a very, very long time.

    All citizen complaints should be logged onto a standard form, both digitally and in hard copy, with specifics enough to determine the appropriate personnel to whom follow-up actions is assigned, and the complaint or concern should be tracked to its conclussion and documented as to status.

    I hope our next mayor will see to it.

  4. Why doesn’t the Mayor have the good sense to just fire this fool that runs the parks department? What does this guy have on the Mayor that causes him to just let him keep making stupid statements without any consequence at all. The stuff this guy spews makes Evansville look worse than being the fattest place in America does.

    Missy Mosby is going to “look into it”? What a relief! She has been on the City Council for four years and votes like a puppet on the Mayor’s string. If he wants her opinion he will most certainly give it to her. Please Missy, don’t look into it. You would not understand it if you did.

    • Missy Mosbey is one of Weinzapfel’s gang of cronies and needs to be voted out of public office. Her song and dance is all public demostrations just to keep the power she craves so bad. The people of Evansville need new blood not the same old stuff!!!!!!!!

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