Home Breaking News “IS IT TRUE” JULY 12, 2023

“IS IT TRUE” JULY 12, 2023


dottedline600.gifWe hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

tmobilespace.gifIS IT TRUE THAT we have an outstanding group of law enforcement professionals that are doing everything they can to protect us?  …It’s almost impossible for members of law enforcement to stop anyone from killing themselves or someone else?  …It’s obvious that it’s time for our elected officials to look for more creative ways to help our law enforcement professionals so they can do a better job-fighting crime?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several reliable sources that when Tamra Barney retires as the CEO of the Evansville Regional Economic Partnership outgoing Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke may be the leading candidate as her replacement?  …we are also told that Ms. Barney’s annual salary may be around 2 1/2 times higher than what Mayor Winnecke is currently making?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has seemly allowed the EPA to pussyfoot around with the lead contamination issue in the Jacobsville area for many years? …the real tragedy is that lead poisoning can be treated, but any damage caused by contaminated lead cannot be reversed?
IS IT TRUE we are told that many people are extremely pleased with the way that Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Tom Massey is conducting himself on the bench?
IS IT TRUE that one word that some local elected officials can’t say when they are discussing budget requests is the word “NO”?
IS IT TRUE that one of the favorite tactics that a few locally elected officials love doing when discussing an upcoming public works project is relying on using the ole “Bait And Switch” method?
IS IT TRUE that soccer is an international sport and the Evansville area has enjoyed some very good college and high school soccer teams over the years?  …It might be time for area soccer enthusiasts to start discussing the idea of starting a professional soccer team in our area?
IS IT TRUE that a well-respected local entrepreneur recently wrote a “Letter To The CCO Editor”?  …that he brought up the obvious poor maintenance issues at the Evansville City Parks?  …that he researched and documented the poor conditions of our parks?  …that we give local citizen and entrepreneur Daniel Woods 5 cheers for standing up and speaking his mind concerning the obvious poor maintenance issues at our city parks?
IS IT TRUE that we give City Councilman and Finance Chairman Ron Beane 5 cheers for expressing his strong objection concerning giving a last-minute Tax Credit to a company building a “Low-Income Housing” project in Evansville?  …that Councilman Beane was upset because he felt that this request looks like a “Bait and Switch” maneuver?
IS IT TRUE that we hope one day that mainstream media will consider doing an investigative article concerning the over-aggressive debt collection practices of some of our area medical providers?
IS IT TRUE that several years ago ProPublica publication claimed that medical bills are often riddled with errors? …that they also suggest that you should ask your medical provider if they have a financial assistance policy, which could result in a sliding scale discount or a more flexible and affordable payment schedule?
IS IT TRUE that the Knight Township Trustee, Katherine Martin, her staff and Board members are doing an amazing job in serving the needs of the economically disadvanced in their area?
IS IT TRUE that it may be time for the more financially analytical citizens of Evansville/Vanderburgh County to do a causal budget overview in order to get a reasonable projection on the final costs to finish the City Of Evansville Water and Sewer project?  …we have been told that this project may be several millions of dollars over budget?  …if the powers that be don’t get a handle concerning the excessive spending practices of this project the ratepayers could buy a gallon of Jack Daniels cheaper than a gallon of water from Evansville Water And Sewer Department?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder how on earth can elected officials in a city that has ZERO population growth and minimal wage growth feel that they can collect more tax money and increase the Water and Sewer rates by a measurable amount of money than the year before from its huddled masses?
IS IT TRUE that the heroin, opioid, and fentanyl epidemic continues to claim lives in the City of Evansville/Vanderburgh County has to be driving the Vanderburgh County Coroner nuts?…it looks like 2023 is going to end the year with a major increase in deaths due to opioids, heroin, or Fentanyl overdoses?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Surveyor Linda Freeman and her staff are really doing an outstanding job for the taxpayer of this Community?
IS IT TRUE we hope that the newly hired CEO of the Evansville Sports Corporation will do extensive homework before allowing his organization to bring another less than financially successful National Sporting Event to the Ford Center?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville city employees’ hospitalization fund has been insufficiently underfunded over many years? …we have been told the city’s employees’ hospitalization fund, from which city employee medical claims are paid, could have a serious negative financial balance at the end of this year?
IS IT TRUE that when a male officeholder takes a stand against a controversial issue some male voters call him strong?  …when a female officeholder takes a stand against a controversial issue some male voters call her irrational?
IS IT TRUE that Pickleball injuries may cost Americans many millions in health care costs this year?  …that Pickleball is especially risky for seniors, who tend to be more injury-prone and who, apparently, really really love the game?  …that healthcare providers feel Pickleball exercise will positively impact health outcomes, but seniors can pose a greater risk of sports injuries, leading to a greater number of orthopedic procedures?  …we suggest that our seniors play Pickleball with caution?

IS IT TRUE that many years ago the city-owned and operated Oak Hill and Locust Hill cemeteries were in poor conditions?  …that we recently checked the overall condition of these two cemeteries?  …we are happy to report that major improvements have been made to both of these cemeteries over the years?   …that trees are trimmed, grounds are very well kept, graves markers and stones are in an upright position, and the flower vases are neatly installed on top of grave markers? …we would like to give Christopher Cooke, Superintendent of City Cemeteries, and his staff five (5) cheers for a job well done?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Clerk, Laura Windhorst, and her staff are really doing a credible job of coming up with new ways of improving public accessibility to City Council meetings and convenient online payment methods?   …. when an elected official does an outstanding job they usually run unopposed for re-election?
FOOTNOTE:  Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files”, Law Enforcement, Weekly Birthday, Hot Jobs, and “Local Sports”.  
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  1. Referring to paragraph 19 – According to EPOC (EVV Pickleball Outdoor Courts) lead at the time, Michael Watkins at a Board of Park Commissioners meeting December 2021, said Escalade Sports, makers of pickleball paddles, Orthopaedic Associates and Deaconess are major $ contributors for the construction of pickleball courts inside Wesselman Park. They provide: Devices- Injury repair- Physical therapy. Mmm

  2. What company is running the event planning for the Ford Center? I am not quite 55 and people 10-15 years older than me talk about going to Roberts Stadium for multiple concerts every year. I remember when Elton John came to Evansville and I saw John Mellencamp at Roberts Stadium in the ‘90’s. I have seen Jeff Dunham at the Ford Center and I got those tickets for free. The yearly circus and “monster truck” shows are the only events that I see advertised for the Ford Center. Occasionally I see a billboard for a band that I would like to see but the prices are outrageous and Evansville concerts are never on the weekend so it’s not worth the ticket price plus dragging myself to work the next day. I doubt any Evansville “sports manager” can fix an event scheduled at the Ford Center. People don’t like to watch Evansville teams lose——which is what happens when events are scheduled 2-3 years in advance.

    • The Weinzaphel Ford Center thrust upon the Evansville taxpayers was known to be a financial millstone around the city’s neck before the first shovel of dirt was moved. I too spent many an occasion at the Stadium for basketball games, concerts, home shows, circuses, etc. The downtown folly will never rise to the level of the Stadium, but don’t we have a pretty green space now? My mother always said Evansville was a silly little river town that always managed to fall back on it’s way forward. She was a very observant person.

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