We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer is quietly working on plans to publish a full color printed Sunday newspaper sometime in September?  …the cost of this publication will be a mere dollar? …25 cents of each paper sold will be donated to local charities? …subscriptions will $50 yearly and mailed to your home? …non-subscribers can pick up a copy at a soon to be announced convenient location in Vanderburgh County and Evansville proper? …we are currently working on appointing an Editorial Board comprised of local movers and shakers to guide this publication in the right direction?
IS IT TRUEÂ against the advice of renowned researchers, scientists some know-it-all Governors have taken control of the decision-making process of how and when to reopen businesses in the very near future? Â …its common knowledge that their political future relies on how they succeed?
IS IT TRUE the recent increase in confirmed  COVID-19 virus infections is alleged to be fueled by street demonstrations and reopening the economy?…the tragedy is that we have no way of knowing the actual impacts of either since these things all happened at about the same time?…the one truth is that we have to learn to live with COVID19 as a vaccine is not coming anytime soon?…on a better note, we are getting better with treating the infected because the death rates have been slowly dropping as rapidly as the identification of infections has?
IS IT TRUE that the “Mayors Reopen Evansville Task Force” has taken control of the decision-making process of how and when to reopen additional local businesses in the very near future? …we feel this group has some very talented people that can figure out the best and safest ways to return our community back to normalcy? Â …many people are praying that they will make the right decisions for our community considering the virus is beginning to spike again?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Covid-19 “Resource and Awareness†Task Force has caught statewide attention due to the rise in coronavirus cases in Vanderburgh County?…that the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) recently announced that they will provide a free location next week for testing?…that the Vanderburgh County  Health Department has asked the Vanderburgh County Council at today’s meeting for a reimbursed transfer of $50,000 for neighborhood testing to be conducted in the 47714 and 47713 zip code areas?…that Councilwoman, Stephanie Terry, is responsible for sponsoring this incredible requests for the public good?
IS IT TRUE that Joe Gries, an administrator with the Vanderburgh County Health Department, is assisting and leading the local Covid-19 testing site efforts?…that Joe Gries and his”Resource and Awareness Task Force” will be announcing several free testing sites in the near future?
IS IT TRUE that testing isn’t causing the COVID-19 virus to increase but its because the virus is spreading faster?
IS IT TRUE that the Coranvius doesn’t discriminate against natural origin, race, color, creed, educational background, gender, blue or white-collar workers, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual preference, rich or poor, type of neighborhood you live in, or mental or physical challenges?
IS IT TRUE that it was just announced that the Indianapolis 500 will be allowing spectators and the race at 50% of the capacity of the stadium?…this will mean something like a 4-foot separation between people that is 33% closer than the recommended 6-foot spacing?…this decision given the 10 to 1 ratio of interactions people have in a given day will unnecessarily put over a million people at risk to contact COVID19 just to watch cars go around an oval?…we understand the desire of people to get out and enjoy sports but doing so with 125,000 other racing fans is sort of like playing Russian roulette with a virus?…if this was being held and allowing something like 20% capacity the proximity of spectators to each other may be more acceptable?…the 50% level is playing with fire and will most certainly increase infection rates in the Hoosier State?
IS IT TRUE that Ellis Park is also about to open and will be hosting spectators?…this will give the Tri-State a real live look at what a mass gathering will do to infection rates?
IS IT TRUE when the former owner of Ellis Park sold the track some people make some less than favorable comments about him? Â …since Mr. Geary’s departure, people had the opportunity to compare the performances of the current management of Ellis Park and Ron Geary? Â …it looks like the worm has finally turned because several Ellis Park patrons are now are saying less than favorable things about the current management and not about Mr. Geary anymore?
IS IT TRUE many people are wondering when Ellis Park will be breaking ground on their proposed $60 million dollar gaming facility?
IS IT TRUE one would expect that the individuals responsible for implementing the “Mayor’s Re-Open Evansville Task Force” will continue to make sure that all area TV and newspaper and social media outlets, civic and religious organizations are provided with the current data concerning their plan of action? …it’s important to stress that everything this “Task Force” decides to do henceforth will not only affect people’s stations in life (health, social and economic) but will also determine if our local businesses will survive? …we look forward to the City of Evansville media relations guy continue to sending us future news releases on how the above “Task Force” is planning to open Evansville in a safe and orderly manner?
IS IT TRUE that two people are dead from yet another shooting on Evansville’s south side that occurred on Chandler Avenue on Saturday night June 27, 2020?…the publication City Rating that uses real data to make projections of crime and then compares it to FBI statistics from prior years is projecting that Evansville, Indiana will set a record for violent crime in 2020?…the previous record for violent crime was set in 2016?…the violent crime rate in the City of Evansville is roughly 50% higher than it is for the State of Indiana and the United States of America?…it is a mystery what it is about the City of Evansville that attracts such a high rate of violent crimes?…just a few years ago Evansville had so many murders that it was statistically among the top murder capitals in the nation?…this seldom makes the news because Evansville has too low of a population to be on the comparison list but the facts remain the same?…when both violent and property crimes are combined, if you live in the City of Evansville there is roughly a 7% chance that you will be the victim of a crime in any given year?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny! Â When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS†are non-scientific but trendy?
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Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
Thank you to the CCO for promoting smart, intelligent and forward-thinking paths forward in the hazardous, but still-must-be-safe, COVID operating environment that has been thrust upon the country.
We will survive this. And we will return to a flourishing country again.
BUT THE PEOPLE WHO FAILED TO PREVENT THIS are 100% totally unwelcome within the ranks of our leadership from here on out.
And yes, I mean Donald Trump! Trump failed to protect America. Trump failed to set a good example and show leadership by doing the #1 thing we know helps stop the spread of COVID- WEAR A MASK!
He destroyed our economy because of it. Trump is an abject failure, and the worst example of a leader ever witnessed in our lifetime.
And today? Trump has totally abandoned his job.
There is no Trump Presidency any more. It’s over.
God help and bless the United States of America.
A 7% chance of being the victim of a crime in Evansville? Depends on your ZIP. I lived in the 47714 ZIP and considered my chances of being crime victim in any given year at about 50%, I moved to another ZIP a couple of years ago and now consider myself to be the victim of a crime at about 0-1%.
Ole newspeak cites made up stats exactly like his hero Trump.
It’s freakin’ crazy. What do you do w/ these people? Trampled, hate knowledge and facts, unemployed and cheer their abuser!
“Well. I know that the science. And I know that’s the facts. And maybe they’re experts with degrees from Harvard, and the maybe the facts say otherwise. But I think the people who did this are from Mars. So, we’re gonna ban everyone from Mars.”
This. This is why no one trusts Trump. It’s why he’s on his way to a One Term Presidency.
He’s an idiot and a clown.
(newspeak is terrific evidence unemployment benefits for high school dropouts are strong enough to get a device with a keyboard. What a post.)
If you lived in 47714 you’d know what I’m talking about. Maybe you live in the 1st ward.
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