Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE JUNE 30, 2017

IS IT TRUE JUNE 30, 2017


IS IT TRUE people are getting sick and tired of the political promises and games of our elected and appointed City officials?  …back in the Sixties the “Masses Assembled” to voice their grievances against the government?  …these protests changed the direction of this Nation for years to come?

IS IT TRUE some people feel that the local political environment is becoming ripe for the “Masses to Assemble” to protest in a positive and non-violent way against the wasteful spending habits of our local elected and appointed City officials on fun and games projects?  …the wasteful spending habits of the Winnecke Administration has caused economic harm to our hard working and dedicated “First Responders”?

IS IT TRUE Illinois is on the verge of becoming America’s first state with a junk credit rating?… The financial mess is the inevitable result of spending more on pensions and services than the state could afford?…to add insult to injury the fools that govern Illinois also covered it up with reckless budget tricks?…we never thought we would see the day that a state would be run so abysmally that they had to cancel the lottery because they are insolvent to the point that they can’t be counted on to pay the winners?…it is hard to believe but the State of Illinois that is famous for putting governors in prison and running a patronage scheme so ripe with corruption that you have to grease someone to get a pothole filled has shut down their lottery?…we wonder if they will be outsourcing the lottery to the mafia to run for the State of Illinois because those guys actually know how to run a numbers racket and the winners actually get paid?

IS IT TRUE that having to shut down the lottery is the least of the financial malaise that is happening in Illinois?… Illinois got to this financially treacherous place by ignoring the long-term consequences of short-term decision-making and there doesn’t appear to be any end in sight?…if a budget is not formed and voted on tomorrow it will be three years in a row that these nitwits have not passed a budget?… the budget crisis has crippled social services that survive on state money, hurting everything from mental health services and Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors to domestic violence support centers?…these grandstanding elected officials have literally screwed the State of Illinois up so bad that the leading export of the state is human beings seeking refuge in a more responsible place where their taxes are raised to the point of insanity?…the City of Chicago is the center of all of this usury nonsense and actually charges $7,500 in fees for someone to transfer title on a house purchased?

IS IT TRUE that when it comes to public pensions, Illinois is at the forefront of promising the moon and delivering a river rock?… rather than dealing with the problem, Illinois continued to reward the state’s powerful unions with more generous benefits than the taxpayers could ever afford?…the problem festered for so long that Moody’s estimates Illinois has unfunded pension liabilities totaling $251 billion?… put that into context, that’s more than the combined market value of four major Illinois companies: Boeing , Caterpillar, United Continental and Allstate?…it won’t be long before the bond rating of the State of Illinois is downgraded to junk level or worse?…on top of all of this economic malaise, the State of Illinois has $16 Billion of unpaid routine bills and nearly a billion dollars in interest and fees to show for their failure to pay their bills?…one thing we can all be thankful for is that Evanois is not in Illinois?

IS IT TRUE that SHOW-ME’S EASTSIDE Is a “FUN PLACE TO ENJOY GREAT FOOD AND DRINK”?  …they make the regions best pizza?  …they also create 8 different wings that are next to none?

IS IT TRUE that today at !0:00 Eastern time the voting for the next IU Alumni Board of Trustee will close?  ..if you haven’t voted in this election we urge you to go on line and cast your vote for Evansville own Patrick Shoulders?  …Mr. Shoulders has served us well on this most important Board and deserved to be re-elected to another term?

IS IT TRUE that our last “Readers Poll” asked the  following question: If the election were held today for Democratic party nomination for Mayor of Evansville who would you vote for?  ….Councilmen Jonathon Weaver received a disappointing 19 votes?  …County Councilmen Mike Goebel received a surprising 211 votes?  …newly elected County Commissioner Ben Shoulders lead the pack with an impressive 219 votes?   …that 131 of our readers voted for “none of the above”?  …that 580 of our readers voted in this non scientific but trendy poll?

EDITORS FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Would you join a positive and non-violent protest in support of the City of Evansville Police and Firemen receiving an increase in salaries and healthcare benefits?
 If you would like to advertise or submit and article in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com .
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  1. Weaver got 3.27% of the Demo primary poll votes. Maybe even he can figure out what that means.

  2. I have said it before and I will keep saying it until it sinks in, if you want to get spending under control here in Evansville you will have to break the connection that the local chamber of commerce has to the public treasury by abolishing the Redevelopment Commission. This Commission of appointed, not elected, individuals exist to spend your tax dollars on schemes to fatten the wallets of the local private business community.

    The American General project was the prime example of that time period. Local, mostly blue collar, taxpayers were forced to shell out millions to one of the largest corporations in the United States at that time so AmGen could build a new headquarters complex. What did the local taxpayers get for their money? Well in local parlance they got a royal f*****g! Other examples are legion here in Evansville and Vanderburgh county.

  3. I remember that area fondly before it was cleared for that project. High street in midtown is no longer there. But those of us of a certain age well remember entering manhood in its bars, bordellos and breakfast joints. That area is a colorful part of Evansvilles history that is not told in books. Big Frank cleaned it up now it is a boring office area.

  4. Did you really just write an article about state unions and pensions crippling Illinois and then try to rally the locals to support increased benefits for unionized government workers here? Do your shoes even match today?

  5. agree Still Thing……….public sector unions bargaining against the taxpayer is and has been on record a disaster………..see what Wisconsin and the great Governor Walker accomplished……………..

  6. What the Democrats have done to Illinois is what Obama did to the United States. Militarily, Obama made Jimmy Carter look like Ike. Obama, worst President ever.

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