“IS IT TRUE” October 6, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that the “Mayors Reopen Evansville Task Force” has taken control of the decision-making process of how and when to reopen or close local businesses? …this group has some very talented people that can figure out the best and safest ways to return our community back to normalcy?  …many people are praying that they will make the right decisions for our community considering the virus is beginning to spike again?
IS IT TRUE that the most accurate advice given by those in charge is that you should wash your hands for 20 seconds, wear a mask, practice social distancing and don’t panic?…at this point, the litany of inconsistencies has shaken people’s faith in the ability of government to contain the spreading the COVID -19 virus?
IS IT TRUE millions of Americans are going hungry as pandemic erodes incomes?
IS IT TRUE we been saying for months that the more we test people for the COVID -19 virus the number of viruses will greatly be increased?  …all we can say to the COVID-19 handlers is hello big ‘RED TRUCK”?
IS IT TRUE that there are some long-shot possibilities that could add some spice to the upcoming Vice Presidential debate that is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7, 2020?…if President Trump had to be on a ventilator before the debate which would likely result in Vice President Pence being temporarily given the power of the presidency?…this may create a situation that calls for candidate Kamala Harris and the moderator to refer to Pence as Mr. President?…stranger things have already happened in this crazy year? …that either way, the United States is in for one very challenging period during the next 30 days?
IS IT TRUE we are told that some people feel that it’s time to consider demolishing every image of any historical leader in public places?…this is because every person who did something once deemed worthy of being memorialized in a statue falls short of some sanctimonious groups litmus test for inclusion?
IS IT TRUE that some people feel that government should take down every statue of a human image of any kind and never erect another one?…they feel, that today’s great person will most certainly be a future generation’s enemy so let’s just stop with the statues, the pictures of politicians in post offices and city halls, etc.?…leaving no image standing and no picture hanging is the only way to appease every micro ideology out there?
IS IT TRUE that since the “defund the police” movement has taken hold in some of our larger cities violent crime has increased by over 250% in many of those cities?

IS IT TRUE that testing isn’t causing the COVID-19 virus to increase but its because the virus is spreading faster?

IS IT TRUE that the government shouldn’t do for people for what they can do for themselves?

IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny?  …when the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE that the Coranvius doesn’t discriminate against natural origin, race, color, creed, educational background, gender, blue or white-collar workers, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual preference, rich or poor, type of neighborhood you live in, or mental or physical challenges?
IS IT TRUE we would like to give five (5) cheers to Stacey McNeill, Director of Marketing at Tropicana-Evansville for coming up with creative ways to promote this region number one (1) gaming establishment offerings? …she also understands the importance that Tropicana continues to operate within the COVID-19 guidelines because of the huge positive financial and employment impact that this good corporate citizen have on this region?
IS IT TRUE many people are wondering when Ellis Park will be breaking ground on their proposed $60 million dollar gaming facility?
IS IT TRUE that it is a common practice for a County Assessor to quietly increase home values? …to protest these increases, the homeowner has to obtain a certified appraisal costing at least $300?  …that the cost of the protest will cost approximately the same amount of money as the increase in our property taxes?  …it is also a common practice by County Assessors that even if the homeowner pays the cost of the appraisal and wins, the very next year the County Assessor will increase the home values back to the original increase and then some?
 IS IT TRUE we also hope that the 3rd Ward City Council member Zac Heronemus will begin to address the blight located on certain blocks of East Franklin, East Iowa, and East Michigan streets?
IS IT TRUE we hear that nepotism is alive and well at the EVSC?
IS IT TRUE members of the Vanderburgh County school board were elected to be “good stewards of the public trust” and not the stewards of the Superintendent of Schools?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: WHO ARE YOU VOTING FOR PRESIDENT?
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
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  1. I have a question/complaint. The Evansville Police Department recruitment video that lasted 8 minutes. What was that?? It was not funny or informative. Who was the video geared toward? It was just weird..

  2. Yesterday’s comments about “true” unemployment numbers seem askew to me. I think if you want a job there are many to be had. You can get a job and be somebody or lay on the couch and remain a nobody. The added simulus money makes it easier to justify being lazy.

  3. There are still 12 MILLION jobs that were lost by Trump earlier in the year
    that REMAIN lost.

    The U-6, the ACTUAL # of people UNEMPLOYED in the United States is 12.8%.

    It is the worst unemployment # for a President since the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

    No single factor spells out TRUMP LOSING REELECTION like that one.

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