IS IT TRUE JUNE 29, 2015


IS IT TRUE last week 2 reporters from the Courier and Press unexpectedly showed up at the home of Pastor Steve Ary to ask him questions concerning his recent appearance at City Council? …the Courier and Press reporters wanted to know who styled the 16 questions concerning the embattled Downtown Convention Hotel project? …that Pastor Ary protected his source concerning who styled the 16 questions for him? …we expect nothing less for a Pastor to protect conversations he has with members of his “flock”?

IS IT TRUE could it be possible that, concerning Pastor Ary,  the governmental “big brother” now has him in his sights and may now consider him to be public enemy #1? …we wonder what “big brother” has in store for Pastor Ary? …could it be speeding tickets, code enforcement violations, swat team raids, new property tax assessments on his home, shut his water off or starting unfounded rumors about him and his church members? …we hear a rumor that local freedom loving friends of Paster Ary have contacted the “Guardian Angels” out of New York to protect Pastor Ary from the overreach of the local “Big Brother”?

IS IT TRUE all we can say is congratulations to Pastor Steve Ary for exercising his rights as an American Citizen to express his concerns about local governmental issues that affect and concern him? …we also can’t wait to see how the Mayor will answer Pastor Ary’s 16 well written questions concerning the embattled Downtown Convention Hotel project at the next Council meetings?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville is using out-of-town contractors to pave city streets? … the City use to put 3 to 5 inches of asphalt on our city streets? …the city is now putting down only 2 inches of asphalt on our city streets in order to save money on paving? …now know why our city streets aren’t holding up in high traffic areas?

IS IT TRUE we were told by reliable sources that we would be amazed to find out how many new Supervisor positions were added to the Water and Sewer Department and City Garage during the last 3 1/2 years?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the City of Evansville Police Department has five (5) Civil lawsuits against them pending? …if the City loses these suits it could cost the taxpayers millions of dollars that we don’t have?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature article because it’s always an interesting read. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.IS IT TRUE JUNE 29, 2015


  1. Winnecke has loaded up the Utility Department with White Cellar management positions (21) adding 1.7 million per year in salary and benefits not including autos . . this does not include the two open positions not filled to date . . .this same crap is going on in the fire department as well . . .

    • It’s the same crap all politicians pull, especially the federal government. Build up the bureaucrat class by creating more useless and unneeded jobs that waste taxpayers money.

  2. If so desire, google Indiana State Board of Accounts and when the page pops up choice Indiana Gateway for Governmental Units . . .at the top of the Indiana Gateway page select Report Builder . .then select Annual Financial Report . .then select expenditures per capita . .then select 2014 . . the next selection is type . .put government expenditures . . .then select unit type which will be cities and towns . . what will come up will the all of the cities in Indiana within by county . . . please notice than Ft. Wayne’s cost per person to run their City is $1,210 per and scroll down to Vanderburgh to get to Evansville to notice that it cost Evansville $1,877 per . . . nearly $700 per person or $9,000,000 . . .

  3. The day after Pastor Ary unleashed his questions I received multiple messages accusing me of formulating the list. For the record, I do not know Ary ,and had nothing to do with the questions. I was most impressed by the list and pleased that someone has taken up the charge of forcing accountability onto local government with a group of questions designed to lead to honest answers.

    • Joe, the “2 reporters” from the Courier, is the most baffling part of the story. My guess, an unpaid summer intern riding with a paperboy on collection duties just happened to meet the Pastor. Anything else presumes some level of competence for the Courier, which is not probable.

  4. I don’t know Pastor Ary but he dared to challenge and asked questions of the mighty machine!

    If history repeats he’ll be called a disgrace to the community, a hater, and someone against progress.

    • How is that different from the hatred you espouse for any person of faith? If his questions were directed to the O Regime I suspect you’d see him through a different prism. Ary would be an enemy of the state.

    • “If you don’t read the C & P you are uninformed. If you do read the C & P you are misinformed.” Mark Twain, my embellishment.

  5. Speaking of road paving. I don’t know if an out of town contractor or a Vanderburgh County road crew attempted to pave Schutte Rd. between Hwy 62 and Broadway recently. All I could do was smile and shake my head when I came through there the other day. They did what I consider to be a half a** job, shifting from one side to the other to try to “hit the high spots”!!!

  6. What an incredible insult to the Pastor, for the Winnecke Administration to claim that someone else “formulated” the questions he asked! As if he’s not smart enough to formulate his own questions?

    I was actually surprised that the C&P published my letter to the editor on Sunday, June 28th — the C&P seems to have a right-wing bias, and has for years. The subject I wrote about were those five little words Winnecke wrote to Adams in his RSVP to the request to appear at the City Council meeting last week — to answer questions.

    When Winnecke wrote “not worthy of my appearance” in that email, he said more about who he is than he could say in any prepared speech. “Not worthy of my appearance?” Are you kidding me, Mayor? What a pompous arse!

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