IS IT TRUE June 28, 2013
IS IT TRUE when “a dog named Blue†withdrew from the CCO reader’s poll contest for the Democrat nominee for Mayor of Evansville in 2015 our readership started raising a ruckus with us over the choices that we were offering?…we have had many requests for an opportunity to vote for “none of the above†and are quite convinced that “none of the above†would win the poll?…we actually got more requests for “none of the above†that either of the Jonathans (Weinzapfel or Weaver) have gotten in votes?…we had many supporters of Rick Davis ask that his name be put on the ballot and we did consider that?…Mr. Davis as many of you know is a friend of the CCO and its staff so to honor his new career and the need to concentrate rather than get caught up in a political discussion we have decided to leave him off of the ballot, but we understand the grass roots Democrat support he enjoys?…the Mole Nation has been rumbling about another potential candidate that has not been very loud in politics of lately and that name is none other than Troy Tornatta whom Rick Davis trounced in the last Democrat primary for Mayor?…Mr. Tornatta is a fairly well liked guy but miscalculated in the last primary by casting himself as the continuation of former Mayor Weinzapfel setting the stage for the Democrat Party implosion that put Mayor Winnecke in the Mayor’s office?…our weekend poll and we hope you all vote will be a one-on-one contest between City Councilman Jonathan Weaver and former County Commissioner Troy Tornatta?…we hope you all will see fit to vote in this poll?
IS IT TRUE some arrests have been made in the case of the vandalized Garvin Park swimming pool?…the actual damage to the pool only amounts to $2,000 but the impact on the community and the cost of the investigation would magnify that number significantly?…historical recompense for such things has been 7 times the amount which seems fair?…these morons if they are found guilty should have to pay the City of Evansville $14,000 as recompense for the damage and disruption they have caused along with some form of public mea culpa along with humiliation?…maybe a sentence to wear a neon shirt with “I am a Pool Wrecker†for several months would teach these fool a lesson?…in cases like this it is a shame that Singapore justice cannot be done?…on top of financial recompense a good azz whipping would be a deterrent to having such a thing happen again?…it worked for Michael Fay (the kid who was caned for graffiti in Singapore)?…we have not heard a thing about Fay being involved in any more acts of vandalism?…maybe that azz whipping salvaged his life and put him on a path to good citizenship?…in modern day America where political correctness trumps historical logic we shall never know if a simple azz whipping would eliminate the need for as many jail cells as we currently have?…we may not punish acts of vandalism any more buy our jails are fuller than any other country on earth?
IS IT TRUE that the CCO published a letter yesterday from City Council Attorney Scott Danks to Ted Ziemer who represents the Office of the Mayor?…this letter raised a concern by unnamed City Council members that a study about the IT Department which has substantial financial information from McGladrey LLC?…that concern was twofold?…it is of concern that City Council members suspect that this study was made available to the Mayor’s Office and was then withheld from the City Council?…it is also of concern that some City Council members suspect the Mayor’s Office of attempting to get the language of the conclusions sugar coated before eventually releasing it in August?…if this study has been in the Mayor’s Office and its conclusions were withheld from the City Council a grave breach of trust has been committed?…withholding material information is not an acceptable way to run a City?…we citizens had enough of the behind closed doors manipulations and secrecy with the Homestead Tax Credit fiasco and deserve better than scrubbed professional opinions?…we hope this is not true but a couple of MOLES tell us this is not the first time that a Mayor of Evansville has allegedly tried to influence the language of the conclusions of a McGladrey report?
I would ask for a none of the above option between Tornatta and Beaver too.
Gotta agree with you , a dog named Blue or NONE OF THE ABOVE would still be a better choice then tornatta or weaver , they are both mini weinzapfel s , cept weaver is extremely more rude
I agree 100 percent!!!
ditto. I elected not to vote.
Troy the boy,’really’? Troy is a joke, and was forcing his signs on committee people at the labor temple during the primary. Yes, this is true, as he couldn’t find people to put up his sign’s, he was shoving them on the dem precinct committee people, even if they were not supporting him. He also got in the face of a Davis supporter, and was lucky he came out with his teeth. He showed what kind of man he is and wont get support from anyone that knows of this day,s events.
Taken down by Editor because remarks are unfounded.
Taking down by Editor because remarks are unfounded.
You have got to be kidding. Did the editor take a chicken sh!t pill today. Both posts were relevant and topical.
Thank you for leaving Rick Davis’s name out of it. After what was done to him he deserves peace and quiet. My how things might have turned out differently. You reap what you sow.
you have yet to list a Democratic candidate that I could in good conscience support or vote for. I’m not sure one exists in Evansville at this time.
There has to be a better candidate than these two clowns!!!!!!!
Troy Tornatta was the chosen one. It upset a decade of planning when Mr. Davis beat him. With what we have learned since the election about the state of the city he is probably glad he did lose. I do look for Mr. Tornatta to be back. I hope he will have learned from his humbling experience.
I decided not to vote. Tornatta vs. Weaver is like being asked to choose between dental surgery or A colonoscopy – BOTH WITHOUT PAINKILLERS.
Troy is still well thought of by most employees at Civic Center.
If he stays away from Wienzapfel he will have a good chance of being elected as our next Mayor.
People will remember his ties to Weinsapple/ Wieneke. The only real choice will have to come from a respected businessman with no political baggage, and owing no favors to either party. Independent and a non-career Politian/
Whoever is the mayor, hopefully, they are able to spell humble and gratitude, willing to put the people’s business ahead of any personal agenda. For some unfortunate reason, too many politicians cloak themselves with the entitlement robe…these two individuals probably need to be using spell-check on a regular basis!!
The last time I saw Tornatta he was on TV saying he was DONE with politics.
And now this.
I knew he was incompetent – but if he runs for mayor that just goes to show he’s a proven LIAR too.
I was thinking the exact same thing. The last thing we need is one more candidate who has already built their entire platform on group think. His website should have just listed Weinzapfel’s email under the questions and comments section. If you’ve talked to or listened to Weinzapfel, Winnecke, Tornatta, or Weaver you’ve listened to them all. Nothing annoys me more than watching someone turn over all their market share of their own thought process.
Outside of Rick Davis, I can’t really think of any genuine independent minded person. There’s really only two sides who have any power here- One is the city and it’s allies who want power, the other is those not in directly with the city who want money.
Until there is a candidate who is genuinely free or neutral from all good ole boy associations as well as any political theories on the compass, it’s just going to be the city hitting the repeat cycle button.
I refuse to vote for either of these two morons.
We know that. We also wish to respect Rick’s new career and not distract him from it.
Truthfully, I think you could put that Slyfox dude on here and he would receive more votes than either of these incompetent hacks.
Either of these against Winnecke has me very worried about the future of this city. We really need to figure out a way to get capable person on either of the party ballots.
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