IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke recently announced that he plans to seek a third term as your mayor in the 2019 election?…that is 29 months away but it does give Winnecke a long time to raise money to fend off any challengers who decide to toss their hat into the ring?…in his two campaigns for mayor, Winnecke has proven to be able to raise over a million dollars for an office that only pays around $100,000 per year?…with the apparent popularity that Winnecke enjoys and over a million bucks in his war chest, it will be one formidable task to defeat Winnecke in a general election?…we must all remember however that in 2009 former Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel was routinely referred to as a rock star and thought to be on a path to become Governor of Indiana?…one local luminary, Larry Aitken actually said on camera that Weinzapfel should be President of the United States?…two years later after the Ford Center was shoved down the taxpayer’s throats without a referendum, a promised hotel without subsidy failed to materialize, and the McCurdy fiasco began, Homestead Tax credit grab, Weinzapfel chased from his own primary by the late great Rick Davis?…Mayor Winnecke would be we’ll served to avoid becoming a little dictator because real people do not like hubris?
IS IT TRUE that two people have already sort of floated challenging Winnecke?…one is the always controversial and embattled bad boy City Councilman at large Jonathan Weaver?…we are not sure whether the registered Democrat Weaver who never saw a Winnecke initiative that he didn’t love will run as the Republican he votes like or as the Democrat that he claims to be?…what we do know is that Weaver does have a broad base of support that has kept him on the City Council despite a boat load of personality issues from throwing tantrums to having restraining orders issued against him?…an oversized ego seems to propel Weaver through life no matter how his personality tries to commit political suicide?…Weaver’s popularity in certain circles is a real enigma but it may well put him into the 3rd floor corner office of the Civic Center if Winnecke trips up and creates an opening for him?
IS IT TRUE that the other person who is not willing to rule out a run for Mayor of Evansville is Vanderburgh County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave?…Musgrave has also served as the County Assessor and more importantly as Indiana’s top official for Local Government Finance?…Musgrave has been a visible member of the Republican Party but has also shown a tendency toward supporting progressive actions?…she is not and has never been owned by any political machine of any particular flavor and seems to be be holding to no one other than the taxpayers?…Winnecke and Musgrave have often worked together to move things forward but separate along the line where rationality meets irrational belief in fun and games?…Winnecke is a long time registered Republican who spends money like a Chicago Democrat on fun and games projects and public relations like there is no tomorrow?…Musgrave may run as a Republican in a primary challenge to Winnecke or she may even consider running as an independent which is where her reality really is?…any race that has Winnecke vs. Musgrave will become a choice of fluff vs. substance and it will be interesting to see who Evansille would choose?
IS IT TRUE there is the possibility of a three way campaign with Winnecke as the Republican nominee, Weaver as the Democrat nominee, and Musgrave as an Independent?…this would shake out as a race between a polished PR guy with an addiction to fun and games, a bad boy former weather guy with a big ego, and a woman of intellect and substance who is owned by no one?…another way to describe this is a Republican who acts like a Democrat vs. a Democrat who sucks up to a Republican vs. a woman who sees through the partisan personal nonsense and do what is right?…it is going to be an interesting 29 months?
IS IT TRUE that the 500 pound gorilla concerning the future Evansville Mayoral race could be none other than Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders or Vanderburgh County Councilmen Mike Goebel?  …both gentlemen are well educated, personable, well spoken and are extremely entrenched in Vanderburgh County politics?  …both individuals have the whereabouts to launch a formable campaign for Mayor of Evansville?
IS IT TRUE at tonights City Council meeting the Evansville Metropolitan Development Director Kelley Coures wii be talking about the “uniform conflict of interest and disclosure statement”?  …we also hope that he will bring up the subjects of political patronage, influence peddling, government wasteful spending and pork barrel politics?
IS IT TRUE we also hope that the Evansville Metropolitan Development Director Kelley Coures will also give City Council an update concerning what it will cost the taxpayers to correct the design mistake on the North main street project?  …we also hope he will tell us would will pay to correct this expensive problem?
IS IT TRUE that Kristin Comer an employee of the Vanderburgh County Commission office is a delight to work with? Â …she is extremely knowledgeable about governmental issues, professional and polite?
IS IT TRUE we hear that 2nd Ward City Councilwoman Missy Mosby will be hamming it up at tonights Council meeting? Â …Ms Mosby will be attempting to get City Councils approval for a “pot belly pig” ordinance that will allow pigs to live in the Evansville City limits? Â …that Missy Mosby has given a new meaning to “pork barrel” politics?
Todays “READERS POLL†question is: If the election were held today for Republican nomination for Mayor of Evansville who would you vote for?
IS IT TRUE at tonights City Council meeting the Evansville Metropolitan Development Director Kelley Coures wii be talking about the “uniform conflict of interest and disclosure statement� …I notice you do not say what that conflict of interest is. Fascinating article in todays C&P. I have never told anyone to read that rag. But today there is an article that comes close to revealing the shadow real estate collusion between Adrian Brooks and the city. Just one item that caught my eye. We citizens just donated $100,000 to something called. The Evansville affordable housing trust. The conflict is about Brooks son getting reduced rent on a house in the area he controls. Interesting article. When you are paying peoples rent they will come out to tonights meeting.
Hillary was a better candidate than Weaver would be
It will be very interesting to learn how much the North Main fiasco will cost the taxpayers and what the City is doing about recovering the costs from the persons responsible for building a too narrow road.
Turn the the two “W” candidates upside down and go with the “M,” Musgrave.
“IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke recently announced that he plans to seek a third term as your mayor in the 2019 election?”
Lyin’ Lloyd made a tactical error by making it public that he’s running for a third term. This gives his opposition time to find the candidate that will beat him and put Evansville back on the track that benefits us…the taxpayers. Maybe the next election will end up like the 2016 Presidential election, where big money didn’t buy the Presidency and the good guy won.
Lloyd Winecke is Evansville’s Obama. It’s time to flush him out of office and elect a candidate that will make Evansville great again!
All the Mayoral wannabes better hope that Brynneth Pawltro doesn’t enter the race:
The comment on this article………”the dog humps like bill clinton “……..lolllllllllllllllll
Is it true the city of Evansville official mascot is a pot belly pig to fit in with its ranking in that category?
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