IS IT TRUE JUNE 26, 2015


IS IT TRUE we hear that the mass exit from the City of Evansville employment has begun? …that Tony Kirkland is leaving his Administrative position with METS and shall be taking a position with Governor Pence? …we wonder which local Democrat will the Mayor appoint to this vacant political patronage position?
IS IT TRUE there is an interesting rumor going around the Evansville Police Department that Chief Billy Bolin will be appointed as the next Police Chief if Gail Riecken is elected Mayor? … the answer to this rumor is “NO WAY”?
IS IT TRUE we are amazed that the Mayor Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer has sit in almost every meeting pertaining to planning of the proposed Downtown Convention Hotel for the last several years and remembers nothing about what has been decided about this project? … he would have been more respectable and honest to the taxpayers if only he would had just said that he wasn’t at liberty to speak on that subject at this time? …it’s becoming obvious that the Mayor Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer is becoming a major political liability for Mayor Winnecke each passing day?
IS IT TRUE earlier this week Governor Pence came to town to celebrate the start of Fisher Dynamics production plant? …we were surprised that Mayor Winnecke did not try to upstage the Governor by taking credit for bringing Fisher Dynamics to Evansville in the announcement? …we would like to give full credit to Governor Pence for encouraging Fisher Dynamics to Evansville?
IS IT TRUE we are also pleased to hear that Governor Pence will not comply with the impending Federal plan to reduce carbon emissions from power plants unless major improvement are made in the proposed law?
IS IT TRUE that the Shriners were going to cancel the Blue Angels Air show during this Shrinerfest because a $50,000 short fall? … that we would like to thank the Vectren Foundation for it’s $50,000 donation which made the Blue Angel’s event possible? … the funding source from Vectren came from the shareholder’s fund and not the ratepayers?
IS IT TRUE that Vectren President Brad Ellsworth contacted the Vectren Foundation about the funding part of the Shriner’s shortfall? …we would like to thank the Vectren Foundation, shareholders and Senior Management of Vectren for making this outstanding community event possible?