IS IT TRUE June 26, 2013
IS IT TRUE when it comes to dogs there are two colors of dogs that Democrats come in?…a yellow dog Democrat is an old school party line person who in the words of the old Dixiecrats “would rather vote for a yeller dog than a Republican?â€â€¦lately the term most often associated with Democrats that have a practical streak and would rather vote for a yeller dog than some of the extreme left members of the Democrat party?…this is a blue dog Democrat?…that the winner of yesterday’s CCO Readers Poll concerning voting for the next Democratic candidate for Mayor was a real live “Blue Dog” from Nashville, TN?…that “Blue Dog” declined the opportunity to move from Nashville to Evansville to run for Mayor in 2015?…we hear that “Blue Dog” is strongly considering making a public endorsement who he wants to become the Democratic nominee for Mayor of Evansville?…if he does you can expect he shall support a strong “Blue Dog” democrat to run against the current Mayor?…that given the fact that all of BLUE’S opponents in yesterday’s poll are more blue dog than yeller dog in their Democrat ways, old BLUE will be as confused as if there were three cats close to him and he had to choose which one to chase?
IS IT TRUE the U.S. economy grew at a 1.8% annual rate in the first quarter of 2013, slower than the earlier estimates of 2.4% growth?…economists had expected a 2.4% final reading for first-quarter growth?…the revision was due largely to personal-consumption expenditures that slid to a 2.6% gain from 3.4%?…consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of economic output, largely drove overall gains in the first three months of the year?…the downward revision came from weaker spending on legal services, personal care and health care than previously estimated?
IS IT TRUE a 20 foot sink hole has developed on the east side of Evansville following the deluge of 6 inches of rain that fell on Monday?…we are sure this will be repaired in short order and will be interested to see if it was a natural occurrence or an aging pipe that was overwhelmed by the rush of water that failed and caused the sink hole?…we are hoping that this was a natural occurrence and not a pipe failure because if it was a pipe we can probably expect more sink holes but if it was natural it may be the only one?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer broke the story that Evansville City Councilman at-large Jonathan Weaver had expressed an interest in running for Mayor of Evansville in 2015?…Councilman Weaver had made such statements at the recent Democrat love fest and removed all doubt yesterday with a public announcement?…his next step should be to form an exploratory committee to see just how much support there may be out there for a Weaver candidacy?…unless something has seriously changed since the last election Councilman Weaver may enjoy much more support than the CCO readership gave him when he came in 4th in a 4 candidate poll against Jonathan Weinzapfel, John Friend, and a dog named Blue?…the astounding part of that poll is that a real live dog got more votes than all three of these perennial elected officials combined?…Weaver in the last election got the 2nd highest vote total of all nine members of the City Council and may well have given Mayor Winnecke a run for his money in the general election?…the CCO recognizes that Jonathan Weaver has a pretty large group of supporters and will be a formidable candidate in both the Democrat primary and the general Mayoral election?…future opponents of this former weatherman whether he is a blue dog, yeller dog, or hound dog would be foolish to overlook Weaver’s base of support?
As an at-large member of the City Council, isn’t Weaver eligible for votes from every ward in the city? Are the City Council members who ran for a specific ward eligible for votes from all of the other wards? If they are not, it seems that the increased number of potential voters should lead to a higher number of votes. How did he do compared to the other at-large candiadtes in the same election?
only 95 votes behind the widely respected Dr. Dan Adams.
OK. So to compare his numbers against non at-large members is a little deceiving though, right? Do you have the numbers for all of the at-large candidates so we can see how he did against the entire field?
Will try to reduce the vote to percentage of voters for tomorrow’s IIT.
Choosing between Weaver and Winnecke? God help us.
Weaver and Mosbey have to go that should be city slogon!!!!!
Mosby spell the name right
As much you complain about her you should know its Mosby
Thank you
Mosby would be better than Weaver.
Rumplebeancounter, Whineyapple, Carol McClintock, and now Beaver. This City should be ashamed of who it elects Mayor
There is not one person in your poll I would pick. PLEASE bring back the dog in blue.
I agree those are some pathetic choices. But after the last election no one will buck the party.
It would be astounding if the Voters of Evansville would elect Weaver to the Mayor’s Office, it would be akin to committing Hari-Kari enmasse, by the hopelessly stupid.
I will vote Repo before I will vote for Weaver, Mosby, Friend or Weinzapfel. PERIOD….
Write in Rick Davis?
I’m with John Doe. Write in for Rick Davis.
So you guys want a person who shows up for work 50 % of the time. If you do, select Davis.
That report was misleading and of course a pissant like you buys it without any question.
I’d rather have Davis at 50% than Weaver at 500%. Even Mosby is better than Weaver.
me too
If you run without the party blessing they will not only make sure you lose the election they will also take away your livelihood.
All members of the central committee that ignored the choice of the voting registered voters and backed Wieneke should have the guts to resign their position with the democrat party. Personal opinion is one thing, I’ll never donate to either party again, I’ll back who I want.
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