“IS IT TRUE” JUNE 24, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

IS IT TRUE that this upcoming Wednesday City-County Observer “Living Outside The Box” Speakers Series  event will begin in earnest??  …we started out to make this event  invitation only but it quickly got out of control when we started to receive many requests from interested people that wanted to attend?  … we originally planned to invite 20 guest but it quickly multiplied to 40 guests?  …even more amazing is we now have a waiting list around 23 guests who want to attend our next session?

IS IT TRUE if our elected officials want to clean up Jimtown and Jacobsville, the first step is to stop the Jims and Jacobs who seemly rob and pillage everything that is put there? …good paying jobs, reliable public transportation, affordable and livable housing, good schools, affordable daycare services, a quality grocery store and accessible and affordable healthcare would go a long way in helping people in that area?

IS IT TRUE that last week a group of the more privilege individuals of this area attended a “plush” political fund raising event for Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch at the home of a local business tycoon?  …this event raised $200,000 for the re-election campaign of the Holcomb and Crouch ticket?  …did we forget to say that Mayor Winnecke gave a glowing introduction speech of Lt. Governor Crouch?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke re-election political war chest is alleged to have $750,000 in it?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that many citizens are extremely pleased with the way that District #77 State Representative Ryan Hatfield is conducting himself?

IS IT TRUE it looks like the rampant drug related homicides investigation in our area is beginning to take a financial toll on the Vanderburgh County Coroner’s 2019 budget?

IS IT TRUE we have an outstanding group of law enforcement professionals that are doing everything they can to protect us?  …Its almost impossible for members of law enforcement to stop anyone from killing someone?  …It’s obvious that it’s time for our  elected officials  to look for more creative ways to help of our law enforcement agencies so they can do a better job fighting violent crime?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that there is a quiet movement a foot to find a way to fund a discount grocery operation on North Main Street?  …we are told that the Director of the Evansville DMD may have found a one?  …we are told that this could be a developing story?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how many people have received summons to appear at the Warrick, Posey and Vanderburgh County Superior Court-Small Claims Division to dispute the validity of a medical debt allegedly owed for medical services at area hospitals during the last two years?

IS IT TRUE that ProPublica newspaper claims that medical bills are often riddled with errors? …that they also suggests that you should ask your medical provider if they have a financial assistance policy, which could result in a sliding scale discount?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if  members of the City Council, County Commission or County Council will ever provide an interpreter for those attending meetings who have a major hearing problem?

IS IT TRUE we are told that First Ward City Council candidate Ben Trockman is having a mega political fundraising event at the Knob House located on the property of the Knob Hill Tavern?  …this event is being held this coming Tuesday between 5:30 to 8:00 pm?

IS IT TRUE if any candidate running for the Evansville City Council and would like to put their upcoming political event in the CCO  please send the information to City-County Observer@live.com?

IS IT TRUE last year the Indiana Department of Revenue’s Tax Advisory Council convened behind closed doors for its inaugural quarterly meeting? … that the Revenue Tax Advisory Council was created in December of 2017?  …the group’s mission is to “shape the future of tax administration by providing input regarding agency operations, policies and legislative proposals,” according to the department?  …we wonder if they met behind closed doors this year? …we are highly disappointed that not one individual appointed to this Advisory Council is from this area?

Todays ‘Readers Poll” question is: How do you rate the overall performance of Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “OBITUARIES, LEFT JAB, AND RIGHT JAB,  BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBS” posted in our sections.  Oh, You can now be able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.

City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. “Personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”

We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.



  1. A tax payer incentive to put a grocery store in the North Main area will fail until fixing the shoplifter problem that caused the last store to close.

    • And the three that closed over at the old Wesselmann’s building on Lincoln Ave. It is hard to make a profit in a 5-finger-discount part of town.

  2. Simpson’s on Covert knows how to make it work. Jack up the prices by 20-25% and allow some shoplifting to take place. Don’t do anything to cause a scene. Shoplifting is a way of life in some areas so just make a profit and live with it. There’s little chance that most people living in those areas will ever accumulate enough wealth to move to Newburgh, so you really have a captive customer base.

  3. Well, apparently it’s now official, despite being quietly talked about for several months. Caesar’s/Harrah’s/Horseshoe is merging/being absorbed by Eldorado.One of the perks of the recently enacted Indiana Sports Book legislation. Where once Indiana casino operators could only own two casinos in the State of Indiana, they may now own six.This will bring the across-from-Louisville Horseshoe casino and the Metropolis, IL Caesar’s/Harrah’s under the Eldorado umbrella. Given how tight and reduced benefits and personnel reductions have occurred at the local Tropicana since Eldorado took over that operation, that does not bode well for gamblers/patrons of the Evansville, Metropolis, or across from Louisville operations. The French Lick casino can continue to experience more growth as more and more local gamblers go there to enjoy their gaming.

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