IS IT TRUE JUNE 24, 2016


IS IT TRUE we wonder if the criminal investigation concerning the possible mis-use of Federal Funds by the City of Evansville is still on going or has been closed?  …we look forward to the Investigations Division of Office of the Special Inspection General For The Troubled Asset Relief Program to provide us with the answer to this question in the near future?

IS IT TRUE we have been told by a couple of our “Civic Moles” that Alex Burton is considering a run for the Vanderburgh School Board?  …we are pleased to hear that  Mr. Burton is considering such a move?  Alex is an independent thinker,  personable,  hard working and well educated?  …its time for some new faces to serve on this board in hopes that they will stop the practice of cutting political deals behind closed doors?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if its legal for elected officials (2) to threaten political candidates who are running for office if they advertise in the CCO they shall work against them?  …we are about ready to find out the answer to this question?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if the City of Evansville financial records for 2016 will show us that the city is operating in the black?  …it looks like its time to file a “Freedom of Information Request”  to see if they are?

IS IT TRUE that Rep. Todd Rokita  has written a bill to use less fresh foods in school lunches? …we were told that Rep. Rokita has received thousands of dollars from the food processing industry?  …that we believe legislation for more processed foods in school lunches is a disservice to our children

IS IT TRUE Governor Mike Pence, an attorney, has issued “guidelines” to Emergency Physicians  for writing prescriptions for opioid drugs? …we wonder if the Governor included the Emergency Physicians in writing these guidelines?  …the Governor’s legal decisions of late have not been very successful so we find his decisions on medicine may be suspect?

IS IT TRUE that the recent “Media Day” event hosted by Ellis Park was indeed a first class act?  …the answer is a big “YES”?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased to announce that CCO is once again getting some valuable information from our Civic Center “MOLES”? …in the near future we shall be sharing some interesting information that members of the Winnecke Administration have attempted to keep from going public?

IS IT TRUE we have been told that BRANDON LEE FERGUSON will run for the Vanderburgh County Council seat as a Democrat in the upcoming November 8, 2016 election? …we been told that Mr. Ferguson will be selected in the upcoming June 30, 2016 Democratic caucus as a candidate for the Vanderburgh County?  …we welcome Mr. FERGUSON to the race and known he will turn the Vaanderburgh County Council race into an extremely  competitive and exciting race?

FOOTNOTES: Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that Mayor Winnecke will save Mesker Amphitheater from the wreaking ball?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

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    • A solution to these terrorist actions would be a “total ban” on giving out the name of these scumbags to the public! No 15 seconds of fame for them, or their linkage to their organizations! And put the word out that they will be buried in unmarked graves with an animal/ religious items that is offensive to their beliefs so as they would be put into eternal damnation!

      • 100% agree. No name, no pictures….this guy was a narcissist, was self-absorbed, insecure and wanted attention. The claims of jihad as the cause was purely convenient to give some credibility to something that was purely a self-absorbed mass murderer. He could have just as easily said he “was doing this in the name of the Charles Manson Family….or the SLA/Patty Hearst group. Is it good politics to say this guy was inspired by ISIS? Sure. But for him personally, this was the work of a narcissist mass murderer looking for fame, any fame, in death. The number of “selfies” he took of himself were unbelievable.

          • Conveniently….is my point. This guy. He wanted fame. ISIS was a good way to do that….It’s good politics to say what you are saying JoeB, I acknowledge that. It’s why you’re saying it.
            But this guy. He wanted a famous death being a mass murderer. He was not a wandering Bedouin died in the wool extremist Muslim signing up to fight in the desert Caliphate. ISIS was his ticket to the fame. And fame, not Islam, was his goal.

    • Let’s see ..uhh .. Our President’s father was a muslim and his step-father a muslim which apparently raised him might jump at the conclusion that he was heavily influenced by these individuals and consequently why he has not used the term, “RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM” So, why is anyone surprised that this dirtbag was allowed the same burial rights as his victims?

      • What real difference will speaking those words really make? Jesus, lay off the fox news kool-aid will ya?

      • Does Obama decide which pickles I buy for my hamburgers B-A?
        Get a life.
        How this dirtbag is buried is decided by local people. You’re one of those Kenya conspiracy people…clearly. You believe in stupid crap, and it’s a waste of time when you get up in the morning.

      • You’re right about “jumping to conclusions.” A lot of morons do that. Fact is the President’s white, Christian grandfather was the main male role model in his life, but it doesn’t fit the stupid narrative.

  1. “IS IT TRUE we wonder if its legal for elected officials (2) to threaten political candidates who are running for office if they advertise in the CCO they shall work against them? …we are about ready to find out the answer to this question?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Oh, I think that would be very actionable. What say you Pogo?

    • It sounds like Tort Interference with Business Conduct. I think CCO should sue their asses off, but all you would get is a used BMW and a bunch of dogs.

      • Maybe a used Speedo and a Hooter’s “wife beater” undershirt. They probably don’t own the yellow blazers and coffee cups.

    • Restraint of Trade, harassment, intimidation, theft by proxy, etc. This may be both a civil and criminal court matter. Now getting the old boy network to allow equal protection under the law in Evanzuela may be a monumental challenge.

  2. Evidently BIG BIRD a/k/a Mosby and the Weasel a/k/a Weaver do not know that several years ago the Democrat Party voted to allow any Vanderburgh County Democrat Chairman to select any open office on or before June 30th ..of course, if this would happen BIG BIRD and the Weasel would loss their so-called influence (perceived) ..go to the bank on this one ..there will be only a hand full of Mosbycrats at that caucus ..

    • There are only a handful of “Mosbycrats” anywhere, because they’re nearly extinct.

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