IS IT TRUE June 21, 2013
IS IT TRUE, according to the most recent published financial report for the month of April, the City of Evansville, the General Fund from where most all of the police, firefighters, and city employees receive their paychecks, has a negative balance of $11,867,621?…according to official reports, on January 1, 2013 the paycheck fund [General Fund] was $3,989,712 to the positive?…the drop in deposits in the paycheck fund was only a mere difference of $15,857,333 from New Year’s Day until the end of April?… we are on the edge of our seats awaiting the Winnecke Administration results for May 2013?…we wonder about the logic of the Winnecke Administration concerning discretionary spending when City of Evansville employee’s payroll checks may be effected, unless, their idea is to offset by property tax increases?
IS IT TRUE that we are expecting an announcement any day now regarding a finalized agreement with the Branson, Missouri based business to build a new convention hotel complex complete with retail space, restaurants, and apartments?…this may seem cynical but we expect this to happen before the results of the 2012 audit and the McGladry study are made public?…the CCO Moles tell us that neither of these official opinions of the stewardship of the coffers of the City of Evansville will be complementary?…the inconvenient reality is that these studies need to be completed and published before any $37.5 Million gift of corporate welfare in the form of a subsidy can be debated with knowledge?…if the Winnecke Administration and Controller Russ Lloyd have indeed completed cleaning the accounting nightmare left for them by the Weinzapfel Administration they may just garner a bit of respect from the community?…that does not change the fact that corporate welfare should not be handed out to private businesses at all much less on a preferential basis but if the books reconcile and the accounts are full we will offer a high five to Controller Lloyd for his hard work and competence?…if this is not the case then the City Council needs to step in and force competence in a way that Evansville has not seen in many years?
IS IT TRUE it was painful to learn of the intentional vandalism that a handful of dirt bags inflicted on the swimming pool at Garvin Park?…it is shenanigans like this and the slothful living of what we hope is a small percentage of the population that makes keeping anything nice in the City of Evansville?…even with Mayor Winnecke doing a fantastic job of enlisting volunteers to wage a war on litter a casual drive around nearly every part of Evansville does not have a visible difference than how it was before the Mayor fulfilled his campaign promise to clean the streets?…in this respect Mayor Winnecke has worked his fingers to the bone and many others have chipped in to help only to have it thrown back in their face by dirt bags and sloths?…the CCO encourages any witness to this mindless act of destruction to come forward with testimony so justice can be done?…summer in Evansville is hot and everyone is not wealthy enough to have a backyard pool so public swimming pools are an important part of growing up?…with the closure of the Garvin Park pool and Lorraine Pool that leaves the children of two neighborhoods without a pool they can access on their bicycles?…we hope both pools are back in operation soon and that these morons are caught and punished?…it sometimes seems like trying to beautify Evansville is like trying to pour boiling water in the Ohio River to warm it up?…until the little things like litter and parks can be kept clean and functional the big things will not make up for the visible filth in the quality of life department?
IS IT TRUE we wish all of our readers and friends a joyful weekend?…we beg you all not to litter at all and never to do any vandalism to public property or give your silent approval to any who do?
Todays IIT confirms what I’m hearing from the rank and file employees at Civic Center. We are worried about not being paid in a timely manner because of financial shortfalls.
I also hear the some of the city vendors haven’t been paid for over 90 days. Looks like another rumor that the CCO should look at.
Can’t wait and see if the Mayor and city controller will respond to the IIT paycheck fund statement in todays CCO.
Maybe the 15.8 million was deposited in May…. just kiddin’ How can the city hang bad paper and not get charged over-draft on every transaction? Can anybody get a public explanation from our next past “great mayor”?
I wonder why the City Controller doesn’t post the monthly City of Evansville Financial Reports on line so the taxpayers of this community can see how our money is being spent monthly. I got it-no accountability.
I personally don’t understand why the Mayor continue to support this Russ Lloyd, Jr. guy as controller. Seems like every week he has a problem with balancing the books.
Evanshell is falling apart.
You are correct John Doe. The other part of the problem is that much of the destruction is coming from within as we profiled in today’s IIT. Vandalism and a legacy of neglect make one lethal cocktail when it comes to both infrastructure and that which is visible. It is hard to determine which is worse. I expect if there was no neglect and a sense of pride that the vandalism would be minor.
Branson Landing 5 Year TIF .pdf
Projections exceed actual revenue:
I wouldn’t count on the State Board doing anything this year. Their retarded supervisor kicked out the CPA auditors and replaced them with a woman called Airhead and some rookies. One of them is a know-it-all heffer.
The city’s operating money is deposited twice a year after property taxes are collected. Of course it would have a large balance around January (collected November and deposited Dec ish) and it would be low in June (collection in May deposited in June).
I would assume the payments collected in November are deposited in November and the payments collected in May are deposited in May.
Unless they sit in someones drawer for weeks until someone gets around to making a deposit.
The May revenue report should clear this up one way or another.
What is wrong with
Affect rather than effect in para. one
complimentary rather than complementary in para. two?
“S IT TRUE, according to the most recent published financial report for the month of April, the City of Evansville, the General Fund from where most all of the police, firefighters, and city employees receive their paychecks, has a negative balance of $11,867,621?”
Enough said.
Good XXXXX question.
By your use of the “F” word, your lack of class shows. I’ll bet your mother is proud.
Go XXXX yourself. 😉
As I said before, class shows. I’ll bet you really make your mother proud.
Brad–Your are sounding like a little boy who just leaned a new word. Usage of this of language hurts your respect as a CCO commentator. Grow up big guy.
And you guys are acting like holier than thou church clowns with cobs stuck up your asses. Argue and debate over substance. Getting hung up over a cuss word you’ve heard a million times in your life just shows you have a fundamental inability to debate on merit. You have to reduce the argument to that of running to the principle and whining “he said a dirty word”.
Grow the XXXX up.
Why all of a sudden BLO (brad linzy observer) the need for such language or Xxxxx’s??????
We get your sarcasm and hatefulness without the juvenile use of the “F” word. I guarantee I’m not a church clown with a cob issue. Just tired of your endless supply of opinions about everything and everyone. If I need a new amp or guitar where would I find your knowledgeable self????
Brad you said “….Argue and debate over substance”. I suggest you follow your own advise. The use of what some consider offensive language adds nothing when debating substance. You are not in a bar or fishing with a friend.
The CCO is a public online newspaper that is read by all ages as well as religious /non-religions people. Your language will cause some people to stop reading the CCO and some business will stop buying ads. Not good for anybody–including Ron.
My commentary isn’t for the benefit of Ron Cosby. If you choose not to read it, I frankly couldn’t give less of a damn. I think if Ron wants to look, he’ll see that I’ve probably created more page views for this site than any other single user in the past year. If he or Joe want to permanently ban me for an occasional cuss word, that’s their prerogative.
If someone stops reading a blog because of an occasional F bomb (which was quickly censored by the way), they have bigger problems than I care to fix. If you want 100% clean language, without the possibility of provocative or original thought, read the C&P.
What a bunch of whiny babies.
BLO , its because you ramble on and on. Not for the reasoning of finding the truth of a situation, just an argument. You ramble on and on and may I say on. just for the sake of arguing. Soooooo, I wouldn’t toot your own horn to loudly. If some readers like me, do as I do, they read your first few sentences and move on. Sorry to deflate your ego there buddy!
Good, rather.
Nice language people!
I remember not long ago an editor removed my post for saying looney tunes! Really???? Come on folks, I think you can get your points across WITHOUT foul language.
I know what heifer you speak of. She was a total you know what to the County all winter long. It is rumored that this Airhead woman had an affair with the last State Board Supervisor and excels at kissing ass.
That’s ridiculous. If you are speaking:of the woman Mantis Toboggan absolutely despises. That is a bold face lie!
They are offering a $500 reward for info leading to arrest/conviction related to vandalism at Garvin Park Pool. Call Van. Co. Prosecutor’s WeTip hotline. 1-800-78-CRIME
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