IS IT TRUE? June 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has still not been contacted by the City of Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development regarding the two Freedom of Information Act requests that were due us on June 16th?…that DMD is now 5 days into being in violation of Indiana Public Access laws?…that we have been contacted by people who say this is not the only time that DMD has blatantly ignored these laws?…that we have been contacted by several people advising us on exactly how to turn the heat up by seeking a delinquency ruling against DMD?…that when they are found to be in violation that the penalty will be to turn the documents over AND to pay any legal fees incurred by the CCO to obtain the ruling?…that would truly be a waste of taxpayer’s money and the easy way out is to just cough up the documents right now?

IS IT TRUE that Roberts Stadium has been given a chance by executive decision of Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel?…that after sitting back, seeing all of the responses to the August 3rd trial balloon that was floated last week, reviewing the legal damages that could be awarded to SMG by shutting Roberts Stadium down on August 3rd, that Mayor Weinzapfel reached the only logical decision possible?…that decision is to allocate some funding in next year’s budget for the next Mayor of Evansville to deliberate and make the final decision on the Future of Roberts Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that it has been suggested that any decision about public money or a sweetheart deal for public land with regard to the recently approved POLE BARN INDOOR TENNIS CENTER may be more appropriate for the NEXT MAYOR as well?…that Mole #357 tells us that there is some resentment within private businesses that are in the sporting world who have not been given any sweetheart deals of public money and public land?…that we shall keep our feelers out on this one?

IS IT TRUE that Roberts Stadium by virtue of Mayor Weinzapfel’s decision just became a front and center election issue for this year’s City of Evansville elections?…that Republican candidate for Mayor, Lloyd Winnecke is on record as stating that discussions should already have been started but that it is not a candidates place to hold such meetings?…that Democratic candidate Rick Davis has repeatedly stated that he wants to fully examine how to get the most value out of Roberts Stadium?…that Roberts Stadium as an issue is not off limits to candidates anymore?…that both candidates should be working to formulate a plan for Roberts Stadium and should express their leanings in a more than platitudinal way before the November election?…that this is a chance to prove yourselves guys?…that we await each candidate for Mayor and even ideas from the candidates for City Council?…that Mayor Weinzapfel gave them all a license to think yesterday?

IS IT TRUE that we are somewhat mystified that News 25 was still running a piece at 10 o’clock last night about Dan Schall’s recommendation that Roberts Stadium be shut down on August 3rd after Mayor Weinzapfel’s decision was made public?…that we are beginning to wonder if Mr. Schall and the Mayor ever talk to each other?…that the Mayor’s decision put an end (we hope) to one of the most surreal weeks of any decision making process in recent memory?…that this does not seem to have been SNEGAL, but it surely does seem haphazard?

IS IT TRUE that it is not just the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Evansville Icemen who are having some reservations about making the new Arena their home?…that Mole #357 tells us that the popular charity even Guns and Hoses is feeling sticker shock at the amount of rent that is being asked to use the new Arena for their event?…that Mole #357 has alleged that the price for the new Arena for a one night stand is triple that of Roberts Stadium?…that we are not surprised as the cost of the new Arena is about triple the estimated value of Roberts Stadium?…that this cost differential is a very good reason to keep both venues open for a while and to see how they can work together?…that we do not want to lose some of our legacy events and conventions because of price?…that Roberts Stadium has coexisted with the Coliseum for its entire life, that Evansville has enjoyed appropriate events in both venues, and that the Roberts/Arena combination can work too?


  1. IS IT TRUE that Mole # 357 has a valid permit to carry ? IS IT TRUE that Mole # 357 is a man of high caliber ?
    IS IT TRUE that Mole # 357 does not miss (his deadlines) ?

  2. I heard on the radio this morning that city officials were going to meet with SMG this Saturday morning to discuss the closing date of Roberts Stadium. It was said that they were going to discuss with SMG dates they had already booked or were working on booking, but it didn’t say they were going to put off closing Roberts until next year.

    • We should know that answer. If they comply with our FOIA request as they committed to then we will know and you will too.

  3. So it would seem that our mayor is capable of cognizant thought and decisions after all, and while I do agree that his decision does open the door for the mayoral candidates to debate the future of Roberts Stadium I predict it will be a non-issue, both candidates will merely state that they will work hard to come up with a plan to utilize the facility if economically feasible. It’s what the majority of the people what to hear and honestly there are much bigger issues facing the next mayor then a few hundred thousand dollars to keep Roberts alive.

    • I have to disagree with you. Winnecke has been vocal about his intentions to tear down Roberts. He tries to be nice about it by saying “we’ll conduct a study to see if it can be profitable” but at the end of the day, he’s ready to tear it down.

      Davis seems more interested in leaving it standing, and has talked about using it as a Natatorium, but has not offered much in-depth research for whether or not that idea would be feasible.

      Now that Weinzapfel has stepped back on the issue, it really does allow our two candidates to step up and offer a solution.

      The vast majority of average Joe’s in Evansville do not want to see Roberts torn down.

      If 1 mayoral candidate were to come forward with a plan that allows Evansville’s citizens to keep their stadium while being profitable for the city – it would be a HUGE boost to their campaign.

      However – in my opinion, Weinzapfel would not back down on this issue unless he had an Ace up his sleeve. I fully expect Winnecke is committed to tearing down Roberts if he is elected – and his campaign is currently far ahead of Davis’.

      • Bowhunter,

        I see your point but in my mind unless the media makes Roberts a campaign issue, it’ll be a non-starter, it’s not as high on the priority list as say jobs and sewers…not saying it’s not an issue but it will have to be made into an issue either by the media (news paper, tv) or the public pushing it. For a city government like ours that wastes 200k+ for “ART” to hang outside the john a few more 100k to keep Roberts viable as a venue is chicken feed, the real motive behind anyone wanting to destroy Roberts Stadium is to limit the choices, and extract monies out of the process, not to save money, not because it’s outdated, not because there are better uses for the land like ball parks….if Winnecke goes on record during the campaign saying he’s for tearing it down, it’ll be his defeat. JMHO

        BTW Weinzapfel’s Ace up his sleeve is Mr Winnecke.

  4. I also put in a FOIA request for similar documents, here’s the city’s response.
    On May 12, 2011, the Evansville Redevelopment Commission and or the Department of Metropolitan Development (City) received your formal Request for Records pursuant to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act. You have specifically requested the following information from the City:
    • . a copy of the contract agreement between the city of Evansville and the new downtown hotel developer Woodruff Hospitality LLC.”
    Response of the City:
    The City has excluded any records that are statutorily excepted from disclosure under IC 5-14-3-
    4(a). In addition, pursuant to IC 5-14-3-4(b), DMD has elected to except from disclosure all
    documents within the following categories:
    1. The work product of any attorney representing DMD;
    2. Records that are ultra-agency or interagency advisory or deliberative material,
    including material developed by a private contractor under a contract with a public
    agency, that are expressions of opinion or are of a speculative nature, and that are
    communicated for the purpose of decision making.
    ‘III i’

  5. I have a feeling you’ll get your documents right after Weaver identifies those that he accused of messing with his signs

  6. I have been taught all my life (65 years) that if you break the law you could in up in jail..well it looks to me it time to lock some one up..

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