IS IT TRUE we hear that At-Large City Councilman Jonathan Weaver is now employed by Tucker Realty?  …Tucker Realty now have two (2) City Council members working for them?  …all we can say about this is “interesting”?

IS IT TRUE  we hear that City of Evansville  self insured  health  program pays about $25 million dollars a year to medical providers for 1500  city employees people?  … this figure averages to $17,000 for all full and part time city employees?  …this figure doesn’t take in consideration for the soon to be implemented “OBAMACARE” health care program?  …we wonder why part-time City Council members and their family  receive  health care insurance paid by the taxpayers of this City?  …we can’t wait too see what our readers feel about issue?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that a couple of candidates running for elected office in the upcoming General election are doing research on how many contracts the city is awarding to out of town consultants, vendors or contractors? …we can already predict the answers? …the answer is to many?

IS IT TRUE our Computer IT guy told us last week the reason why we are having computer issues is because we have 13,664 posts, 5,321 picture images, 72,167 comments and 84,931 spams posted on our site? …we are presently working on trashing the 84,931 spans posted on our site? …we also will be addressing other archive issues in order to speed up our website? …we thank you for your patience’s?

IS IT TRUE in the very near future we shall be adding an additional section for your reading enjoyment? …we will be adding a weekly profile section of not so well known community leaders?

IS IT TRUE one of our Bloggers posted this the other day and we felt it was worth repeating in todays IIT section?  …he claims that the Alhambra is far too small to be a theatre presenting live theatre productions?  … he states It would be a great facility for the Arts Council and what better place for them then in the Arts District? … he even suggests that Civic Theatre would be interested in this small facility is laughable? … he said their present facility is many times larger then this building? … he claims this rather small bldg. was built for a neighborhood movie theatre not for live theatre.?  …he points out whoever thought to give this to the Arts Council is brilliant?  …he stresses that a perfect use for a building that has had far too much money put in it for restoration?  …past Director of Civic Theatre-Dick Engber says the present Alhambra Board of Directors should just do it?

IS IT TRUE we wonder why the City, DMD, State and Federal Agencies, past Alhambra Board of Directors and others didn’t do proper research concerning the best use for the Alhambra Theatre before raising many hundred of thousand of dollars to restore it to its grand state? …the restoration efforts have been remarkable, however, this building needs a purpose?  … letting this building sit idle will be allowing the building to deteriorate again?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure.  Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Jon “Bruiser” Weaver sucking the McClintock teat for a dirty job done dirt cheap? Tell me ain’t so! I’m so shocked I yawned.

  2. Tucker Realty now have two (2) City Council members working for them? …all we can say about this is “interesting”? “Interesting” sure sounds a lot like pay back.

  3. good to hear that the web site is being looked at and fixed. My post were not showing up right away and I could not tell why? Hopefully all the old clutter will be removed and the site will speed up and post will show up faster.

  4. Health Insurance costs,

    Please don’t tell me we’re spending $ 17,000 per year for each of the part-time City Council image people who preside at public meetings and feign interest in the citizens ! Will you now also say that they get retirement benefits for this TV ego opportunity ?

    Last, why can’t Tucker Realty pay for Missy and Beaver’s health insurance–why should we ?

    • Realtors are self employed and are known as Independant Contractors. Their licenses to practice real estate must be held by a Principal Broker, in this case, Tucker. Principal Brokers provide no benefits to their agents and all agents (in most firms) pay 100% of their own costs – the broker pays zero. licensing, advertising, E & O insurance among many other costs. As for Weaver becoming a Tucker agent, he worked for them as an agent several years ago. If memory serves he wasn’t in the business for long.

    • This health insurance costs per employee has bee at this kind of level for at least 8’years to my knowledge. I am surprised it isn’t higher by now.

  5. It is NOT true that part-time employees receive any benefits. There are no paid holidays, sick days, vacations, or health insurance. We receive an hourly wage for hours worked and those cannot exceed 29 hours per week. I know whereof I speak.

      • No. I transcribe the minutes for the meetings, committee meetings and budget hearings.

      • In an ideal world, if they get insurance, you should too. Since you don’t, they shouldn’t either.

        • Fortunately my husband retired from UPS and we have excellent insurance. Unfortunately many people all across the country have been cut back to 29 hours so the companies aren’t forced to provide insurance for those working more than 29 hours. Companies would go bankrupt if they had to provide insurance for part-time employees.

          • And it’s so much better to have actual people win the reverse lottery and go bankrupt from medical bills rather than having the almighty “corporations are people too” going bankrupt correct?

  6. I believe the comment on health insurance benefits for part time workers is directed toward elected officials whose positions are part time (elected officials only).

    Is it true that a former county commissioner pushed through a provision for retiree health insurance until she turns 65 (elected officials only)?

    This type of unique benefit for elected officials is what gives politics a bad name. Elected officials should not have special benefits that are not provided to their employees as a whole. The city and county cannot afford to pay health benefits to part time elected officials and retired elected officials. This smacks of a double standard.

    Elected officials should be held accountable for flagrant feathering their own nest.

    • Retired senators and congressmen are set for life with pension and insurance – even after a very short time in office. That really chaps my ass.

  7. The mainstream “furrier and suppressed” had an interesting article this morning concerning a new master plan bid or handout process. Looks fishy already, KC and the anti sunshine band of regulars is mentioned as well.
    Its clandestine garbage like that tanker load “O” cronies fuel that makes the local governance look out of control with concern to the true actual value perceived with the public revenue base. The well must be drying up while the motel no-tell and the short sheeted medical extension school are stalled in the lousy throughput infrastructure.
    Not a glimmer of hope fro the place, however the next boatload of project focus should be on a modern effective foundation for all the projected planning that simply starts with the creation of some decent logistical infrastructure set to form a competitive base for some actual sustainable growth.

    “Balance for Climate Change* ”


  8. Is it true that the City’s new baseball facility has scoreboards that do not indicate ball, strikes, and outs?

  9. If the quotes attributed to Couries on the 14 website, are any indication, you would be hard pressed to find anyone in town more pleased with himself in regards to the “planning” for a “Master Plan” than he.

    • Local P’s partner is in charge of the Alhambra now. It has become clearer why that was done, to the Arts Council it will go. Not part of the planning for the planned for Master Plan but part of the plan nevertheless.

      • Correction: I believe Local’s friend is only in charge of the film festival aspect and Rachael Goldman is still in charge of the Alhambra proper. It is difficult for me to trust things coming out of the current administration but Ms. Goldman’s presence is reassuring.

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