IS IT TRUE? June 2, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? June 2, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that it was reported today that Casino Aztar is embarking upon $7 Million worth of repairs and renovations that are designed to make the gambling experience more pleasurable?…that among these renovations are replacing carpeting that is way overdue for replacement, fixing some HVAC equipment that was probably overcome by smoke and of course the previously mentioned $3 Million skybridge?…that each of these things will legitimately improve the experience of going to Aztar to gamble or cross the street?…that the Courier & Press today quoted Mayor Weinzapfel as stating that these improvements were required in trade for the City of Evansville offering support for Aztar to “get their license” back?…that the article went on to say that Aztar was required to “embark on good faith negotiations” with respect to the naming of the new downtown Arena?

IS IT TRUE that Aztar is a private business that must have a license granted by the State of Indiana to operate a casino?…that things like carpets and HVAC equipment if covered at all by local ordinance are enforced by the Office of Building Codes?…that to require a private business to negotiate for naming rights on a facility that they have no financial interest in to “get a license” seems a bit bold and outside of the realm of mayoral authority?…that many businesses would have told our Mayor to go jump in the Ohio River?…that the City of Evansville needed Aztar to continue to operate just as much as Aztar needed the license?…that obtaining money for naming rights through the exercise of the authority of elected office is certainly not something for code enforcement to get involved in?…that this action while possibly effective may not send the right message to other businesses in Evansville or thinking of Evansville as a potential destination?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer would like to welcome the new Bossman of the Evansville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to town and apologize that we were unable to attend the press conference held in his honor this morning?…that we wish Mr. Bob Warren much success in his new position?…that even though he is a happy guy today and is talking about telling the world about Evansville being a “world class destination” we will be happy for it to just be recognized as a tourist destination period?…that Orlando, San Francisco, New York City, Paris, and Las Vegas are world class destinations?…that we will settle to be thought of in the same breath as places like Branson, Louisville, Nashville, and Holiday World?…that it is admirable to set the bar up at Olympic levels but that Evansville will embrace and support this man if he can bring home a few state championships in the tourism department?

IS IT TRUE that some of our baseball loving friends are carping about our Evansville Otters starting the season off with a 1 win and 10 loss record?…that it is a good thing that the Bosse Field experience is not dependent upon excellence on the field of play or the seats would be empty?…that whatever team and whatever league that seems to inhabit Bosse Field always draws a decent crowd because the old baseball stadium experience and the cheap beer keep us entertained?…that we do encourage the Otters ownership to do something about the talent level that we seem to attract?…that Evansville is one of the larger and even richer cities in the Frontier league and that being the perpetual last place doormat should not be the case?…that the song says “root, root, root for the home team, if they don’t win it is a shame”?…that a 1 – 10 start for the Otters from a performance perspective is a shame?…that we will go anyway because it is fun?…that we would go more often if the Otters were contenders?


  1. The contrasts in expectations in this article alone are quite interesting. Let’s start in the middle. I also welcome Mr. Warren to Evansville and LOVE the fact he is talking about world class expectations. Sure, it will cause many of the chronic complainers to chuckle, but we all know the difference between success and failure is usually having a vision and a goal.

    Then we have the Otters….whose expectation bar is so low that Evan is constantly stubbing his toe. Despite being one of the few real cities in this band of misfits, they have managed to win ONE title in 16 years, an accomplishment which got both the Field and General Manager promptly fired. With that said, does it really matter to those who are attending this garbage who wins or what the standings are? Is being a winner in the Frontier League really any more prestigious than winning a CO-ED softball league?

    Evansville and Bosse Field deserve so much better than this garbage. With the new arena, the city correctly sought bids on who would win the rights to the lease. We had three organizations submit bids for hockey in a market that has never had it. The result, we have a Double A, well ran franchise located there. The top of this article discusses the mayor bragging about holding Aztar accountable for the rights to be our riverboat, when is the city going to hold Bussing accountable for the right to utilize our Bosse Field for his beerstube?

    When the lease is up with these bozos, the city should put the word out they will be accepting bids from organizations to locate in Bosse Field such as they did with the arena. With our history, support and unique facility, I am certain there is a real class baseball organization that would love to locate in Bosse Field and bring REAL minor league ball back to Evansville.

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