IS IT TRUE? June 19, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 19, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a silence has come over the downtown Arena with respect to making a deal with the Evansville Icemen to make this their home?…that the Icemen have made very good progress at building a fan base in Evansville and that people really do drive in from 50 miles away to see the games?…that the owner of the Icemen is a very astute businessman and will not have the wool pulled over his eyes by the minions of local government?…that Louisville is a bigger market and does not currently have a professional hockey team of any kind?…that the last professional hockey franchise to make Louisville home was the Louisville Panthers that played in Freedom Hall?…that word on the street in Louisville is that the Evansville Icemen are getting “nickeled and dimed” by the management of the new Arena and are considering a move to Louisville?…that this is not a time for the Arena management to prove their manhood by running a perfectly good and well liked local team out of town to make the top line look better during the early years?…penny wise and pound foolish will not look so smart if the Louisville Icemen are playing in Freedom Hall next year?…that would absolutely prove that an old arena can beat a new one when a win-win solution is undermined by short sightedness?

IS IT TRUE that we have been keeping track of comments coming in from candidates for Evansville City Council with regards to Dan Schall’s letter of exploration of shutting down Roberts Stadium before the new Arena is running smoothly?…that if this action went to a vote of the candidates for Evansville City Council that it WILL NOT PASS?…that more and more people are openly expressing increasing levels of disbelief that such a self defeating action was even sent out as a trial balloon?…that some things can be effectively argued both ways and that the eventual fate of Roberts Stadium is one of those things?…that both sides can be made to make sense?…that stranding a city of over 100,000 people in a region that serves over 500,000 with NO STADIUM AT ALL because a couple of public servants are emotional about swinging the wrecking ball makes no logical sense to any thinking person that has expressed an opinion?…that we once again shake our heads in disbelief that such a recommendation could be made by serious people?…that even Mayor Weinzapfel is quoted as allocating money to deal with Roberts Stadium NEXT YEAR?…that his statement is even open to keeping it open if a good idea with funding comes forward?…that the attention spans and logical thought processes in the Civic Center are getting stranger every day?

IS IT TRUE that the chatter about building a ballfield complex are getting louder?…that there are now insults being hurled at the group including the CCO that were vocal about not spending $18 Million on 8 ballfields?…that Evansville still has over 50 ballfields and that many of them are a disaster?…that one of the reasons for not building 8 more ballfields was the failure of the Parks Department to adequately maintain the 50+ that we already have?…that problem has not been fixed?…that another reason was that the cost was exorbitant at $2 Million per ballfield at a time that other locations were publishing prices of less than one-fourth of that for tournament quality ballfields?…that if ballfields are the salvation of our economy that there is still no reason to overspend by 300% to build any?…that there were many SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) spending measures hidden in the proposal for The Park including a $2.5 Million bailout of the City of Evansville for the demolition of Roberts Stadium?…that The Park was a poorly thought out project and a misappropriation of public money?…that is why the CCO and other opposed The Park then and will oppose it now unless the design makes economic sense and the Parks Department figures out how to maintain what we already have?

IS IT TRUE that we are curious about the coming reaction to the POLE BARN INDOOR TENNIS CENTER that was recently proposed for Wesselman Park?…that the source of funding has not been disclosed?…that an environmental impact statement has not been issued?…that the economic benefit of having 12 more tennis courts has not been put forward?…that we will defer our judgment on the POLE BARN INDOOR TENNIS CENTER until real impact statements are released and until the people of the 3rd Ward who will be its neighbors have expressed their opinions?


  1. An expression of opinion is forthcoming. Do you guys CCO have access to specific plans? drawings? maps? I have solid confirmation that it is to be placed VERY close to the Preserve. When will people stop trying to use public land for their own personal gain to the detriment of others and future generations? It is time to let everyone know that Wesselman Park land is not up for grabs. The tennis assoc. has basically asked for free public land, and free (to them at least) public money to accomplish this Tennis-Land Park. How many of the citizens of Evansville would actually use this facility? I would say the percentage is pretty small. Who gains from this besides those tennis players who currently don’t use the already existing Tri-State Athletic Club indoor tennis facility? I would guess that one group would be the players who used to use the courts on top of the Exec. Inn parking garage. But those 2 tennis factions (TSA Club and Ev. Tennis Assoc.) have had their differences before. It seems to me that the Park Board has not learned anything from last years ball fields issue in the same park. Tennis and softball/baseball. Wesselman is prime land indeed and every greedy hand is outstretched bypassing public rights and protections. What the heck is government for anyway?

    • The renderings were on 14, 25, and 7 on Thursday night news. You should be able to google their sites and see the pictures.

      • Tried but can’t download the adobe version needed to see them. Just went through two huge virus issues in a row and now have hopefully got strong antivirus protection but that is probably the problem here. Jordan is trying to help me but if what he is doing doesn’t work, he has offered to meet me Tues to show me. From what he says, I may cringe at the sight. Thanks for your suggestion though.

  2. Finally went back to my old engine and risked another virus. But I did view two TV overblown news versions of the story with video. I found it interesting that as the tennis folks were making the point about how crowded the courts are, they were obviously empty. A friend and I went out today (Sunday) and there was one family there getting ready to leave. That was it. I am sure that some people enjoy tennis and that’s great. But to assume that more people enjoy tennis than enjoy the natural environment or that Evansville is as interested as one girl who said something like – “I’ve seen the greatest tennis in the world and I want Evansville to see it too.” That’s nice but does she think that all of Evansville wants that too? And does she not think that Evansville does see it on TV? We all like to think that other people think like we do and share our interests, especially when we are deeply involved and have had the privilege and the dollars to pursue our passions. But that is not the case for many. And I still think that the Preserve must come first over other interests because that is why Wesselman Park exists. I however did not see a good aerial map showing the exact place of this pole barn. In fact, I did not see much detail at all that needs to be forthcoming. To say that building will start in July seems a bit of a premature statement. Haven’t seen financials; haven’t seen how donations are totaling up; haven’t seen detailed plans; haven’t heard of a community comment period and meeting opportunity; haven’t seen how this might benefit Evansville; or really how it will benefit anyone except some, not even all, the tennis players in Evansville. What percentage of the population will this $2.3 million benefit? If this money is donated by the CVB, I hope that there will be an uproar. CVB is public money and this project will not have $2.3 million in benefits for the tourism industry in Evansville because it is 99% local. That’s fine for locals but that is not what the CVB is for. Could local government please slow down and think!!

  3. Again, tennis is a growing sport, one of only a few, and Evansville is under served by indoor courts per tennis population. Many people wanting to play cannot afford the rates at TSAC. Outdoor courts are often full and are enjoyed by families, youth, and adults. Perhaps if more people would get off the couch and play we wouldn’t be ranked as the “Fat Town” of America! Again, Tennis needs more indoor courts and it makes perfect sense to built it where most of the SIAC and other tennis events are already held. Not to mention the open space next to the current complex is not being used for anything!

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