IS IT TRUE? June 18, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 18, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer and many others are still shaking our heads in disbelief at the recommendation of Dan Schall, Director of the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department to close Roberts Stadium before the new downtown Arena is completed?…that even people who strongly support the demolition of Roberts Stadium are confused by this recommendation?…that this decision will certainly leave the City of Evansville with no stadium at all for about 3 months?…that while we all can see that the new Arena is nearing completion that there is no guarantee that there will not be a period of “getting the bugs out” of the new Arena?…that there is really no logical progression at all that leads to a decision to mothball or demolish Roberts before the new Arena is completed?

IS IT TRUE that all but a few loyal supporters of Mayor Weinzapfel who take every word as gospel without question think this recommendation is illogical?…that the rational people who think that Roberts needs to be demolished at the first non-compromised opportunity see the demolition date as a couple of months after the new Arena is running smoothly?…that we would really like to understand the mind of the people who reached the August 3rd decision date?…that this is really beginning to look more like a rush to demolish Roberts before the November elections when the people in power may just have a mandate to let the next administration make this decision?…that the timing of putting that decision into the hands of a Mayor Winnecke or a Mayor Davis is absolutely the most logical decision no matter which side of the “future of Roberts” fence one is on?

IS IT TRUE that another landmark building in downtown Evansville is up for sale?…that the Masonic Temple at 301 Chestnut has been listed with Cory Mills of Woodward Realty for the princely sum of $149,900?…that the Masonic Temple is only a couple of block walk to the Arena?…that the nearly 40,000 square foot solid building is priced at only about $4 per square foot?…that looking at things on the desk that are priced at approximately $4 per square foot one can identify greeting cards, a newspaper, a sock cap, a T-shirt, and a couple of used books from the sale at the Willard Library?…that the new Arena was supposed to raise the real estate values in downtown Evansville?…that maybe it has?…that the Welborn property sold for $10 that worked out to $0.00004 per square foot or inversely 25,000 square feet per dollar?… based on those two buildings that the arena has raised property values in downtown Evansville from on par with shredded paper to being par with placemats and sock caps?…that we do wish the Masons good fortune in unloading this property at full asking price?…that this building will be another real barometer on the true market value of property in downtown Evansville?…that this price is consistent with the bid that the Riverhouse received at auction?…that if these are the only comps to use that the downtown Convention Hotel that will cost about $32 Million to build will appraise for less than $1 Million?…that even the CCO thinks the new hotel will appraise at between $15M and $20M?…that the Masonic Temple may just make a good hotel?

IS IT TRUE that the tale of the crumbling infrastructure continues?…that there were two sewer collapses in Evansville yesterday?…that one closed Ray Becker Parkway and that another closed a street in Jacobsville?…that the City of Evansville is about to take delivery on a new customized Rolls Royce (Arena) but that the toilet in the trailer (sewers) still does not work properly?…that we were reminded by a reader last week about the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes?

IS IT TRUE that you can see the Emperor’s New Clothes on the following link?


  1. A couple of drunk monkeys could have done a better job with the Executive Inn and Roberts Stadium.

      • Jordan, no, no, I wasn’t advocating for being like Corpus Christi. I meant learn from their experience. I read the CP articles back in 2008 with interest. Seems like CC took a very hands off approach to making something happen, and then 4 years later they started getting serious. After 6 years of fiddling, it was over. Let’s face it: their Coliseum is a lot ‘cooler’ than our Stadium from a design standpoint. In no way does it mean that people like you and me can’t find a way to keep the Stadium alive and well ! Key to me: we need to mobilize the resources quickly to get a solution going down the road. For example, if the City gave you the “Welborn Deal”, sell it for $ 1, is there something which could be immediately be started ? I ask that as a question.

        • Yea I definitely understand what you are saying Beerguy. It just amazes me how Toledo and Corpus Christi are test cases for Evansville yet both were failures. Why do they always do that?

          To answer your question about what we can do: Yes I definitely have a solution for Roberts Stadium but cannot get any farther until city hall changes their mind set. Like I said on the blog and on the CP, I have identified one investor who can supply us 2 teams already and is waiting to go after the third. He also can supply us with ample mid size concerts and youth sports tournaments.

          ALL we have to do is raise the floor, which is anywhere from 1/2 to 1/4th the price of demolition. We can then lease the stadium to this investor who is more than willing to share a piece of concession stand and ticket revenue.

          So, if city hall were willing to sell Roberts for $1 that really wouldn’t help us out, but if they are willing to simply raise the floor and sign a lease than this problem is solved!

          • When you say 1/2 to 1/4 th the price of demolition, what actual dollar amount is estimated for the floor ? (i.e., confused because now it sounds like the demo will be for free by a scrap dealer).

  2. Editor: thanks, I had forgotten all about Freedom Hall. Anyone have contacts in Louisville City government ? Would be nice to see how they justified leaving the wrecking ball in the garage.

    • They book it for rodeos, trade shows, and other events that couldn’t find an open date because of the booked UL games. Also, a few UK games are played there now that couldn’t be due to scheduling conflicts. They even put down a Freedom Hall UK court. YIKES.

      Also, Bruce Miller is talking about spending $150 mil to renovate it for the NBA.

  3. Beerguy,

    The initial estimate (and this is just in the rough estimate stages) is $400,000-$500,000. To finance this we can either…

    A. Sell the 5-6k seats that would be removed for $100 each

    B. Sell the seats to the ball fields project who would give us the revenue from the Innkeepers Tax and then place them at Kleymeyer Park ( the bleachers at Mesker Amp are from the original Roberts Stadium)

    C. A combination

    I really don’t buy this free demolition for scrap rumor. Why would the CVB have budgeted $1.25 million, then $1.5 million, then considering a full $ 2 million if that were the case? I don’t believe that at all.

  4. That tear Roberts down free for scrap has been around the block a few times. Rumors die a slow death.

    • We agree. This does not make much sense but continues to be put forward. If Fort Knox ever offers scrap privileges for a tear down, count us in.

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