Home Breaking News IS IT TRUE JUNE 17, 2016

IS IT TRUE JUNE 17, 2016


IS IT TRUE the newly elected President of IVY TECH  Dr. Sue Ellsperman visited the Southwest campus in Evansville on Thursday?  …Dr. Ellsperman understands there is a public misunderstanding about community colleges still exists, and she wants to change it? …she also needs to address the staffing, marketing, political and communications problems at Southwest campus  of IVY TECH Evansville?  …if anyone can lead IVY TECH in the right direction Dr. Sue Ellsperman is the person to do it?

IS IT TRUE  we hear that Vanderburgh County GOP  Chairmen Wayne Parke is scheduling meetings with  a few GOP precinct committeemen that supported Sean Selby for County Commissioner in the most recent political caucus?   …we hope that Mr. Parke isn’t meeting with the Sean Selby supporters in order to take them to task for supporting Mr. Selby In last month’s political caucus?  … Mr. Selby handily won the caucus vote by 60% -$40% margin?  … we are waiting to see if Mr. Parke will publicly announce that he supports Sean Selby for Vanderburgh County Commissioner in the upcoming November 8, 2016 General election?

IS IT TRUE  the proprietor of the controversial “bikini bar” proposed for 825 S. Green River Rd. withdrew his request for a zoning variance that would allow him to move forward with his plan? … that a well-organized remonstrance presented an obstacle that the owner didn’t want to take on?  …that the bar owner’s ex-wife testified that they wanted scantily-clad servers and entertainers because they would attract a “higher type” clientele than they currently have? …that the nearby residents should keep an eye open for another possible proposal for the property?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased that the City of Evansville have decided to build new glass enclosed shelters at select bus stops throughout the City? …the new bus stop shelters will protect our disadvantaged citizens of our community during bad weather? …we hope that the Mayor will find  the money to continue building additional shelters because it’s a worthy public works project?

IS IT TRUE we hope that the Mayor will start ridding of the unsightly park type benches that are presently located at bus stops?  …we also feel that advertising displayed on these benches are also unattractive?

IS IT TRUE  today at 3:00 P M a Graduation Ceremony for 10 outstanding Evansville Firefighting recruits will be held?  … the graduating ceremony will be held at 29 S. Stockwell Road. American Red Cross Building” ? …we would like to congratulate graduates-Matthew Alexander,  Joshua Petrig,  Jamie Phillips,  Colton Blanchard,  Brian Dispense,  Michael Gleeman,  Ian Pate,  Erik Schlub,  Brian Richardt and Derek Rollins? . ..we would also like to give special thanks to the Evansville Fire Chief Mike Connelly for turning  the Evansville Fire department into a progressive firefighting unit?

IS IT TRUE  the annual W.C. Handy Festival is happening in Henderson this weekend?…that the festival always offers great music, fantastic food, and a good time?

IS IT TRUE  EVSC deserves kudos for its Health Sciences Institute career exploration program? …we believe all of our students could benefit from an “up close” look at a variety of occupations, from fast food to brain surgery?… a real look at a future with and without at least technical education may open a few young folks’ eyes?

IS IT TRUE last weeks concert at Old National Event Plaza starring Frankie Valli was a smash hit?  …the management team and support staff at the Old National Event Plaza do a  first class job?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is:  Do you feel that Dr. Sue Ellsperman can turn IVY TECH into a positive and progressive Institution of Higher learning?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.

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  1. Is it true the first thing Dr. Sue Ellsperman should do to impove Ivy Tech – Southwest Campus is to fire Jonathan Weinzapfel? That’s assuming she could find him in his office on a regular basis.

    • Don’t be surprised if she does. More probable is the rumor I hear that she is going to move him to Indianapolis to get him away from his political base. Dr. Ellsperman is more interested in education than politics.

      • My buddy who works at Ivy Tech says politics are being pushed on the employees there. He thought he was taking a Merit Service job, not a political patronage job.

      • I wonder why she didn’t want the former Mayor to introduce her around the campus?

      • Sue is a very high quality person who will focus on outcomes. There are plenty of challenges at IVY Tech to keep her attention without wallowing in the muck of politics. Righting an ocean liner will not be easy or fast. If Sue says graduation rates and the quality of the education are going to improve, I would bet on it happening. This is a big job and she is the right person to do it. If there is a need for reassignment or eradication due to politics or empire building she will not hesitate to take care of business.

  2. if you take the advertising off the bus benches and shelters where would a certain member of the city council place her political and real estate ads?

    • A good number of the newer bus stop benches are owned by an advertising company, which then sells the space to make money. It saves the city having to buy the benches, but it does come with the (to some) unsightly advertising. Perhaps the city should buy the benches and sell the advertising as a way of generating revenue.

  3. Washington’s Farewell Address

    The remainder of the Address, delivered at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, examined what Washington saw as the two major threats to the nation, one domestic and the other foreign, which in the mid-1790s increasingly seemed likely to combine. First, Washington warned of “the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party.” To Washington political parties were a deep threat to the health of the nation for they allowed “a small but artful and enterprising minority” to “put in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party.”

    * * * * * * * * * * *
    “a small but artful and enterprising minority”

    Something like say twenty members who pay $10K per year to be members? Who perhaps direct their party chairman to call in some party functionaries in and “persuade” them to their way of thinking as to who is the best person to run for and hold office.

    Is that the sort of thing George Washington was concerned about? Yes, it certainly was.

    • Press, here is a huge self-inflicted threat that Washington or any of the Founders could have never imagined. Included in the 1,000,000 migrants from majority Muslim countries are are refugees, who are required to apply for a green card after one year of residency in the U.S. Unlike other types of immigrants, refugees are immediately eligible for welfare benefits including Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, and Medicaid. I will look to see how many Christians are in this 1,000,000, as they are truly the persecuted innocents in these Muslim majority countries.


      • HEY JOE:
        I’m trying to figure something out. PRESSANYKEY…….you too.
        You guys keep talking about George Washington, the Founders, welfare, Medicaid, you know…..all of these things that apparently find important,
        BUT you are not mentioning Donald Trump all of sudden.
        I mean, you guys have been spoutin’ off about how great Trump is.
        But now? You stopped.
        Trump isn’t even mentioned in your posts today.
        Neither of you. Not even once.
        So…..you ARE still trying to help Donald Trump’s campaign, right? I mean, you ARE Trump supporters, right?
        Just sayin’…….kinda strange.

        • I do not really believe that Donald Trump needs my “help”. He seems to be doing just fine without it. He garnered the most primary votes of any Republican candidate ever. He wants to secure the borders. How many more local terrorist attacks, like Orlando and San Bernardino, need to happen before even you throw in the towel and join him?

          The security of this country is the most important single issue facing this Country, and Hillary Clinton can not be trusted with that security. She can not even be trusted to secure her correspondence. She does have a PhD in shredding though.

          • …you have descended into silliness and talking points. But, I will give you some breathing room….and that is, perhaps, you’re totally clueless PRESSANYKEY.
            There’s a scene in a Steve Martin movie that reminds me of you:

            A sniper is firing at Steve Martin’s idiot character who pumps gas for a living, and the sniper keeps firing over and over at him, missing and hitting cans of motor oil next to the pumps. And he says…..”Oh. I get it. He’s not shooting at me! He’s shooting at these cans of motor oil! He hates these cans! Hey everybody! Stay away from these cans!!”

            Sorry ol’ buddy…..you are TOTALLY lost……and you don’t know where to go, other than into Trumps exploitation box. It’s turned you into a dummy PAK.

      • LKB:
        Are you disputing the data, or is that the only comment that fertile mind of yours can construct?

        Perhaps you could give us a list of news sources who’s veracity you accept.

        • I’m not disputing anything. In fact, it is likely fairly close to correct. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Breitbart is a broken clock. I try to filter out all websites, liberal as well as conservative, that have reputations as bad as Breitbart. I usually depend on the major wire services for news.

        • I want to this to be perfectly clear!
          I wish Donald Trump my absolute best wishes in his continuing campaign to be President of the United States. Trump is the best thing that ever happened to the Republican Party. His ideas are the best thing to ever happen on United States public policy.
          I love Donald Trump. We need more Donald Trump on the TV, and we need more Donald Trump rallies broadcast on TV. We need him. He is the best candidate possible to beat Hillary Clinton.
          I love Donald Trump. Absolutely love him.

          • There is more chatter everyday about changing the rules in Cleveland to allow delegates to vote their conscience on the first ballot. If they do that, I expect some real ugliness to take place for a few days. If they don’t, I expect there will be about four months of horrific ugliness on our television screens and in the news.
            Leave it to the Democrats to elect the only candidate who is capable to losing to Donald Trump. Leave it to the Republicans to elect the only candidate who is likely to lose to Hillary Clinton.

          • LKB:
            Well……there are two paths the GOP leadership could take:
            1. Try to stay low, stay away from, don’t share the stage with, and try your best to avoid the cameras so no one asks you about Donald Trump, the Disaster…….and LOSE the election to Hillary Clinton, lose both Houses of Congress (they say if Trump loses by 4-5% to Hillary, they’ll lose the Senate, but keep the House. But if he loses by 8-9% to Hillary…the lose everything. Game over, Supreme Court.
            2. Go ahead. Change the rules. Take on Trump and appoint someone else. It will be messy. The Trump supporters will be pissed beyond belief and cause problems. And of course, you lose to Hillary Clinton. BUT…..you likely keep the Senate and definitely keep the House. And you can contain Hillary for one term.

            That’s what is going on. That is why Trump is going bananas. They know Trump’s game plan is to simply lose election and start the Trump Cable News Network, not try to win the election. (Which is why, inexplicably, Trump is not building a national campaign staff State by State….the goal isn’t to WIN. It’s to run, keep saying what his audience wants to hear, and start Trump News Network.

            THAT…..USES all of Trumps supporters like JOE BIDEN and PRESSANYKEY…..guys totally being exploited by Trump. They know it now, it’s why they’ve stopped mentioning Trump’s name.

            And the GOP? It has two bad choices. One helps keep the Senate and House, and the Party survives. It’s #2 folks. #2.

  4. Am I the only one that finds what the woman said about the clientele at Club 825 funny? If undressing the servers and entertainers would bring in a better crowd, what kind of creeps hang out there? If they want less rowdy customers, maybe they should make it a 60-and-over club, waitresses and all. Put their “girls” in tight shorts and T-shirts, and call it “The Flop House.”

      • I think, on average, the local Republicans would suit the age group better. They clearly have very strong stomachs, as they can vote for garbage like Trump. Most Demo officeholders aren’t old enough to get in.

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