IS IT TRUE JUNE 15, 2015


IS IT TRUE that Evansville Fire Department eliminated a Fire Inspector position and created a new District Chief position? …this move will cost the taxpayers about $8,000 more per year in salaries?

IS IT TRUE that the city’s motion to dismiss the former Fire Chief’ Keith Jarboe’s suit against Evansville Fire Department and the city will be argued in Federal Court on Wednesday? …every time we turn around the City is defending a needless law suit? …its about time we do a Freedom Of Information Request (FOIR) asking how much the taxpayers have paid for needless lawsuits during the last couple of years?

IS IT TRUE that the DMD Director without any approval from the City Council, purchased the old CVS building located at North Main and Columbia for a whopping $450,000? …he also purchased the Knotty Pine restaurant on North Main and Virginia at a handsome price and tore down the building and now the City has a vacant parking lot?

IS IT TRUE that it’s alleged that a well known pizza establishment located on North Main Street was planning to purchase the old Integra Bank branch located a crossed from the Pizzeria for an undisclosed sum of money? …the Director of DMD stepped in and purchased the location for parking? …Its alleged that that is exactly what the pizza establishment was planning to do if they purchased this property?   if all this information is accurate, we would like the DMD Director please explain how this property transaction benefits the taxpayers of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that a well known and highly respected attorney had plans to purchase property between Third and Fourth streets near the Lloyd Expressway? … that he considers this property to be the GATEWAY to downtown? … he made a fatal business mistake by discussing this project with a city official? …weeks after he shared his plans with the city official the ERC purchased the land right from under his feet at an extremely inflated price? …its important to point out that this particular parcel of land was on the market for a long time and suddenly the DMD Director shows up and purchases the land? …this transaction prevented a private entrepreneur from developing this property at no cost to the taxpayers? …the city razed the buildings on the property and now the taxpayers are paying to have a vacant lot to mow?

IS IT TRUE that the DMD Director and his ERC buddies seem to find money under the bed and in the couches while our infrastructure (sidewalks, streets, parks and sewers) of this city are crumbing all around us?

IS IT TRUE that with the Downtown Development Fund also known as the TIF is nearly broke (about $920,000 in the account) and the Jacobsville Development fund (TIF) has about $15 million in its coffers? … we suggest that consolidation of the two TIF’s may be in needed to pay for the downtown Hotel and IU Medical school?

IS IT TRUE that the DMD Directors land grabbing scheme on North Main may fail to produce the bike lanes, new sidewalks and paved streets if the move to consolidate North Main and Downtown TIF funds becomes a reality? …if this happens the taxpayers of this community will be stuck with all those worthless pieces of property purchased by ERC and Mr. Coures?


  1. Is the 15 million in the the mainstreet tif cash in the bank? I thought the 15 million was just the credit limit on the new bonded credit card. The maximum amount they could borrow against the future increased revenue over the next twenty years. Kinda like spending your life savings before you earn it.

  2. Is Local P’s hologram on the city credit card? Is he a perfect fit for this administration? Has he discovered new money again? Would Local buy my compound out from under me if he could? Is the citizenry safe from such a shopper? Does he buy the ugly sweaters the mayor wears?

    • No, Carol is in charge of all financial decisions including purchases and the morning selection of Mayor McWeakknees wardrobe.

  3. Now I’m confused . . . is the City BROKE, as has been widely reported, or is it FLUSH WITH CASH–whereby it can buy up properties with no plans for utilization of the land ??? This sounds like a lot of reckless spending, is this all about realty fees ????

  4. People have press, and have been systematically and locally squashed because of it.
    Its time to roll the rosters of the manipulation. Love to see your take, we already have the facts ,and it doesn’t bode well for those who would challenge it. and the old boys and girls norm .

    More or less We own’um now, they make mistakes everyday it’s a matter of recording it forward . Today’s world that’s more than easy, its a given.
    Thing is, we’ve marked ‘um and that chase isn’t going away anytime soon. Answers are overdue, and if no one sports the questions we will in the near future…….

  5. The North Main Street project is magnitudes dumber than buying the McCurdy parking lot for $600K+.

  6. How can the DMD dude spend taxpayer $ without any checks and or balances? As far as I can tell the city is beyond broke. Not all city council members will be in the Fall election. Why aren’t they speaking up and putting a crackdown on these folks that think they own the city?

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