IS IT TRUE June 15, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 15, 2012

IS IT TRUE a pretty large number of the Mole Nation are telling the City County Observer that the Winnecke Administration is having meetings with Johnson Controls to negotiate changes to the deal that was shoved through in the last days of the Weinzapfel Administration?…one of the best negotiation chips would be to verify some of the numbers that have been coming out of private vetting efforts by Councilman John Friend and others?…these numbers suggest that the contract in its present form does not pay for itself with savings and would therefore have the possibility of being voided?…it would be very favorable to start from scratch without another of Weinzapfel’s albatrosses around Mayor Winnecke’s neck as opposed to starting with the albatross and trying to lighten the load to a level that the City of Evansville can bear the load?

IS IT TRUE that the presidential election between Mitt Romney and President Obama just seems to be getting tighter?…that a month ago the popular vote was only projected to be a couple of points apart but that the electoral projections all still had President Obama in a commanding position?…that two weeks ago enough states turned “too close to call” to take both candidates below the magic number of 270 electors?…that yesterday for the first time after polls for Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida were all moved from “too close to call” to “leaning Romney” putting Romney over 270 electors in any projection for the first time?…this may be the first time in the political career of President Obama that he has been behind in a projection?

IS IT TRUE it will be quite interesting to see if the Greek election this weekend sends that country in a direction to pull out or be kicked out of the Euro Zone creating the potential for a tidal wave of governments in Europe to run out of money?…that it has been reported that the Greek people are already engaged in a cash run on the banks and are hoarding their money in Euros?…the reason they are doing so is because it is expected that a return to the Drachma would be accompanied by a devaluation of up to 50% immediately and the Greeks prefer to have Euros if such a thing occurs?…the run on the banks may just be the last straw to cause the European banks to cut Greece off?…the only reason we mention such things is because it is widely speculated that defaults of European countries will have a negative effect on the American economy which will in turn influence the presidential election?…the City County Observer is truly sorrowful to see the economy of the United States and an American presidential election so under the influence of what the Greeks do?…this is truly a humbling experience to live through?

IS IT TRUE the recent crime reports seem to be getting thicker and the particularly disturbing statistic in the City of Evansville is the THREE MURDERS IN THREE WEEKS statistic?…murder is still uncommon in Evansville but that this summer is not starting out well?…that the people of Evansville seem to have grown accustomed to hearing about theft, meth labs, and arson as we have more than our share of such things but murder is still a sad surprise?…that we hope this is just an outlier month and that murder along with witnesses who are unwilling to cooperate with the police do not become a way of life in Evansville?…that it is a slippery but short slope to being like Gary or South Chicago when murder and “I didn’t see nothing” witnesses become a part of day to day life?…that the CCO would like to say “please Evansville, do not slide down that slope”?


  1. If Mayor Winnecke don’t force the Johnson Control contract to be vetted this shall be his first and last term as Mayor.

    Oh, this could be a $80 million dollar “read your water meter from the sky” contract paid by the taxpayers of the City of Evansville.

    Re-election issues the Mayor will have to defend against Eric Williams shall be, Earthcare contract, Homestead Tax Credit, Robert’s Staduim decision and the lack of vetting Johnson Control contract.

    Why is the Evansville Courier staying quiet about the $80 million dollar Johnson Control Contract? I got it–gutless!

    • I hear that the pipefitter union is wearing Winnecke’s butt trying to get him to go ahead with the read a meter from space nonsense. Them union suckers are wanting to milk the city for a bunch of work that ain’t needed. Another shameful legacy of the Weinzapfel regime.

      • Actually what is shameful is the atrocious grammar in the above two posts. It is hard to take you seriously when you sound so ignorant. That said, I would love to fully support a plan which makes wifi available to all Evansvillians, as well as a streamline in operations in any given utility, but given this is a Weinzapfel monstrosity at $80M, I just can’t reconcile it.

        • And yet, you had a split infinitive even as you were picking at others’ grammatical errors: “…to fully support…” You sound a bit ignorant yourself!
          Your plan, by the way, smacks of socialism. Whom do you think will pay for your “WiFi for all” scheme? If you want it, then you should pay for it; those who can’t even afford WiFi-enabled equipment should not have to pay for someone who wants “something for nothing.”

        • Rest assured that the current plan will not provide Evansvillians city-wide wifi. It will be spotty at best. I have read the contract over and they are not going to allow rogue Access Points to be attached to the WiFi network. This means my neighbor can’t setup a repeater to repeat the signal deeper into the neighborhood.

          I want ot defuse another myth about this project…just because your meter in your front yard has access to a network, doesn’t mean you will. The contract calls for two different classes of networks. The meter traffic is going to be seperate on its on VLAN using its own protocols.

          I have been looking around the country for a fully implemented City-Wide “FREE” wifi and have found none that have been successful. All of the “FREE” one-s are plagued with problems including reverse enginering by the city citizenry. The only ones that have somewhat of a success, have been the private/public sector mesh network models.


      • Well then perhaps Al Lindsey is quite a bit more intelligent than you backhandedly give him credit for. Thanks for being a voice of reason, Al!

  2. What is the opinion of our past Mayor and present City Controller, Russ Lloyd Jr. concerning the Johnson Control contract?

    Don’t stay up to wait to hear him speak on this issue because he has no political backbone! He is the Mayor’s number one lapdog.

      • What are you smoking? Mayor Lloyd didn’t destroy the McCurdy, the Executive Inn or Roberts Stadium.

        • But, the fact is, he is still a career politician still on the taxpayer payrolls. Why aren’t you government hawk Rethuglicans howling about that? (The answer is hypocrisy)

          • Mayor Lloyd looks like Ronald Reagan compared to the following 8 years of the Jimmy Carter/Barak Obama style leadership that left us with the McCurdy hotel disaster, a vacant lot where they claimed a 360 room hotel would be built and the Johnson Controls mess.

  3. Maybe if the Mayor would seek advice from his real political mentor (4th Ward City Councilwoman, Connie Robinson) he may figure out what to do with the Johnson Control contract issue.

  4. Expecting any stance from the c.p. is a waste of time. Gutless amdin. butt-kissers.

  5. Get it right please.

    The Mayor never was a was true banker. He designed marketing ads and pamphlets for a local bank. He never had any true business management experiences, never owned or operated his own businees.

    This is why he is displaying poor business judgement concerning Earthcare and Johnson Control vetting issues.

    Real fact is that his wife is really running this city!

  6. The Mayors Chief of Staff and his Controller are also clueless about how to run a business!

    There’s trouble in River City!

  7. I also hear that the union brotherhood are lobbying members of Evansville City Council to approve the $80 million dollar Johnson Control contract. Reason why they are lobbing council members hard is that the I hear that the “Pipefitters” union shall get the “no bid” contract to install new water meters for Johnson Controls.

    Great news for Evansville taxpayers—“Pipefitters” Union get a “no bid” contract to install new water meters. Looks like the Union Brotherhood shall save the taxpayers a bunch of money by being awarded a “no bid” contract, right?

    • Unions have been replaced by OSHA on the safety side, EOC on the discrimination side, and the Labor Council on Labor Rights. The only reason a Union exists today is to create unfair competition in the otherwise free market. Unions are today’s mafias.

      The tide is turning however…I give you Wisconsin as the example. The unions made a big mistake up there and we may see the end of their powerful reign. Me myself, I have worked elbow to elbow with them on the power plants. They are a labor hate group that practices labor discrimination to the 10th degree. Seemingly, our society still accepts their discrimination practices. Even in their union contracts with corporations, they try to dictate who that corporation can hire. Again they only allow other union(mafia) brothers to work. No other person in the world seems to have rights but them to work (or work around them). I have been on the receiving end of that hate and discrimination group for long enough and I will celebrate the day that they fall.

      A union hater for life,


    • that isn’t quite the way things go. IF they decide to go ahead with this mess, a construction company like ICI or Sterling will bid the work and then hire Union Craftsmen to do it. The Unions don’t bid for jobs themselves.

      • The architect specs the job, the Union supported politician decides which contractor gets the change orders , the Union bosses decide which contractor has access to their wage supplemental funds, the Union worker gets their wage , the contractor enjoys a monopolistic advantage and the politician gets re- elected…. why else would a Union boss be chairman of a local party …. it is all about a very select number of JOBS …. it has worked well for them and very badly for us…

    • Appendix “A” of this document contains a wealth of city financial information. Check it out and see if you agree or disagree with the accuracy of the information presented.


    • From the: Evansville Courier&Press

      Corridor of Champions The Corridor of Champions just inside the Ford Arena is sponsored by Hilliard Lyons and the memorabilia showcase was created by Joe Ellsworth, part owner of Fire and Rain. He was beaming as he received kudos for a job well done, but it was a tossup as to who was the most excited, Joe or Kathy Kleindorfer, president of the Roberts Stadium Foundation Board, as they greeted guests in the grand lobby of the new Downtown building. Among those in attendance were Sandy Newman (from left); Alan Newman, senior vice president of Hilliard Lyons; Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and James Allen, CEO of Hilliard Lyons.

      * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      • Hilliard Lyons got a pretty sweet incentive package from the redevelopment commission when they moved their offices from Curt Johns old Main Street property to Charlie Storms old Red Spot store on Main Street during the Weinzapfel administration.


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