IS IT TRUE? June 15, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 15, 2011

IS IT TRUE that “CCO Mole # 3” has information that shall save you money the next time you shop either at Lowes or Home Depot? …when you go to the counter to pay your bill please ask them if they give discounts to Veterans? …they shall ask you to show documentation that you are Active Duty or are a United States Veteran? …that once you prove your Veteran status they will immediately give you a whopping 10% discount on total purchases? …that aren’t you glad that you read the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER because they have money saving ideas you can use?…that the link below is for our military and veterans to use in living a life full of discounts?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #92 tells us that Vanderburgh Democratic Party Chairman Mark Owen is actually making a concerted effort to unify the fractured party?…that some of the sour attitudes have been spilling onto Facebook and into the Tweet Stream of Twitter?…that in one particular case of a Facebook post that Chairman Owen has admonished one of the Democratic candidates to suppress the hate that keeps being expressed for certain other Democratic candidates?…that several Moles and Mole Assistants have a screen shot saved of the interaction but that for the time being we will not post it?…that another Democratic candidate was simply taken aside and told in so many words to shut his mouth with the acidic language and that if he can’t to please just shut his mouth altogether?…that as Gandalf told Peregrine Took before standing before the Steward of Gondor that “it would be best if you say nothing at all”?…that the City County Observer would like to give Chairman Owen two Mole thumbs up for his efforts?…that the antics of the party have given us free and easy material for some time now and that we may have to work harder if there is peace among democrats?

IS IT TRUE that our article about accommodating the Jehovah’s Witnesses yesterday elicited 10 comments very quickly?…that all are supportive of making some positive use of Roberts Stadium and that they are split on whether or not there will be parking issues downtown if the Arena is filled during working hours?…that sometimes the numbers do not stack up and that a full Arena during a workday is a case where the numbers just do not stack up?…that busses to bring people downtown from the Roberts Stadium parking lot will solve that problem?…that then number of times that the Arena will be used and crowded in any given year during the work day will be able to be counted on one hand?…that we agree with most of our readers that there IS a good use for Roberts Stadium?…that we await the day that a local group steps forward to implement a use?…the term use it or lose it may just apply to Roberts Stadium?…that if SMG wants to keep booking acts into there that there should be no reason not to allow them to do so?…that Bob Dylan tickets start at $25 each?…that if he were to be booked into either the new Arena or the Centre that the price would be higher and less of our citizens could enjoy the show?…that the CCO says thumbs up to Bob Dylan, SMG, and Outback Concerts for an affordable concert during the Great Recession?

IS IT TRUE that tomorrow June 16, 2011 is the day that the CCO is supposed to be receiving all of the communications and documentation regarding the VenuWorks contract and more importantly the agreement(s) to bring a convention hotel to downtown Evansville?…that we hope that all of you are just as eager as we are to see what kind of a deal that we have in both cases?


  1. I commmend the CCO for finally getting a story right. Everyone knows that most Democrats took sides during the recent primary battle and that there were hurt feelings all around. It is a shame that one or two candidates still have sour grapes but what Mark Owen did proves that the obstacle to unity isnt from the leadership of the party as has so often been claimed. These remaining malcontents need to either agree to get along or agree to remain silent for the benefit of their party. I think many Democrats want to be a unified team but are holding back for fear of retribution from these same malcontents. I applaud all those Democrats that are trying to work together as a team and work for a better Evansville. Thank you CCO for sharing this information with us.

  2. Has the press followed up on that “Atrocious” maintenance at Roberts? Are those water fountains fixed yet? What did it cost us?

    Should we assume that they are in perfect shape for Dylan to book the venue?

    Or should we assume that the Mayor was demagoguing SMG for reasons yet unknown?

  3. I suspect their are open lots or potential open lots available for parking along regular trolley routes which could be used for day-time or overflow events at the new arena and centre.

    Trollies travel North Main in the Jacobsville area, which could generate traffic for shops and restaurants on North Main.

    Similar locations could be identified where open lots and businesses could cross-promote parking and entertainment. Mulitiple entertainment and parking locations could offer alternatives along regular trolly routes.

    The parking lot at Roberts is fine, but closer locations with business and entertainment opportunities are potentially available.

    Better yet, promote walking and cycling to festivals and events downtown. Tourists may be interested in cycling the Riverfront and Greenway while attending a conference or event in the new hotel or arena.

    • Cycling, to a conference?

      Look at what we’re resorting to… Marengo Cave group rates are going to look attractive before long. (No water pumps needed, no A/C overhead.)

      • Maybe I am a little out there given Evansville is the most obese city in the world. Who knows, we might have an outfitters convention. Just Say’in.

        You can be sure the businesses on the Main Street Riverfront and Casion Aztar have plans to shuttle customers to the new arena.

        I would also assume some enterprising people will promote private parking garages such as the old Old National Bank parking garage. Buy two drinks at the Petroleum club and park free at ONB, etc.

        • The Petroleum Club that was in the ex ONB Building has been closed for about 5 years. Good idea though.

          • I was thinking about this last night. Regardless of whatever tenants they put in the old ONB building they need to put a lighted up name back on it. If you look at the 5/3rd building and then look at the old ONB building it looks dead. Unfortunately these two towers are all we’re going to be getting for some time now. Let’s make sure both look good and are kept up.

          • Go to Indy, St. Louis and find me a “Free” parking lot during an event.

            Since the Roberts location was really closed off to private enterprise parking… Evansville concert goers that have historically been tee’d off at a parking fee, might be in for a rude awakening. Especially if those that arrive early get in the guvy lot, free… but those that don’t have to pay for a parking fee, then a cab, and on top of it all, the parking fee included in the ticket price?

            Is this another catch 22 Weinzapfel is getting us into?

            Try to make all parking “Free”, and watch the graft skyrocket, trying to backfill the additional costs of manning these private lots? (Lets be honest, even the normally “free” Aztar lot is unattended. Can you leave it unattended during an event where you might have 200-2000 cars drive through the lot to find out it is full? How many free tickets would be required to cover part time employees wages? Don’t give me the, increased business rational, if that really was the case wouldn’t the big cities all be free?)

            Or, you charge. Anybody thought through the modifications to the guvy lot needed to put up gates and stations? [Sigh]

  4. since I found Mr Owens comments on another newssite, I have to say thankyou sir to him

    • and while perusing the offenders facebook page I see the event has been canceled, which should give them time to attend Al Lindseys fundraiser

    • For Mark Owen to try blame Missy Mosby for the problems in the democrat party is wrong.

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