“IS IT TRUE” JUNE 15, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE the Civic Center will be re-opening to the public today?…restaurants are also able to now be 75% occupied and will be back to full occupancy on July 4?
IS IT TRUE we were told about a recent event that happened at the Eastside Target store?  …that a group of around 8 vigilantes on motorcycles stood on guard in front of  Eastside Target store to protect it from potential looters?  …that these gun gun-toting vigilantes told our “MOLE” that they were there to protect Target from possible “ANTIFA” protesters?  …it turned out that the Facebook post that a busload of “ANTIFA” sponsored protesters was on their way to the Eastside Target was false? …after a while, these the vigilantes peacefully drone off in the sunset?
IS IT TRUE that  State Senator. Mark Stoops, a Democrat from Bloomington, is stepping down? …that former congressional candidate Shelli Yoder won the Democratic primary over State Democratic Party Chairman John Zody and Trent Feuerbach?  …all we can say about this is “it looks like being a political party chairman has its disadvantages?
IS IT TRUE that Democratic turnout in last weeks Georgia’s primaries skyrocketed — with three times as many votes cast in the Senate primary as in 2016?  …with 91 percent of the vote counted in the Georgia primary nearly 960,000 voters had cast ballots compared to 310,000 who voted in the Georgia primary in 2016?   …that several political prognosticators are telling the national democratic party leaders that the large voter’s turnout that happened in Georgia may be repeated in every state in America in the upcoming November 2020 election?
IS IT TRUE that CCO reader Mark Chandler posted the following comment last week?  …he posted “When guns are outlawed only Outlaws will have guns” and holds true if the Police are disbanded?
IS IT TRUE that this was the fourth weekend in a row for local protests?….we encourage those who are peacefully expressing their 1st Amendment rights to please wear a mask and practice social distancing?
IS IT TRUE that last Friday the Trump administration finalized its rollback of protections against gender identity discrimination in health care regulated by Obamacare? … the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement that it would recognize “sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology?”
IS IT TRUE that building projects that have been paid with public money it is a time-dishonored tradition for some of that money to go back to the politician’s re-election campaign coffers who made the contracts happen?
IS IT TRUE the North Main corridor master plan was designed to replace some street parking, provide an up-to-date bike trail, reduce crime and improve security in that area,  and bring economic development to that area? …it’s been about two years since this project was completed?  …we invite you to go to the North Main corridor area and see what kind of new retail businesses that this $14 million dollar public works project has attracted?  …we also invite you to tour the 500 to the 700 blocks of East Franklin and East Michigan streets and we bet that you will ask yourself why hasn’t the Department  Of Evansville Codes and Enforcement attempted to force the slum landlords to either bring these properties up to codes or demolish them?  …we also invite the officials from “KEEP EVANSVILLE  BEAUTIFUL” to take a tour of this area?  …we guarantee you that the officials from “KEEP EVANSVILLE BEAUTIFUL” will be appalled in what they see?
IS IT TRUE last year we posted that Deaconess Hospital-Evansville  and Henderson Community Methodist and Union County Hospitals formed a group called an “ACO?” …that “ACO” is where referrals are preferably kept within the group and only certain doctors at Deaconess and Methodist are invited to be a part of that group?  …during that time we wonder how the “ACO” referral agreement between Deaconess-Evansville and Henderson Community Methodist and Union County Hospital would work out? that Deaconess Hospital-Evansville is now advertising on local TV that Henderson Community Methodist and Union County Hospitals are now affiliated with Deaconess Hospital-Evansville? …it looks like things went as planned?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville city employee’s hospitalization fund has been insufficiently funded over several years? …the city’s hospitalization fund, from which city employee medical claims are paid, has had a negative balance of several millions of dollars over the last several years?  …we are now hearing that the city’s hospitalization fund has a $3 million dollar deficit in this budget year?

IS IT TRUE we are proud of the success of the Ivy Tech LPN Nursing students for posting a 100% pass rates for their LPN State tests in 2019? …we would like to congratulate Ivy Tech-Evansville Admininastors and the faculty members for preparing the LPN Nursing student for passing this extremely challenging test?
IS IT TRUE that the EPA has allowed the City of Evansville to pussyfoot around with the lead contamination issue in the Jimtown and Jacobsville areas for over 20 years? …the real tragedy is that lead poisoning can be treated, but any damage caused by contaminated lead cannot be reversed?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders (District 1) has volunteered his time and money to help with the “Feed Evansville” group?  …he also has personally sponsored several food trucks to provide food to the less fortunate and our front line heroes during the COVID-19 virus crisis?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Coroner Steve Lockyear will be the only Democrat officeholder unopposed this fall?  …the reason why he’s unopposed is that he’s doing an excellent job as the Vanderburgh County Coroner?

IS IT TRUE to no one surprise Vanderburgh County Clerk Carla Hayden (R), Vanderburgh County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave (R-District 3), and Vanderburgh County Deputy Treasurer Dottie Thomas (R) may all be running unopposed in the upcoming General election? …the local Democratic party has until the end of this month to find a candidate to run against Musgrave, Thomas, or Hayden?  …our prediction is that they won’t?
IS IT TRUE we are extremely impressed with how EPD Sgt. Nick Winsett himself with the media?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: If the election for the President Of The United States were held today who would you vote for?
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  1. I always chuckle whenever I see the race for the Coroner Office. Who in the heck would want that job? I glad that someone wants to perform that job and apparently does very well at it.

  2. I think some jobs don’t need to be either democratic or republican. He has done a good job and should be re-elected. I think we should take politics out of a lot of the county jobs. Who cares what party the sheriff is in. He seams fair and open minded. That way they don’t have to be looked on as fair or unfair to members of a party.

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