IS IT TRUE June 11, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE June 11, 2012

IS IT TRUE on this coming Tuesday at 1:30 PM there will be a meeting of the Evansville Utilities Board? …that past and present Utilities Board meetings are held in the extremely small conference room located in the Water and Sewer Department office area?…that holding the Utilities Board meeting during this the above time and location keeps the public from attending meetings of this important board?…if the Utilities Board meetings were held in room 301 across from the Mayor’s office the $50 to $80 million dollar Johnson Control project would have allowed the public to feel welcomed to attend their meetings so they could add their input on this project?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer spent some time on Google doing some research on the successes and failures of Municipal WIFI services similar to the Johnson Controls project that the Weinzapfel Administration rushed through during the last month in office?…that there are not a lot of reports out there on such things when one excludes reports written by Johnson Controls and reports that are of a financial nature that were written and published prior to installation?…that there is one study that the CCO posted previously regarding a Johnson Controls project in Cumberland, MD that on the surface sounded superb until we realized that it was a projection and not a performance based report?…that the most cited reporting on the first 10 pages of Google references is the failure in Hollywood, FL?…there are plenty of announcements of cities that are planning to do WIFI but most of those result in poor outdoor signals?…that the systems do seem to be capable of checking the water meters fairly well where fiber is fully in place and new meters are installed?…that in the first 10 pages of Google reports when using the search terms “municipal WIFI” or “Johnson Controls+Smart City” that there are exactly ZERO reports of success that are written by a third party?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA took a bold step last week by challenging the projections for savings that was made to the City of Evansville back during the early stages when the project was under consideration?…in Councilman Friend’s letter of challenge he exposed the fact that the total savings over 20 years for a $57 Million (plus interest) project is only projected to be $87,000?…that will only amount to an average savings of 4 CENTS PER PERSON PER YEAR if it even plays out the way it was bought to be?…Councilman Friend also challenged several methods chosen to do the savings calculations and made a projection of his own that the losses will be over $1 Million?…that was arrived at without challenging any of the assumptions used like the rate increases and higher water and sewer charges assessed to the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO encourages private vetting efforts and Councilman Friend to leave no stone unturned in getting to the bottom of these numbers which are being called out by many people as not necessarily reflecting a reality of high probability?…we hope to see a hearing in Evansville much like the hearing that the IURC held regarding the Vectren dense pack project?…that both of these projects are projected to save people money but designed to benefit the entities that are doing them?…that is why the City of Evansville should come under the same level of scrutiny that Vectren is now under for cost neutral project?…it is only fair that these projects are VETTED in a rigorous manner?…we do believe that Vectren knows how to add a column of numbers correctly but have no recent evidence in the VETTING department to believe that the City of Evansville can even get 1 + 1 to equal 2?


    • Good question. They do not show up on the City of Evansville website or in the first couple of pages of a Google search.

  1. Since I became president of the Water and Sewer Utility Board in January, we have moved our meetings to Room 307 (the former County Commissioners’ meeting room). I had this done for two reasons: the equiptment is there for verbatim minutes, and it allows for more people to attend comfortably.

    In fact, we had at least 50 members of the public attend our last meeting. We meet every other Tuesday at 1:30 PM. The public is encouraged to attend. Our next meeting is tomorrow, June 12, 2012.

    Jeff Hatfield, President
    Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Board

    • Mr. Hatfield,

      Thank you for the information.

      I appreciate the statement that you want to record verbatim minutes. That sure eliminates confusion about facts and who said what and why.

      Too many groups are now presenting only the barest minimum of edited information as the “minutes” of public meetings. It may be legal, but seems to qualify under the CCO’s definition of “Sneagal”

  2. Thanks Jeff for making several positive changes since you took over as President of the Water and Sewer Utility Board. Keep up the good work.

    Request the Board revisit the Johnson control project.

  3. Thankfully to Mayor Winnecke, we now have a smart, well respected community member as President of the Utilities Board. Mr. Hatfield will do what is best for the City and not be confused by smoke and mirrors.

  4. The gang of cronies are looking for a payday once again!! You can forget about any thought going into this looking out for the people of Evansville! We are here to fleece!!!!!

  5. Is it true that Jeff Hatfield has served on the Utility Board for years, including the waning days of the Weinzapfel administration when the Johnson Control debacle was rushed through?

    • Mr. Hatfield is a pretty smart guy, surely he voted against the Johnson Controls deal. Is there any record of how they voted?

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