IS IT TRUE? July 9, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 9, 2011

IS IT TRUE that a few of our readers by the nature of their comments must have misinterpreted what was published by the City County Observer yesterday regarding the survey that was partially released yesterday by the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana?…that the frustration that we expressed with the survey was not with the contents of the survey but was and is with the fact that there have been such surveys published twice in the last 10 years and that NOTHING EVER SEEMS TO GET DONE?…that surveys like this really do need to be conducted every five or ten year for the purpose of updating and adjusting regional planning?…that in all fairness we must say that WE HAVE READ EVERY ONE OF THE 84 PAGES THOROUGHLY AND SUBSTANTIALLY AGREE WITH THE CONTENTS?…that it is Saturday and we are somewhat optimistic that with the healthy discontentment that Evansville is finally exhibiting with the STATUS QUO that the WINDS OF CHANGE will finally blow and something will actually be done to correct some of our legacy problems?

IS IT TRUE that the first step in solving problems is always AWARENESS?…that after three studies in 10 years yielding nearly identical lists of weaknesses that one would think that there should be a high state of AWARENESS with this list of weaknesses?…that we suspect that the opposite is true?…that for this study to inspire action that an AWARENESS campaign needs to be put into place?…that means that lots of people in the region need to read this study?…that here is a plan to make this happen?

IS IT TRUE that every government employee in SW Indiana should be given a job assignment to read this study cover to cover and that they should all be given a test on its contents?…that every school child in the public and private schools have to take a class on the subject matter of this study complete with tests?…that prior to that every employee of the school systems including teachers should attend a seminar on this subject matter and should have to be certified to teach its contents?…that every professor in every college in SW Indiana should attend a seminar on the subject of what the weaknesses of our region are?…that every person that is drawing unemployment should be forced to pass a test on this study to get their next check?…that every union leader, politician, candidate for office, appointed board member, and chamber of commerce member should read this study and take a test on it?…that any of the above that can’t pass a test on what needs to be done to make this region competitive should be sent straight to the unemployment line for a refresher course?..that only after what may seem like force feeding this information to the masses that adequate AWARENESS and the second step which is ACCEPTANCE be achieved so that support for the forthcoming plan can be mustered?

IS IT TRUE that the remainder of the study will be released in a couple of months and that at least this time there is the intention to formulate a plan to do something about it?…that while we are very hopeful that we will be astonished if the actions required do not meet serious resistance from political leaders and from a few select business leaders whose prosperity seems to be improved by keeping Evansville down?…that this is the time to give it one more shot to rise from the ashes of mediocrity and actually make some positive change?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville needs to feel the cool breeze of the WINDS OF CHANGE which is the title of the following song that was written to honor the most peaceful revolution ever, the fall of the USSR and the end to the oligarchy?…that we encourage a peaceful and positive change in Evansville to elevate our city back to relevance on a national scale?…that our next chance may be our last chance?


  1. Civic Center offices are full of studies piled up like stockpiles of flagstones in a landscaper’s supply yard. At least set them upright like grave markers, ‘cuz that’s all most of them will ever be.

  2. Good morning Joe, do you have those 84 pages? Or could you post a link to them? Greatly appreciated!

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