IS IT TRUE that Chuck Whobrey President and Business Manager of Teamsters Local 215 just sent the City County Observer this Op-Ed for publication? …we just published his article without opinion, bias or editing?

Tonight the EVSC school board has an opportunity. The board employs 700 of our community members who work for the school district as bus drivers, bus aides, special education paraprofessionals, secretaries and custodial and maintenance employees. Tonight the board will decide whether it will respect these workers who serve the children and families in our community.
I am hopeful that a majority of board members will have come to their senses over the 4th of July weekend, and contemplated the courage and bravery our founding public officials had when they instituted a government that embraced the foundations of American democracy: fairness, due process, rule by the will of the people. These same forefathers said that the fundamental tool in creating a society based on this vision was an educated public, and they created the first universal public education system in the world.
All Americans still deserve to live and work in communities that treat us fairly and with due process. This includes fair hearings when an employee has a serious problem at work, and it also includes respecting the will of a group of workers who voted overwhelmingly to negotiate a contract with their employer, setting down the rules and obligations of employees and the school system.
I don’t believe that when it gets down to making a serious decision, the majority of the EVSC board will turn their backs on their employees and the 40-year history of peaceful labor relations at EVSC. The principles of our founding fathers – the principles we teach our children at home and in our schools and that we celebrate on Independence Day – should be the principles that guide us when we decide how to behave towards our friends, family and neighbors.

IS IT TRUE we read with interest an article in Sunday’s Courier and Press about an upcoming political fundraiser by local attorney Pat Shoulders and 15 other Democrats? …that paper made reference that his law firm does all legal for the city? …the Courier and Press forgot to point out that Mr. Shoulders is the lead attorney for the Courier and Press and EVSC school system? …we wonder why the Courier forgot to point this out? …we can’t wait to hear what our readers think about Mr. Shoulders and his law firm doing legal work for all three of the above entities?

IS IT TRUE in Sundays article the Courier and Press stated that our Republican Mayor contributed to the Evansville African American Museum, advertised in OUR TIMES  a minority owned newspaper,  attended local civil rights events, maintains a profile at Labor Day celebrations, opposed a ban of same -sex marriage and hired past Mayor Wieinzapfels Chief of staff Rose Young in a newly created position with the Building Commission?

IS IT TRUE we wonder when Mayor Winnencke was a member of the County Council and County Commission did he openly support and contributed to the organizations as written in the Courier and Press article?  …when he was President of the County Commission how many minority or openly gay workers were employed in county jobs?

IS IT TRUE we look forward for the Courier and Press to inform us what Mayoral Candidate State Representative Gail Reicken has contributed to the above organizations and also her stance on social issues over the years?

IS IT TRUE the Evansville Redevelopment Commission recentley approved the recommendation of the DMD Director to purchase the old CVS building located on the corner of North Main and Columbia Street? the ERC approved a whooping $450,000 plus for this vacant block building located in what is considered a questionable part of town for progressive and creative economic development? …we visited this property yesterday and noticed a 12 by 12 inch $1.00 dollar FOR RENT sign purchased from the Dollar Store advertising this property is for rent? …we wonder why the DMD and ERC felt that this property show be purchased at a price seemly well over assessed value in an extremely questionable part of town? …the Mayor gave his support and approval to purchase this building without any plans what to do with it once the city owns it? …we urge our readers to personal drive down to North Main and Columbia street and see what kind investment the City  DMD Director and Mayor made in your behalf? …we wonder if the past owner of this property is a large donor to the Mayor re-election campaign?

IS IT TRUE that employees of the DMD or the ERC shouldn’t waste their time by taking down the FOR RENT sign taped to the front door of the vacant CWS building because we already took a picture of it?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if anyone with the ERC or DMD would invest $450,000 plus of their personal money to purchase the vacant CVS block building located on the corner of North Main and Columbia Street without plans to develop it into a profitable venture?

 IS IT TRUE the Teamsters local 215 made four proposals concerning the grievance and arbitration clause?  …the last proposal made to the EVSC means new employees have a choice whether they want to be a member or not? …this proposal suggest current employees have a ten (10) day window to withdraw their membership? ..after that all employees who are members will be required to remain members for the duration of the contract? …the reason for this is the Union doesn’t want people joining because they need representation and then dropping out once their issue is resolved and then to re-join only if another issue arises then drop out again?

IS IT TRUE we were made aware the long-time former City Council Member (past President and Finance Chairman) Curt John was in town this past week? …we have in the past applauded the leadership and financial expertise that Curt demonstrated as a member of City Council? …the entire community misses this leadership and wishes Curt was still on the Council during this difficult period to keep the city afloat and bring about his tremendous knowledge in resolving the major financial issues the City is facing?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature article because it’s always an interesting read. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.IS IT TRUE JUNE 29, 2015


  1. In this readers opinion curt john was one of the biggest problems we had on the city council , along with that bj mosby guy , those 2 along with weinzapfel did more damage to our city then anyone

    • Curt John was probably back in town from Florida to make sure that one of his business’ (Show Me’s) didn’t get any more negative publicity.

  2. Is it true Washington’s first year of legal marijuana sales has generated $70 million in tax revenue. Maybe Mayor Winnencke or State Representative Gail Reicken should consider legalizing it.

  3. Could it be that Winnecke and Parke have pulled off one of the biggest coups in Evansville history, and have their ducks in a row to do the same thing again?

    Could it be that, practically speaking, Vanderburgh county has no functioning republican or democrat party? Could it be that what ever the ERBC wants, ERBC gets, and “party” is simply the conduit through which the money flows to insure the ERBC agenda?

    All the talk about social issues is just more bs from the man behind the curtain. It is, and always has been about money. Money some anointed people are walking away with, while the city sinks further and further into municipal debt that the taxpayers and ratepayers must, by statute, service.

  4. Let me be the first to say I do NOT miss Curt John and would not like to see him reenter Evansville city politics. He was Jonathan Weinzapfel’s most valuable enabler and the fruit of their labors has put Evansville in its current financial dilemma.

    • Of course, one could come to that conclusion but in fact the last Mayor to run surplus in the General and Park Funds was none other than Weinzapfel . .don’t believe what this bloggers is saying . . check it out. . .go to the Indiana State Board of Accounts website and see for yourself . .in 2011 Weinzapfel spent 3 million less than he collected in Revenues in regards to the General Fund and the same for the parks fund . . Santa Lloyd has NEVER done this . . .Weinzapfel gave Santa 4.5 million in the General Fund . . .3.5 Million in the Parks/Rec Fund and 5.6 Million in the Hospitalization Fund and after three years in room 302 commonly referred to as Santa’s Workshop, the General Fund has a paltry $307,000 . . .$109,000 in the Parks/Rec Fund . . .NEGATIVE $700,000 in the Hospitalization Fund and unpaid bills at January 1st = 5.1 million . . .and as of April 30, 2015 with only four months of the year under their belts, the General Fund is NEGATIVE by $20,000,000 . . .just thing four more year under Santa’s direction it will make 1980 look like a Sunday School Picnic (Remember 8 years of Sr. 360 city employee lay-off . . .

      • It was the TIMING that allowed Weinzapfel to skip out the door before the bills came due on the DEBT HE RAN UP!

        Virtually all of the city owned entertainment facilities were operating at a deficit when he left. The first payment on the Arena bonds had not come due yet. You know, that $112. million dollar project that had another $100. million in interest tacked on, for a total of $212. million. If he had surplus money in the Parks Fund and the General Fund, why did he let Mesker Amphitheater go to hell?

        He could have had even more revenue to work with if he could have gotten a certain protege, to whom he fed several projects with a raft of taxpayer incentives, to keep current on his property tax payments.

        Not to mention that he could not balance the city’s ledgers for a year and a half before he left office, and then, in violation of state law and the public trust, handed those ledgers over to Winnecke when he took over.

        He set himself up for a job after he left office by signing the deal with Johnson Controls at the 11th hour, and then taking a job with the firm that handles the legal work for the bonds the city had to sell in order to install the electronic water meters that we did not need and did nothing to fix the CSO problem.

        And that is just scratching the surface. You need to sell your BS somewhere else. The regulars on here know just exactly what sort of mayor he was. One who had higher political ambitions but lacked the skills to get him there. He did understand, however, from where the money to fuel his career came.

  5. Evansville has no financial mess with Weinzapfel and John. They left office with millions in the cash reserves. It’s now all gone. We could only be so lucky to have them back.

  6. So now the CCO is yearning for the good ‘ol days when Curt John, the machine’s dream, Mr. Establishment himself was on the City Council, point man for all the things Weinzapful demanded?

    Seriously? Wow! I’m pretty sure the CCO was founded on a disdain for all things Weinzapful.

    Has the CCO had a change or heart/editors? Or is it that the Winnecke administration has fallen so low and so hapless, so wretched that we now long for the Weinzapful administration?

    • Yea I have to agree with you BB
      C.J. was a piece of crap IMHO , him and several other dems have turned the dems now serving
      On c.c. Into looking like self serving servants

    • What this City should long for is the financial strength of Mayor McDonald . . nothing really happened under his direction . . .except for the Victory Threatre deal . . .but the trains ran on time . . potholes where fitted . . .surplus were maintained . . .then came Russ Jr. . .spent every dime of old Frank’s surplus and when he left handed old Jonathan $200,000 in the General Fund . . parks’ fund was broke . .What wasn’t he a republican also??? Weinzapfel had to request from Council (unlike this outfit who goes behind the backs of the Council and receives revenue earmarked for 2015) requesting a loan from the utility to right the sinking financial ship of the City . . .Weinzapfel is no Frank McDonald but Winnecke is certainly not Sr. or Jr, he is worse . . .why, because we not only have Jr. as our chief financial officer but Christmas Carol as well . .

      • McDonald (Jr., not Sr.) did the renovation of Roberts Stadium (total spent – around $25,000,000; should have been $35,000,000), Hartke Pool renovations, and Riverfront renovations. Riverfront was designed to accommodate festivals and events on lower Dress Plaza to avoid shutting down Riverside Drive for every piddly-wink fund raiser; of course that never happens. Original Riverfront renovation plans called for an Events Platform extending to the river in front of the Four Freedoms Monument but that got hacked/chopped when the budget wouldn’t cover it.

      • There has to be balance. McDonald kept the books balanced, but he had no vision, or a personality, and acted like he really didn’t want to be in the job. His administration was stagnant, and he put little effort to improving the city, or even attracting new jobs and business.

        The Victory is the only accomplishment in a long administration, and he forgot to finish the exterior. I would also put the blame for a completely botched Roberts renovation on him as well. Had he built up, instead of into the water table, the building would probably still be in use today.

  7. Curt John,–a Knight in Shining Armor?—The CCO Editor must have gotten a bad mushroom on his last pizza!!

  8. If shoulders is lead attorney for Courier and Press and does legal work for the City of Envansville and EVSC. It seems funny that all three have CBAs with Unions why would he not do the job for the EVSC that he has always done. Which would be a big part of negotiations with the Teamsters Union unless he knew it was going to be Union Busting 101 by Doc Dave and Docs Bobble Head Board. Don’t mean to be ugly but come on 7-0 vote on everything everytime.

  9. The North Main redevelopment is trying to put multi-million dollar lipstick on a blighted area of town. Take any street off N. Main E to 41 or W to First Ave. and look for yourself. You will be saddened by what you see. At some point, this insane spending for goofy feel good projects has to end.

    • Yep, and the combined sewers along that stretch still pukes loads of biological toxins and pharmaceuticals into your streets and building environments likely almost every time you get a hard rain. BTW, expect that tomorrow as well. And in that section of your town some of the drugs going into the sewers are ghastly addictive and highly illegal as well.

      plural noun: pharmaceuticals
      a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug.
      companies manufacturing medicinal drugs.

  10. Bravo Mr.Whobrey if only the EVSC Board would have been so public instead of referring you to their out of town attorney. UNION BUSTER

  11. Republican union busting = RIP middle class. Reagan’s war on working Americans is almost complete.

  12. What all EVSC employees (including EVSC administrators and teachers) must understand is that they are state employees whose salary is subject to the availability of state/tax monies. If those monies are not there, they should not automatically expect taxes to be raised to provide them a raise. If they truly believe that their skill set is worth more monies, then they should seek employment in the private sector. I believe that some would succeed in the private sector, but most would fail or not even try as they have lived in a protected job environment far too long.

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