IS IT TRUE July 31, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 31, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the people of Evansville are finally on the verge of learning what the City of Evansville will propose to bring the sewer system in much of the city limits into compliance with the court ordered mandate from the EPA?…that estimates during the 19 months since the long arm of the federal government came down on the Weinzapfel Administration over this have ranged from a low of around $300 Million to a high of $700 Million with an average estimate of about $500 Million?…that some of this money has already been spent that deals with flooding but the separation of sewers is all in the future?…that making some fundamental assumptions like 60,000 ratepayers and a 5% interest rate on a $500 Million project, the average monthly bill will be increasing by over $55 per month?…this is just half of what is awaiting the future residents and ratepayers of the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility?…that the dilapidate 600 miles of water pipes will cost $450 Million and will take that bill up by another $50 per month or so?…this all should have been done as part of a maintenance program over the last 30 years so there would have been no EPA fines and no shocks to the ratepayers?…the numbers do not include cost overruns and are in today’s dollars so get ready for these numbers to more than double if the implementation plan takes 20 years or longer?

IS IT TRUE that in the next day or so that the City of Evansville should be getting a payment from Earthcare Energy of about $370 for the interest only part of the $184,000 that is owed by Earthcare to the City for the $200,000 loan that was made before the City Council ever heard any arguments for or against the loan?…the straggling along and staying current by Earthcare is a clear indicator that this deal is not over yet?…that many members of the Mole Nation along with the CCO will not be surprised to see this raise is head in a very ugly way before the $200,000 loan comes due?

IS IT TRUE that changing one’s position after taking the time to learn the facts is a positive attribute for a human being?…that it was after many years of being a staunch opponent of any kind of a smoking ban that City Council President Connie Robinson saw the light and became “her brother’s keeper” and reversed her long held position?…that after being blasted for her tone regarding the state of the City of Evansville cemeteries, Councilwoman Robinson took it upon herself to inspect the Oak Hill cemetery herself?…that the advanced dilapidated state of the Oak Hill cemetery has snapped her out of the demeanor she exhibited when Councilman John Friend and Jordan Baer spoke of this issue before the Council?…that in today’s City County Observer Councilwoman Robinson reverses her position in a demonstrative way in a public statement on this issue?…for seeing the light the CCO congratulates Councilwoman Robinson for taking the time to go see for herself just how horrible the City of Evansville has treated the final resting place of the citizens who paid to be buried here?

IS IT TRUE the July jobs report will be announced on Friday?…that most statisticians who keep up with the official unemployment rate are expecting another anemic report with the rate of 8.2% either staying flat or increasing slightly as the Indiana rate did?…that last month was so disappointing in the fact that the 85,000 people who were added to the disability roles exceeded the 80,000 jobs that were created?…that those 85,000 new disability recipients are now off of the jobs data base forever and in their own way artificially depress the official unemployment rate?…that the United States of America will not survive economically if we put more people on public assistance every month than we put to work?…that many of these newly disabled would not have even thought about asking for disability until their unemployment benefits expired but have found a way to survive by finding quirks in the law and/or sympathetic doctors to be placed on disability?

IS IT TRUE that Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney has rejected a salary raise increase since he was elected to office?…that this was a campaign promise that Trustee Riney made when he ran for this office a couple years back?…we are hearing glowing and positive remarks concerning Trustee Riney’s job performance since he defeated Dave Mosby for this position?…that the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER congratulates Perry Township Trustee Riney for not only keeping his campaign promise but also being on the job daily “helping people to help themselves”?


  1. Is it true that all board members, elected and appointed, should never vote on an issue until they have visited the relevent site? That a quick trip thru a job site, or to a proposed rezoning, or to the site that will be impacted by an act of the board is essential before a board member casts a vote that will affect that site, the owner, users, neighbors and public coffers? That far too many board members, both elected and appointed, cast votes without carefully reading the attached documents, much less visiting the site?

  2. Congratulations to Ricky Riney for doing a great job for the people of Perry Township and for being a man of his word! It is so nice to know that there are still politicians out there that take their campaign promises seriously and don’t just use them as words used to get elected and quickly forgotten.

  3. wow-Connie Robinson showed a great deal of class and keep her word to visit grave sites so she can personally inspect the condition of them.

    Just wait tell she visit Locust Hill, three times a bad as Oak Hill.

    Welcome back Connie to the world of real political leadership! this is the kind of thing you did in the old days.

    I received many e-mails from other people that feel the same about your new stance of correcting the problems at our delapadated city owned cemeteries.

  4. And the pandering flip-flop award for the day goes to Connie Robinson. You guys at the CCO got suckered by Robinson on this one.

  5. Thanks Connie for showing class for correcting your position concerning city ruined grave yards.

    You shall be blessed for this most caring an responible position.

    God bless you!

  6. Thanks to Rick Riney for turning around the Perry Township Trustee into a first class operation.

    The people your serve are very supportive of you and your staff. Also thanks are in order for keeping you campaign promise.

  7. Thanks Connie Robinson for finally doing the right thing!

    It’s time for Weaver, Adams, McGinn, O’Daniel, Mosby follow the lead of John Friend, Al Lindsy and Connie Robinson on this issue.

    It could start by Weaver, Adams, Mcginn, O’daniel and Mosby visiting bothe city owned cemeteries to see how bad thinds are at then.

    In fact, someone needs to shake up the person who is in charge of these cemeteries. Other words, stop playing 2nd Ward political boss and just start do the job you are being paid to do!

  8. Connie Robinson statement in the CCO has caused quite a political discussion here at the Civic Center.

    The large marjority of people working have gained new respect for MS. Robinson. Her political stance concerning the shape of our city ruin cemeteries is long over due. She has displayed class and honor by admitting a mistake and publically correcting it.

    I can’t wait till she visit Locust Hill cemtery because she really is going to be upset what she shall see.

    Also, the workers down here are tired of hearing the guy who ruins both cemeteries tell people how much political clout he has. Connie please put this guy to work and force him to do his job instead of allowing him to walk the Civic Center halls and play big 2nd Ward political boss!

  9. Thanks to both Evansville City Councilwoman, Connie Robinson and Perry Township Trustee, Rick Riney for doing what’s right for the people who elected you.

    Both have showed what “Good Public Policy” is all about!

    Oh, thanks to Jordon Beard and CCO for bringing this issue to the puclic attention.

  10. If you’re serious about preservation of the cemeteries and not just trying to score political points, you will follow the guidelines of people who deal with this problem a lot.
    New Hampshire has some of the oldest cemeteries in the country, and the New Hampshire Old Graveyard Association has published guidelines on dealing with broken headstones PROPERLY.
    Not following these guidelines will risk further damaging the already fragile stones and wouldn’t be much better than taking a sledgehammer to them.
    Please read the following in its entirety before going forward!!!

  11. Never thought I would brag on Connie Robinson.

    Oh well, It’s time I also show class.

    Great move Mrs. Robinson and I’m sincerely pleased with you stance.

    I hope this just a beginning of good things to come.

    Now I’ts time to join City Councilman John Friend and ask the city to put serious money in the budget to start correcting the major problems at our cemeteries.

    Oh,It wouldn’t hurt if someone start making the guy in charge of the both city cementies to start working and stop sitting in his office doing nothing all day.

  12. The number of posters with the same writing style praising Connie today is astounding. It seems as though Connie has one very devoted fan with a bunch of screen names.

  13. Why hasn’t the City Councilwoman of the 3rd Ward came forward and made a statement concerning the major problems at Oak Hill cementery since it is in her Ward? Is it because she is a big political buddy with 2nd Ward political boss, Chis Cooke and don’t want to cause him problems?

    Thanks Connie Robinson, John Friend and Al Lindsey for standing up for the right thing concerning correcting the mess at our grave yards.

  14. In the forthcoming sewer cluster##@$, I have only to say… You get exactly the government you deserve.

    Both the previous Mayor and the current one have known full well about this issue, yet BOTH have continued to spend massive sums of taxpayer dollars on illegitimate projects like the Robert’s Stadium “Park”.

    To say these people are acting like drunken sailors would be an insult to drunken sailors. They stop spending when they run our of money.

    • Whistle through the graveyard
      Play dem games
      doo-dah doo-dah

      Last 10 Mayors was all the same
      All the doo-dah day

      Gonna play all night
      Gonna play all day

      Spent all our money on temples to games
      Won’t somebody save da day

  15. Is it TRUE that most of the stories and comments knocking Evansville’s two largest cemeteries (Oak Hill & Locust Hill)are political in nature against the superintendent of the city cemeteries. Evansville’s city cemeteries are in exceptionally good condition considering size and age. Most of these articles & comments are from people that must not have ever been in a cemetery before. Everything in print is not always the truth and this “ruined” cemetery articles & comments prove the fact that it is a political witch-hunt and not worth the time to read!

    • Then why did you read it? Funny how you say that and then come on here time after time complaining over and over while hotlinking to your own blog which no one probably reads. You’re just jealous because it took this young man and the city county observer a handful of weeks to get the city working towards turning around the cemeteries while you’ve been visiting them for years and haven’t gotten a dime sent their way.

    • Are you blind or have you never been out of the county? I would suggest a visit to the Talley Eye Care Center to assess the state of your vision.

    • Even Councilwoman Robinson disagrees with you, so how can this be political in nature?

      With that being said, I drive by Locust Hill every day on my way to and from work. At least what can be seen from the road, the grass seems to be well maintained and the head stones upright. If this cemetary is in worse shape than Oak Hill as some have said, is it being maintained well for appearances close to the road and neglected where it can’t? I will have to take a detour through it someday to see for myself.

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