“IS IT TRUE” JULY 29, 2024


IS IT TRUE that an alternative spring break party called “Freaknik” rose to notoriety in Atlanta during the 1980s and 90s? …that the parties became such a nuisance with allegations of sexual assaults and other alleged criminal activities that the city had to shut the event down?

IS IT TRUE that there has been a renewed interest in “Freaknik” in recent years, including a documentary currently airing on HULU? …that earlier this year a woman was caught in the crossfire and died at a “Freaknik” themed event in a small town in Alabama? …that the police chief in Selma, Alabama, was put on administrative leave after a gun battle broke out at the event in Selma?

IS IT TRUE that “Freaknik” events are overwhelming police departments nationwide? …that promoters often hold the events without permits, and police only learn of the event when problems require police intervention? …that “Freaknik” events often promote a car show, along with loud music, drugs, and alcohol? …it is a common practice for many attendees of “Freaknik” events to openly participate in a variety of physical “anything goes” activities?

IS IT TRUE that Roberts Park in Evansville was the scene of an event promoted as the “Kentuckiana Freaknik Hoedown” on June 29?

A portion of the park use application for a “rodeo.”

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Parks Department use permit listed the purpose of the June 29 event as a “rodeo”? …that a proposed rodeo in Roberts Park should have raised a few eyebrows? …that parks director Danielle Crook approved the permit for a rodeo after collecting a $500 special event fee 12 days before the event? …that the event approval is at the sole discretion of the parks director because the application estimated attendance at 250, and the contract does not require parks board approval unless the event anticipates over 500 attendees? …that the estimated attendance was also below the threshold of 300, which would require liability insurance? …that city residents could have been on the hook for any damage or personal injury claims?

IS IT TRUE that the activities in Roberts Park on June 29 bore no resemblance to a rodeo? …that the only horses on display were the horsepower of the cars showing off with burnouts? …that the event resembled an open-air club with a bar and DJ? …that the “anything goes” attitude of “Freaknik” parties was part of the atmosphere here in Evansville? …that reliable sources tell us that the crowd size at Roberts Park could have been over 500?

IS IT TRUE that the use permit states that Evansville parks close at 11 PM and events in parks must conclude and clear out by then? …that many partygoers did the responsible thing and went home, while others considered it too early to call it a night? …that at closing many carloads of people left Roberts Park in search of another location for the party to continue?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Watch chronicled the hours of police calls that followed? …that Evansville Watch provides a valuable service for Evansville citizens by monitoring emergency dispatch radios and providing as-it-happens reports on social media? …that Evansville Watch reported a large group of cars racing on the Lloyd Expressway at Vann (near Roberts Park) at 11:50 PM?

IS IT TRUE that sources say the police were called to the Corner Pocket on Fulton and the Circle K at Fulton and Columbia to control the crowds? …that at about 1 AM police responded to a fight at Waterworks and LST Drive (near Marina Point) and they were called back about about 45 minutes later for possible shots fired? …that the crowd moved to the area of S Kentucky & E Riverside where a responding officer called for backup from all available units? …that a crowd of around 300 gathered at Washington Square Mall at 3 AM and a large fight broke out with people armed with baseball bats?

IS IT TRUE that after the crowd was dispersed from Washington Square Mall, 911 dispatchers received a call reporting shots fired at an establishment on Covert and Greenriver Road? …that when officers responded they discovered that three people had been wounded by gunfire? …that the youngest victim was 16 years old and was seriously injured? …that police have arrested two suspects so far and the investigation is ongoing?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville police are to be commended for their excellent work in keeping the rowdy party from getting further out of hand? …that without patrol officers on duty the outcome of the evening could have been much worse?

IS IT TRUE that the City-County Observer feels that citizens of Evansville deserve better than allowing the Evansville parks director to be the sole decision maker for large unvetted events? …that the Parks Board should provide oversight on major events? …that a higher level of due diligence would make the Roberts Parks safer for Evansville families?

Today’s Readers Poll question is: How do you rate the overall current condition of America?

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  1. Is it true that the citizens were lied to when they were told the Basketball & tennis courts and the Little Otters playground at Garvins Park would be replaced ?

  2. Having attended Lil Sturgis in Sturgis, KY for ministry purposes, I am reminded of this event when I read about Freaknik or Hoedown. Lil Sturgis is a devil infested rally that should not have ever been allowed, but it brings in State revenue, so it receives an open door to ruin souls with its wickedness. Better stop this evil Freaknik/Hoedown outbreak thats not worth allowing at any price!

    • It has NOT been called “Little Sturgis” for the past 6 years. I know because I was the one who reported this event to the organizers of the REAL Sturgis in South Dakota. Those organizers then filed a lawsuit threatening the Kentuckians that if they kept using “Lil Sturgis” in their advertising of said event, the (Kentuckians) would be taken to court. The resulting threat had its desired effect as the Kentuckians stopped calling their event “Lil Sturgis”. There now…fixed it for ya.

  3. The Parks Director signed and approved without doing any homework or checking on the event. Not good on her part. The $160,000 in house corporate counsel that’s been hired needs to revised the current policy. That won’t happen. It’s already forgotten about and they hope the community forgets.

  4. Mr. Chandler keep pushing for those items to return to Garvin Park. Sad fact is there are no funds. The Parks Department had reached their bonding capacity and find themselves in a financial crisis. Thanks to the Winnecke Administration. Another topic no one wants to discuss. Smoke and mirrors. Very sad.

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