IS IT TRUE? July 26, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? July 26, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has scheduled a special Executive Session for Thursday July 28 at 11:30 am at the EVSC administration building boardroom?…that although no agenda has been released that the topic of discussion shall be the downtown Convention Hotel proposals?…that it has been put forth that a decision will be recommended to hire some outside firm to do a complete vetting of the two proposals that have been submitted?…that the ERC will be calling in a pinch hitter to bat for them on the all important 3rd Strike?…that this body has survived 2 strikes thus far with much damage to the credibility to itself and that it would very much like to have a paid outside source to blame should the third strike go whizzing by again?…that this should have been done the first time folks?

Batter Up!! Thank you sir may I have another?

IS IT TRUE that there is another 3rd Strike opportunity that is coming home to roost for the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that this pitch is called the McCurdy?…that someone has done some landscaping work down there this week which may just be good news for the project?…that the Mayor’s beanstalk that was being used by rats to climb up to the top floor to steal food from the pigeons and bats has been eradicated?…that we hope that this is good news and congratulate whomever has been doing the yard work on a job well done?

IS IT TRUE that in the event that Lloyd Winnecke becomes the next Mayor of Evansville in the November election that his seat on the Vanderburgh County Commissioners will be up for appointment?…that the heir apparent to Commissioner Winnecke’s seat is thought to be none other than County Councilman Joe Kiefer?…that in the event that Mr. Kiefer is appointed to the Vanderburgh County Commissioners that will leave a place on the Vanderburgh County Council?…that Mole #3 who is retiring from the molehill in November allegedly has his desires set upon Mr. Kiefer’s seat on the County Council?

IS IT TRUE that the new director of the Evansville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Mr. Bob Warren has been tasked to go forth into the world and publicize the tourism opportunities of the City of Evansville?…that going forth into the world to do such things requires money and promotional materials?…that the City County Observer supports these efforts and encourages the Vanderburgh County Council to appropriate at least $300,000 so that Mr. Warren will have the resources to do this important part of his job?

IS IT TRUE that City Councilman and Chairman of the Budget Committee John Friend, CPA went to Mayor Weinzapfel to suggest a vetting committee for the downtown Convention Hotel proposals?…that Councilman Friend (D) suggested that City Councilmen Curt John (D) and Dan McGinn (R), County Councilman Russ Lloyd Jr. (R), and ERC member Greg Elpers CPA should join him on the vetting committee?…that the Mayor rejected Councilmen McGinn and Lloyd on the basis that they would make the vetting committee TOO POLITICAL?…that we find that to be hilarious?


  1. With regard to Mole #3’s desire to be appointed by Republican caucus to the Vanderburgh County Council, did he vote in the Republican primary last time he voted in a primary election?

  2. Why hold the ERC meeting in the EVSC Administration Board Room ? With the turnout for this meeting, it should have been a scheduled event with full concessions at The Centre (lord knows they need the business . . .)

    • Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that the City of Evansville Economic Development Commission will be meeting in the same EVSC room at 2:30 pm on July the 27th, the day before the Redevelopment Commission has scheduled its “special meeting” in the same EVSC room at 11:30 am on July 28th?

      Can you say “fast track”?


      • Press, didn’t know we had an EEDC. Hope the EEDC cleans up their mess before the ERC meeting, this could be stressful.

        • If you will recall, John Kish stated in an article in the courier&press after the ERC meeting where the bids for the hotel were opened, that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission would submit the bid proposals to the Evansville Economic Development Commission for approval. Then they would be sent to the City Common Council which would also have to approve the bids.

          • I should have added that the next City Council meeting is August 1st, at 5:30pm in room 301 of the Civic Center.

            Dates to remember:

            July 27th (today) 2:30 pm EVSC admin. building

            July 28th (tomorrow)11:30 am EVSC admin.

            August 1st (next Monday) 5:30 pm, rm 301, CC

    • Is this the Administration Building that the EVSC is abandoning or the new $6+ million no-bid contract building they are moving to after the EVSC abandons their current Administration Building?

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