IS IT TRUE July 25, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 25, 2012

IS IT TRUE Evansville is experiencing a rash of restaurant closings this summer along with some new ones starting up?…that the restaurant turnstile rolled around again yesterday with the sudden closing of the Black Buggy at Lynch and Green River Road?…this particular Black Buggy seemed to have plenty of cars in the parking lot and people in the seats?…that the restaurant business is a tough one to succeed in and the margins are thin?…that it is very possible that demand was not a problem but that demand at a price point that would cover the rising costs of operating a restaurant finally caught up with the Black Buggy that has long been known as a good value when it comes to how much food one can get per dollar spent?…this comes on the heels of the unexpected closing of the Grand Traverse Pie Company at the corner of Burkhardt and Vogel?

IS IT TRUE the free dental clinic that is a part of the legacy of Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and former resident and Vanderburgh County Council member Royce Sutton experienced a serious setback yesterday when the support staff all resigned?…this occurrence was made known to the Vanderburgh County Commissioners at their regular meeting last night by Dr. Ray Nicholson?…this free clinic that was started in 2006 may turn out to be another one of those things that make a good ribbon cutting ceremony and flattering headline for politicians at the startup that somehow are not made sustainable by the very politicians that smile for the camera at the opening?…there are those who would argue that free anything is always unsustainable and that in the absence of a passionate group of benefactors such opinions are the truth?…of all the things that could be considered to be preventable maintenance with a predictable payback dental care is perhaps the biggest bang for the buck?…this summer has been a classic for exposing the legacy problems of the City of Evansville’s inability to take care of what it has?…from the mouths of the poor to the resting places of the dead, to the parks, to the streets, etc. ad nauseum the cry of “why was I neglected” screams out at elected officials and oligarchs alike?…that the CCO encourages those who can to do something to make this dental clinic sustainable?

IS IT TRUE the Courier and Press poster Puchin was banned from commenting yesterday for the second time this month?…that Puchin (Joe Wallace) did not use any bad words or violate any of the terms of the long agreement?…the point made that seems to have gotten Joe’s avatar Puchin banned from the Courier was a response to letter to the editor that was calling for Mitt Romney to publish more tax returns?…that Puchin simply stated that while seeing more tax returns may satisfy some people’s thirst for a sound bite that they will not show us anything we did not already know?…we already know that Romney is very rich, takes advantage of every legal loophole that the federal government offers, spreads his money offshore, and pays a lower percentage of taxes than some middle class families?…Puchin then asked for President Obama to release his college transcripts so we may have the opportunity to learn something new?…Puchin invoked the name of Rick Perry as having been branded as an idiot because it was discovered he got an F in college chemistry?…that F referred to a grade deemed too low to be considered passing as opposed to a word starting with F that may have been misinterpreted by one of the flunkies at the CP who decided to ban Puchin?

IS IT TRUE the Big Ten Conference did the right thing by laying one whopping punishment on the Penn State football program?…Penn State and Ohio State are now both going to be sitting out this year when it comes to competing for the conference championship?…those teams play in the same division leaving only Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, and Wisconsin eligible to compete in a four team mini-conference to make the title game?…the CCO would have to bet on Wisconsin but this really does leave the miracle option open for both IU and Purdue?…that there is a path to the Big Ten championship game for a team that has a 3 – 9 record this year?


  1. As for Puchin being banned by the Evansville C&P (Capriciousness & Propaganda), one should consider it a badge of honor, however, stuff does happen.

    I noticed the other day that not only was a comment I made on a CCO article concerning the EVSC missing, but the entire article was pulled.

    The article dealt with McGary Middle School receiving a $1.1M grant. Nowhere in the Evansville C&P or in the CCO article did it mention the fact that the Grant was for “academically challenged” schools and was spurred by the fact that McGary’s latest ISTEP scores for Math and English showed that only 38% of the students passed the test. That 38% pass rate is an improvement of the previous 30% pass rate.

    I am not sure if Superintendent David Smith hit this area very hard when he made his presentation recently to the Evansville Rotary Club.


  2. Puchin banned? I thought the IQ level of the forums had dropped. Why is the CCO forums for the most part orderly, informative,and respectful while the CP forums is a mosh-pit of multi-moniker posters and inconsistent moderation? I have had post removed with no explanation given when I asked, and my identity revealed to other posters by posters who have been serially banned.


    Just a passing thought about the recent pay increases for two employees on the Mayor’s staff.

    Does anyone seriously think that this type of behavior will diminish under the form of government outlined in the plan? Does anyone seriously want to see this type of behavior expanded to include the entire county?


  4. Puchin one and Courier zero.

    Godd move Courier ! My opinion of your paper has been enhanced.

  5. Why does Joe Wallace feel the need to hind behind an avatar (puchin) name?

    Also, please tell us EXACTLY what you wrote (if you dare). The C&P is not known for removing stuff a lot unless you are way off topic and violating the Terms of Service.

    Let us evaluate what you wrote that they considered so bad as to remove it.

    • The avatar account was established back when the comment boards were started. Nearly everyone had a cutesy name so I chose one for myself. The origin the name Puchin goes back to early childhood when I wanted a Capuchin monkey for a pet but called them puchin monkeys. I outed myself on the CP pages years ago and never changed the name. It is widely known that Puchin and I are the same. So what did I write? This is from memory and I can’t access the exact words so I may be a little off. It was a response to the letter to the editor asking for Romney’s tax returns.

      “While having a curiosity about additional tax returns from Romney, I do not think we will learn anything new. I already know that Romney is wealthy, takes full advantage of legal loopholes, keeps offshore deposits, and most likely pays a lower percentage of taxes than most middle class families. Learning that he has done this for 20 years instead of just 2 does not give me any new information. What I would like to see are President Obama’s college transcripts. There MAY be some new information there. Do you remember how Rick Perry was made out to be an idiot over making an F in freshman chemistry. Well, what is good for Perry’s F should apply to the President if it turns out he made an F is some of the more difficult classes that require discipline and cognitive thought.”

      How that got me banned is a mystery to me. I would like to see Romney’s grades too. Maybe the use of the letter F is what did it.

      • Joe

        I will agree with you on this one 100%. I cannot understand how that got removed. I can see no reason this comment should have been removed.

        Have you contacted Tom Lovett and asked him?

        • Yes, and I have not gotten a response. This same thing happened a couple of weeks ago for a day. There are two other comments calling for the grades for the President to be released. One of them disappeared this morning. I do not know who posted them because they have cutesy names too. I tend to think that there is a rogue operator on the CP staff that is removing comments and posters that they do not agree with. As you said earlier, the CP is usually pretty journalistic about allow free speech on their site. I know I have posted things that were right on the line that I expected to get taken down that were not. I hope this is just an over zealous staffer and not a company policy.

          • Joe
            Sometimes you just can’t find out who’s removing your post or disables a article so you can’t respond. That goes for both EC and CCO.
            Jack Waldroup

            • Well Jack, it was more than just removing a post. The CP removed every post that I have ever made on their site. The CCO has never ever banned anyone and erased their past posts. I do not anticipate that we ever will.

          • I had two post removed with in minutes of posting them and one right after the other. I am certain some bird was sitting on the “Zoink” button and did not like my opinions. When I questioned the reason, one was restored but no explanation has ever been given. That said, I know I ruffle their feathers, but they have been helpful in resolving some issues. Moderating forums is akin to cat herding.

      • “Maybe the use of the letter F is what did it.” (Puchin)

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        It would not surprise me that if the person policing the threads that day came up through the “politically correct” public school system, as opposed to the previous system, they might have little or no understanding that F stands for failing. Social promotion sort of took the sting out of an F.

        Some of us who have been around for a while tend to forget how much the landscape has changed out there.

        Still, it is a stretch to think that anyone capable of policing the threads would not know what an F stood for in an academic sense.


    • Haha…

      “Why does Joe Wallace feel the need to hind behind an avatar (puchin) name?” – “CCO Truth Squad”

      Need I say more?

  6. CCO truth squad why are you hiding behind you blogger name?

    Oh, the reason why I’m hiding behind my blogger name is because I have a high profile position in local government.

    Remember “Equal Treatment” for all!

  7. Well it’s pretty clear that the printed media is moving toward extinction, and—the online access to the news is the dominate player now and will be even more so in the Future,—Looking at the CCO traffic numbers,—leaves little doubt the C&P is running scared of the CCO, and for good reason, they have an inferior product and it’s unraving more all the time. They cannot stand the heat from the Joe Wallaces of the world.

  8. Joe , tom lovett banned my screen name and erased all my posts about 3 years ago , so don’t feel lonely and a thank you for all your hard work

  9. Anybody who hasn’t been kicked off the comment boards at the the C&P at least once is a coward and a tool of The Man. For most of his second term Wienie-Zapple and his administrative assistant were actively commanding the newspaper to ban posters they didn’t like.

  10. Add my name to the banned by Lovett list. I have had several postings removed that were 100% on target. I complained to Lovett about why they disabled comments in the Ira Beumer articles and he responded that there are a lot of racial comments. I then asked why commenting on the Zimmerman/Martin case articles was left open?!? No response was received.

    According to Lovett (by his actions) its only anti-semtic when black people are the victim of race hate crimes. But when white people are victims of the same crime, it is “too racial” to post. I give you the Gerald Summers article a couple of weeks ago. If a white man had said the same things about Mitt Romney as Summers said about the black race and Obama, it would have never made the paper.

    And people wonder why race becomes an issue all the time here in Evansville? When the black voice is the dominate voice of Evansville then only blacks will eventually live in Evansville. Have you noticed the amount of people who have evacuated Evansville for greener pastures? Watch the amount of traffic coming from Newburgh to Evansville to work everyday. This traffic represents Evansville’s working class and the missing tax base that has fled. This is also the reason why consolidation is now a topic…because there is no tax base in the City of Evansville anymore, Evansville is trying to expand its terrority. What will the end result of this be? More people will move outside of Vanderburgh County.


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