Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE JULY 22, 2015

IS IT TRUE JULY 22, 2015


IS IT TRUE that At-Large City Council member Jonathan Weaver sent Cheryl Musgrave an interesting e-mail following yesterday ERC meeting? …Weaver e-mail stated the following?

If the ERC would have followed your suggestion (#4), the city would
have been sued because we would have violated state statute. By asking
them to deed city owned property to the developer, you are breaking the
law Are you asking the council body to support your idea?
Your appointment to the ERC has been a huge disappointment and a
roadblock for the community. I would recommend that you would step down
from your appointment.

IS IT TRUE if anyone should give anyone a lecture about being a huge disappointment Mr. Weaver should be the last person to do so? …we hear that Mr. Weaver’s political opponents are going to engage him in open and lively debates concerning his political, professional and personal life conduct? …when all is said and done we wonder if the voters will determine that At-Large City Council member Jonathan Weaver is the big disappointment and a roadblock for the community?

IS IT TRUE that the popular State of Indiana Attorney General Greg Zeller has decided to run for a Congressional seat to be vacated by Republican U. S. Representative Todd Young? …political wisdom suggests that the Attorney General is a shoe-in to win the GOP nomination for U.S. House of Representatives? …if Mr. Zeller is elected to the U. S. House don’t be surprised to see many political people throughout the State try to draft the extremely popular Vanderburgh County Prosecuting Attorney Nick Hermann to run for Mr. Zeller’s vacant seat? …when Mr. Zeller first ran for Attorney General it was Nick Hermann who help mastermind his convention victory? …we hear if Mr. Hermann wants to replace State Attorney General Zeller his chances are very good? …Evansville would be proud and delighted to see Nick advance to this position.

IS IT TRUE the EVSC and the local Teamster 215 are still at odds? …it looks like it’s going to be a long school year that will be dominated by collective bargaining issues and a possible employee strike of 780 EVSC Union workers once school is in session? The EVSC Board could also say that enough is enough and de-certify the union. Folks, this could get interesting?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. New addition to the CCO is the Cause of Death reports generated by the Vanderburgh County Health Department.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. I’d like to now avail myself of this early morning opportunity to call for Jonathan Weaver’s resignation from the City Council. He is a fool and, layering his embarrassing antics over the shameful conduct of the Winnecke administration, I fear the cumulative weight will cause the city to sink into one of its rotten sewers.

    Pull up and bail, Weaver. It’s time for you to go.

  2. I know Weaver owns full size mirrors all over his house, since he’s a narcissist.

    Weaver: look in one of them and repeat the line “you have been a huge disappointment . . . and I would recommend you step down . . . “.

  3. “Your appointment to the ERC has been a huge disappointment and a
    roadblock for the community” says the pothole to the mountain.

    • Why wouldn’t it be? No matter how much you want it to be, this ain’t Nazi Germany.

      • No, but as a compromise for the inherent risk of public sector unions, a strike my not be legal. But “I am not sure.”

      • Baghdad Bob. In case you may be even remotely interested in factual information, check out IC 20-29-9-1 which says, in part, “it is unlawful for a school employee to take part in or assist in a strike against a school employer or school corporation.”

    • EVSC EMPLOYEES ARE NOT GOING ON STRIKE. I am a Teamster and work for EVSC and have attended every meeting that we have had. THERE IS NO TALK OF STRIKING. WE want a FAIR contract

      • Take it up with the CCO. Today’s IIT suggested there could be a strike. I simply asked if that was legal. After Baghdad Bob called me a Nazi for asking, I found the answer. It isn’t legal.

  4. From reading the article I cannot tell who the disappointment is, since the article does not state whether Weaver is correct in his statement or not.

    Regarding Weaver v Musgrave…… A pox on both of their houses,

    • I am curious who would do the suing. The city breaks laws and is even cited for such in the SBOA audit reports. No one sues and the city just writes a response saying they don’t want to comply or pay the money back and business continues. If Weaver had agreed with Musgrave’s position the legality would not have mattered.

  5. As a concerned resident and former school teacher, I have been following the issues surrounding the EVSC board and the Teamsters. It appears the mess has been created specifically by David Smith and Chris Kiefer . They have made unreasonable proposals ,particularly in demanding that the board have the final say in a grievance procedure. That is just completely unfair. it is time for the rest of the board to stand up to these two gentleman and do the right thing for the EVSC employees, students and their families. This unnecessary crisis can go away with a vote by the rest of the board to go back to the bargaining table. It would be a major mistake for the board to even consider “decertifying” the union when the employees have made it very clear that they simply want a fair contract. The EVSC needs to return to the practice of being fair with their employees.

  6. On the front page of this morning’s C&P there is yet another slap in the face of Evansville taxpayers. I can not describe the disgust and contempt I hold for the Evansville Redevelopment Commission which is the author of so much of what is contemptible about the way so called city government is carried out.

    When the city finally files for protection from creditors the agency that will be most responsible for bringing it about is the Evansville Redevelopment Commission. The commission is nothing other than the creation of organized business interests who’s sole purpose is to drain local taxpayers of their life savings by using the levying power of the city to fund their projects. Projects that commercial banks have turned down or would never go near in the first place.

    If you did not understand all this before this morning’s C&P article you should sure understand it now. Forgiving all this debt was just their arrogant way of saying: “there it is, what are you going to do about it taxpayers, whine some more?”

    In theory, the citizens of Evansville sit at the TOP of local government. In practice, they are a COWED BUNCH OF TAX SLAVES, who’s masters fatten their own bank accounts off of their misery.

    Abolish the damnable Evansville Redevelopment Commission NOW, just as they did in the state of California when they realized there that the commissions had played the major role in bankrupting that state!

    • The ERC has been a joke since the start of the McCurdy debacle almost 10 years ago. Unfortunately, a very expensive joke to the City tax payors including the $600,000+ parking lot the City had to have for the McCurdy condos:

      “City Council candidate Andrew Smith, a Republican at-large, said Monday the city’s decision to buy the property “fundamentally calls into question the transparency and accountability of the redevelopment commission … the complaint seems to be that they had to pay too much money for this, but they have only themselves to blame for that because of the way that they went about putting together this deal.

      “If they had done the smart thing and tried to acquire these parcels together before announcing the project, then they would have had more bargaining leverage. Instead, in a rush to make an announcement about Downtown development, they seem to be engaging in the kind of fiscal mismanagement that I think has typified this administration.””

      Andrew Smith was spot on about the gross incompetence of the old ERC, just like Mr. Smith was spot on with “Sewers before Stadiums”.

  7. Weaver’s disappointment lays in the fact that Musgrave has been bring to light the wild-eye spending and reckless behavior of Winnecke’s ERC . . .maybe the disappointment in the other representative of Council needs to come to light . . . of course Mr. Weaver is delighted in his performance since he apparently is the Union’s representative and not the peoples’ . . .

    • Wow . . .flashback . . .remember when Weaver was the County Assessor, he demanded that the county employees in the assessor office do political activities and when they refused, he fired em . . and then came the lawsuits costing the taxpayers over $200k . . .was that or was that not illegal?

      • IS IT TRUE that Weaver’s newest ship of love maybe heading for the rocks? If so, he must have those wedding vows memorized. Has anybody heard if Weaver present marriage is headed for Divorce Court?

    • Let’s see . . .disappointment = Weaver supporting the scam called Earthcare = $200,000 lost . . .back’s Bolin’s relentless crazy idea called Spot Shooter potential cost to the taxpayers of over 2.5 million . . .doesn’t challenge the administration on the over spending of the hotel . . .supported the original 38.5 million . . .

  8. IS IT TRUE that Weaver’s dues to Steve Scheafer’s charter of “Focus on the Chicks” is past due? Seriously,why aren’t Weavers political rivals taking him on concerning his unacceptable lifestyle and personal misconduct activities?

  9. The Union Employees of The EVSC do not want to get out of the Union therefore it is Kiefer and Doctor Smith who are behind this move. It is time for the other Board Members to stop being Bobble Heads and vote the two or three members down stop the 7-0 votes. Show the Voters,Childern ,Families and Union Employees your are proud of the job they do and get a CBA with these hard working people. Just go out and look in the schools or stop by and observe a class with paraprofessionals or don’t the Bus Drivers and Monitors do wonderful jobs getting children home and to school safe everyday and all the other Union Employees Whom I do not know their titles the great jobs they do also. They are Local 215 Union EVSC Employees Professionals and why would anybody want this to change this unless they are bitter or let personal feelings cloud there judgement go back to the table. Quit Disrespecting these workers and their families.

  10. Wether you like the guy or not and I do like him and think he does as good of job as any others just my way of seeing it you have yours and that is ok. Actually his personal life is none of any of your business as long as he does the job he was elected to do by the voters. Remember one of the most loved politicians in history played a little bit (JFK) but he did his job. Don’t be a hater if you don’t like him don’t vote for him. Low blow to involve his family life.

  11. There has been NO SUCH TALK ABOUT EVSC TEAMSTERS GOING ON STRIKE. ALL WE WANT IS TP BE TREATED FAIRLY AND GET A DECENT CONTRACT THAT WE ALL CAN LIVE WITH. WE VOTED on this last year, we should not be going through this again this year. UNION BUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I am a Member of the Teamsters Local 215 as well as an employee at EVSC. I have been to EVERY meeting and there is NO SUCH TALK of STRIKING. All we want is a FAIR contract We voted last year to keep our UNION and now we are going through this again. Nothing but UNION BUSTING TACTICS

  13. Not comparing him to JFK just saying anyone can make mistakes dude you every made one hum.

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