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IS IT TRUE? July 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 21, 2011

IS IT TRUE that yesterday July 20, 2011 set a new record for online visits to the City County Observer?…that the online numbers for the website trafficestimator.com were updated yesterday and that the City County Observer has experienced an 11.1% growth in visits over the last measurement period?…that the Courier & Press experienced a decline of roughly 2% over the same period?…that the CCO’s lead on the CP in the metric of minutes online has now expanded to 30%?…that we pay Google to do exact counts and that trafficestimate.com is within 1% of the actual counts so we believe the algorithm that they use is accurate?…that we can accurately project growth and that we are pretty certain that our visit number will be increasing by another 5% – 6% when the next update happens in August?

IS IT TRUE that the latest Freedom of Information Act request that we filed on behalf of City Councilman John Friend inspired the City of Evansville DMD to just post the information online?…that the information that we requested was concerning the insurance recommendation study that ONB was paid $100,000 to perform for the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…that we were surprised that there were only three pages of spreadsheets posted that made a specific recommendation that a Contractors Pollution Liability Policy with a premium of $94,116 be purchased along with a Builder’s Risk Policy in the amount of $226,934?…that the CCO is having an insurance expert look over the contents for us to see if the recommendations were really worth $100,000?…that we are very interested to learn if it is worth $100k to be told how to spend $321k?…that you may view the spreadsheets yourself under the heading Arena at the following link?


IS IT TRUE that Evansville 5th Ward City Councilman and Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA has the means and the power to hold onto a downtown hotel resolution from going to full council for a vote? …as Budget Committee Chairmen he has the authority to stop the vote that would commit millions of our tax dollars to fund the downtown hotel until he is convinced that proper financial vetting was done on this project?

IS IT TRUE that one of our regular bloggers doesn’t realize that he personally talks with CCO Mole #3 at least once a week? …that CCO Mole # 3 is a member of the church the Joe Biden attends?

IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 is telling us that the Mayor of Evansville is telling his close friends that he can’t figure out 5th Ward and Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA political actions anymore?…that the answer is simple, Councilman Friend’s political decisions are finally being based on “GOOD Public Policy” and cognitive thought?

IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 is telling us if the election for Mayor of Evansville was held today that Lloyd Winnecke would likely win?

IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 tells us that 2nd Ward City Council member, Missy Mosby’s re-election campaign is becoming something to behold?

IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 has just informed us that 1st Ward City Councilman, Dan McGinn is becoming extremely interested in finding out how much the Mayors Legal Counsel has been paid for legal services from all revenue sources this year?…one should get ready to watch Councilman McGinn’s actions pertaining to this subject during the upcoming budget hearings?

IS IT TRUE that the Democratic party 6th Ward candidate Al Lindsey feels he is a shoe-in to be elected to the Evansville City Council seat in November ?…that CCO MOLE #3 feels Mr. Lindsey shall better get ready for a real political dog fight in the 6th Ward City Council race?


  1. The payment of $ 100,000 to ONB for a 3-page analysis is at least a travesty and at most fraud, in my opinion. Any insurance broker in this region or even the U.S. would write these three lines of coverage for the commissions only. **Key Question**:
    was ONB also the Broker on these policies, and thus they are also getting commissions on the placement of these policies in addition to the consulting fee ? That’s a double dip if they are.

    ONB holds itself out as such a great corporate citizen in its advertising. ONB needs to do the right thing and return the $ 100,000 (which is $ 33,333 per page–” good work if you can get it”) to the people of Evansville. I would have guessed that a bank with $ 8 Billion in Assets would have bigger fish to fry than accepting this kind of gig. Guess I underestimate greed. ONB needs to live off the premium commissions like every other Broker has to !

  2. “Snegal” rears his ugly puss once more.
    Looks like ONB has found a way to continue fleecing my hide, in spite of my choosing HFCU, some time ago.
    This arrangement violates the public trust. …IMHO

  3. Just out of curiosity when was the last time a Republican held the 6th ward seat?

    • Since 1947 there have been 2 Republican 6th Ward City Councilmen the last in 1970 and he has a road named after him on the west side. Ray Becker Parkway.

      • Yeah thats what I figured, Shaun Short shouldnt be getting his nameplate for council chambers anytime soon

      • Maybe Al Lindsay can get the University Parkway named for him after it connects the Expressway to New Harmony Road.

  4. Pirates Handbook: Just
    One Page & One Line.

    #1 Take plunder at every opportunity.

  5. “S IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 has just informed us that 1st Ward City Councilman, Dan McGinn is becoming extremely interested in finding out how much the Mayors Legal Counsel has been paid for legal services from all revenue sources this year?…one should get ready to watch Councilman McGinn’s actions pertaining to this subject during the upcoming budget hearings?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Good luck. I am not sure which would be more difficult: finding out what the City of Evansville pays annually for “legal services”, or finding out what the EVSC pays annually for “legal services”.

    Each figure would no doubt astound those paying the bill. I would not hazard a guess at a combined annual figure. It is probably best if the taxpaying rabble never see those figures, Evansville might just take on the look of France in the summer of 1789.


  6. IS IT TRUE that CCO Mole #3 is telling us that the Mayor of Evansville is telling his close friends that he can’t figure out 5th Ward and Budget Chairmen, John Friend, CPA political actions anymore?


    Someone needs to tell the mayor that there will be a election in November and that party affiliation will not be a deciding factor in just who is elected. While it’s great to see Mr Friend come over to the light from the dark side you have to wonder what his stance will be in July of 2012? will he continue to work as a good public steward or revert to the old political ways? Election years have a habit of making leopards change their spots, some of those changes are not permanent and are merely on the surface….we can keep our fingers crossed and pray.


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