IS IT TRUE? July 20, 2011


IS IT TRUE? July 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has placed a password requirement on the website for reading the minutes of their meetings?…that the minutes of these meetings are public information and should be easily available to the general public?…that as the entire country progresses toward transparency that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has decided to put password protection on access to the minutes of public meetings?…that this is one of the most oppressive actions that one could ever even consider to take if public information is wanted to be hidden from the general public?…that City County Observer poster Beerguy alerted us to this fact?…that we went to the website that contains the minutes of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission yesterday and that the public information was freely available to the citizens of the United States of America?…that Evansville, Indiana is an entitlement community and is very pleased to cash the CDBG checks that the people of the United States send to the community?…that maybe the people who issued and executed the orders to place password protection upon the minutes of public meetings need to be tutored in the laws of the American Republic?

IS IT TRUE that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights?…that the first amendment prohibits the making of any law “respecting an establishment of religion,” impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances?…that putting password protection upon access to meetings that were held in buildings paid for with public money, where people sat in chairs paid for with public money, discussing business that allocates the spending of public money, and freely accepts the public (probably against the will of the powers that be) into these meetings is potentially a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and the “Sunshine Laws” of the State of Indiana?

IS IT TRUE that there are things that local government does that can be classified as stupid?…that there are things in local government that can be classified as misinformed?…that there are things in local government that can be classified as obstructive?…that there are things in local government that can be classified as SNEGAL (sneaky but legal)?…that restriction access to public information in this manner is not an acceptable way to provide stewardship over the people of Evansville’s money?… that actions like this are the reason that the Freedom of Information Act was passed by Congress at the admonishment of President Lyndon Johnson on July 4, 1966?

IS IT TRUE that this oppression of public information is not an acceptable way to live?…that whomever did this or whomever ordered this done is not the kind of person that should work for the public?…that whether this action was ordered and executed by an appointed, hired, or elected official that the entire chain of command need to be asked to resign by the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that the minutes of the Evansville City Council are not password protected?…that this reeks of selective oppression?…that once again this is not acceptable from supposedly servants of the City of Evansville?…that we call upon every media outlet, every student of journalism, and every citizen of this community who believes in government transparency to call upon the Weinzapfel Administration that is the responsible party for this oppression of public information to remove this oppressive violation of the United States Constitution?


  1. This is the kind of crap you can always expect to first come from appointed boards. What’s next?

  2. What Arrogance! Integrity is a dirty word in the Weinzapfel Administration.

    These Scumbags will not be stopped by Morality, or the Law, they should be ostracized, and run out of town, –or we deserve the consequences.

    The Worst Mayor in Evansville History continues his reign of
    Terror upon the Community, and has plenty of help from his dispicable “gang”.

  3. I doubt anyone on the ERC has the power/ability to get the password put in place, sounds like a edict that came from the mayors office, with no ability to sign-up/setup a account to access the information they are in violation of the sunshine laws for the state of Indiana…..I’m sure it will be removed shortly, anyone else think that the CCO is gaining too much momentum (followers) to suit our local government?

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