IS IT TRUE July 2, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 2, 2012

IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville made the national news two times last week?…that historically when Evansville finds itself featured in the national news it seldom sheds positive light upon us and last week’s two trips to the spotlight kept with that outcome?…one recent bit of national exposure this time highlighted what would be classified as general buffoonery in line with last year’s worlds ugliest criminal, the most obese city in America, and the incident when a guy was stuck in a chimney?…that another would-be thief go stuck in another chimney making Evansville the fodder of jokes for doing dumb things yet again?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s second trip into the national spotlight was a bit more serious and followed on the Daily Show’s characterization of Evansville as “the crap in the street capital of America”?…that story and the recent one are not only damaging to our reputation but point out not only buffoonery but absolutely poor public policy?…the incident of real importance that merits investigation and a change in policy involves the shock and awe stun grenade attack by the Evansville Police Department at the residence of Ira Milan and his family?…that this over the top incident happened to a family that is liked and respected by many people?…the “evidence” used to make the decision to attack was based on an internet protocol address registered to the Milan home that was set up as an open network meaning anyone who was within range of the gear could have logged on an posted the threat on a blog that inspired the aggressive move?

IS IT TRUE that was just the start of the buffoonery?…that after the fact the judge, the police, the clerk, and what seems to have been the entire criminal justice system stonewalled reporters who were trying to do their jobs?…it took a lawyer and a Freedom of Information Act request to get the powers that be to finally cough up stamped public documents?…obstruction of the First Amendment while a violation of the law is just the way things have been done in the Civic Center for so long that it seems like the powers that be do not even know right from wrong?…the CCO has had to deal with this kind of obstructionism over and over again and that while it is good to learn that we are not alone in being treated like red headed stepchildren the oppression of information that is public information is not an acceptable way for this or any city to be run?…as politician after politician has had to learn the hard way, from Jonathan Weinzapfel and his Homestead Tax Grab, to President Richard Nixon with Watergate, to Attorney General Eric Holder and the “Fast and Furious” gun running operation, IT IS THE COVERUP THAT GET YOU?…the best course of action for the powers that be in Evansville should cease their obstructionist ways and come completely clean on this incident before it really gets out of hand?

IS IT TRUE that Florida and nine other states have openly stated that they will not be complying with the Affordable Health Care Act that is also known as Obamacare?…this will be a most interesting thing to watch unfold as the Supreme Court may have found a way to uphold the law but also neutered the federal government’s power to use the purse as a whip on the states?…we are certain that we will all be hearing all of the good and bad of Obamacare in the next 4 months?…that it seems as though the VETTING and READING that should have been done in 2010 may finally happen this year?…the VETTING ability of the US Congress and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission are about the same?


  1. You didn’t mention the good publicity of the golf tournament. Heck, those commercials about the city of Evansville of the Golf Channel looked and sounded so good, they about made me want to pick up and move into the city limits. Went out and watched yesterday, not only was the course beautiful, but it seemed the event was well run and the finish was very exciting. Too bad it was 1000 degrees during the whole tournament though.

  2. You wouldn’t know it by watching the Golf Channel. They said Evansville constantly.

    • I did not watch but did get an email this morning from the Coalition for Economic Development touting the commercials promoting the area that they had made for the Golf Channel. It sounds like they did a good job.

  3. Two major sources of the trash we see around the city and county come from debris that escapes from trash collection vehicles, and fast food packaging from retail sales thrown out of automobiles.

    Both sources have been around for a long time. I have identified one type of trash collection vehicle that automatically raises the container to the very top of the vehicle and then upends it. On a day with any wind at all, some of that trash is blown free of the vehicle. I have witnessed it many times. So the poorly designed collection vehicle would be a good place to start.


    • That particular type of garbage truck was invented in the days when Jack Kennedy was boinking Marilyn Monroe. It’s nice to know that someone has finally noticed its worst flaw.

  4. I’m disappointed to see that you just repeat the OPINIONS of the other Evansville print media instead of doing some research of your own and actually printing some FACTS. The other print media is why we have made the national media again, not the EPD. The true story wouldn’t be to far for you to find.

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