IS IT TRUE? July 2, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 2, 2011

IS IT TRUE that John Kish the Arena project manager and reluctant but game on manager of the downtown Convention Hotel Project is on camera stating that the hotel project is an 18 month construction project?…that in the very same interview done yesterday he also stated that the hotel project is on schedule for completion in late 2012?…that we know that adding a big number like 18 may only be taught in the second half of the 1st grade but earth to John, 18 months from today is January 2, 2013?…that there is one other nagging little detail that needs to be realized?…that RIGHT NOW THERE IS NO HOTEL PROJECT?…that just because the technicality of formally declaring default has not yet happen does not mean that this project and the contract that goes with it have more than a 1% chance of being resurrected?…that Mole #109 tells us that the discourse within Woodruff Hospitality LLC is so intense that “all the King’s horses and all the King’s men will not put this together again”?….that for any entity or any person to heal from internal discourse requires a desire to heal?…that Mole #109 tells us that Woodruff does not have unanimous consent to even consider a healing process?

IS IT TRUE that on Wednesday July 6, 2011 that unless Mary Poppins and Glenda the Good Witch converge on Evansville and inspire a healing of mythical proportion that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission will be formally defaulting the Downtown Hotel Development Agreement dated March 22, 2011 and formally announcing their new RFP?…that Mole #109 has learned that there really is a possibility that a HERO may be showing up with a response to the RFP?…that there will be allot of surprised faces if that really materializes?…that the City County Observer crosses our fingers that this time after a full four years of spinning around the bowl that the old ways finally do down the hole and that a new day dawns for how to vet and manage capital projects in the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that it would be entirely appropriate and valuable for some member of the Evansville City Council and/or a candidate for the City Council or Mayor to come forward in a very public way with a proposal for a financial VETTING PROCESS?…a formal and appropriate VETTING PROCESS that is proposed to the City Council and adopted by the City Council would be a tremendous contribution to the evolution of governance and oversight in Evansville?…that it is just stupefying that no Vetting process has ever existed here?…that whomever does this and DOES IT IN TIME TO VET THE NEXT ROUND OF HOTEL BIDDERS will impress many voters?…that this is the kind of policy that makes “GOOD OLD BOY” deals more difficult to pull off and stabilizes the city?…that GOOD OLD BOYS almost never make it through a professional and appropriate VETTING PROCESS?

IS IT TRUE that the time for a VETTING PROCESS is right now and we should not even start to read developer proposals for the Downtown Convention Hotel until the government of the City of Evansville has the ability to read them and VET them established with a resolution adopted?…that if the City of Evansville had a VETTING PROCESS in place that the following two paragraphs would have never been NEEDED?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,523 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,376 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 486 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?