IS IT TRUE July 18, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 18, 2012

IS IT TRUE a new housing program announced that it has finished a group of three homes that are now ready to sell in the Glenwood neighborhood?…these homes have asking prices that are slightly below $100,000 and are reportedly energy efficient that will keep money in the pocket of the homeowners as opposed to going right up the chimney?…according to Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke there have been 33 homes built in the Glenwood area in recent history that has raised home ownership by 17%?…doing the math on that one yields a number of only 194 owner occupied homes in the Glenwood neighborhood?…that approach taken in Glenwood was to obliterate an entire block of dilapidated homes and replace them all with newer efficient homes?…that this program has been done in a way that is attractive to the target market from a price, size, and transformational perspective?…that whomever designed the Glenwood program must have learned something from the failures of Front Door Pride that has not been so successful?

IS IT TRUE according to two websites, one of which is the website for Hope, there are still 6 Front Door Pride homes that are for sale?…the houses as they have always been are tasteful and priced at under $135,000 when over $200,000 was spent on each home?…Civic Center Moles tell us that a FDP home was purchased recently by another person who in on the City of Evansville payroll?…this makes most of the homes purchased from the FDP program having been sold to City employees, relatives of elected officials, cronies of politicians, or people who are in some cases all of the above?…the Front Door Pride program is an example of redistribution of local money from the general population to the select few?…it seems that when local government gets involved in anything it turns into crony deals and this is just another example of crony capitalism played out right here in River City?

IS IT TRUE the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) scandal that involved members of a legendary and successful football coaching staff covering up criminal acts of cruelty to children is winding down?…a decision on what to do with respect to Penn State is expected from the NCAA soon?…if Penn State would have paid for a new suit, a plane ticket, or even some extra meals for a player that the games they won would be forfeit and they would be stripped of NCAA titles?…what happened when football took priority over the innocence of young boys when people looked the other way certainly rises to a level that is so far above giving a player a plane ticket that if Penn State is not stripped of every football victory and title for as long as the old “I didn’t see nothing” routine was going on then something is seriously wrong with the NCAA infractions committee?

IS IT TRUE that it is earnings season on Wall Street when public companies announce their results for the second quarter of 2012?…that there have been plenty of words of guidance to lower the expectations on the basis that the stalled world economy is negatively effecting corporate earnings?…we will soon learn just how much that the private sector has been hit by the stubborn recession?…the fact that President Obama just said that “the private sector is doing fine” did not make it so?…When this and the next earnings season that will be announced in late October have been disclosed we will all have a better understanding of why corporate America has not been hiring as they are under extreme political pressure to do?…that the General Electric Corporation whose chairman Jeff Immelt sits on the White House jobs council presides over a company that pays not US taxes and has more than half of its workforce outsourced?


  1. I saw the ribbon cutting ceremony picture of the Glenwood Project. I may be speaking out of turn and showing my ignorance…but it appeared to me that this was just another housing project for the black people of Evansville? That almost all of the white people in the picture were City Employees?

    Please correct my assumptions on this project…but it appears to be black and white to me. Pun intented!



    • You got it right. The Mayor assumed the patronizing pose by the ribbon while black leaders smiled over more federal money is spent on building houses in traditionally black neighborhoods. Look on the bright side. At least they are being asked to buy the houses at what looks like market prices. I also do not think that white people are kept from buying the houses. I bet they would sell you one.

    • The color of the people at a ribbon cutting is immaterial.

      You only weaken better arguments against such projects by jumping to a flimsy argument over race. If you don’t like someone else playing the race card, don’t do it yourself. Rise above that pettiness.

  2. Don’t tell me this is another 4th Ward Connie Robinson created tax draining project.

    How many of the CONNIE ROBINSON 4th ward “Front Door Pride” houses are still for sell? IS THE ANSWER 6 OR 9?

    Math time. 6 houses times $200,000= $1.2 million dollars or 9 houses times $200,000= $1.8 million dollars of our hard earned tax dollars going to a useless housing project in Connie Robinson’s 4th Ward!

    Just in case you and the Mayor forgot that the City of Evansville has 6 political Wards not just one!

    • Don’t forget about the 10 or so Front Door Pride home that have already been sold at a loss along with the Idea Home that was bought by a member of the Redevelopment Commission for over $300,000 less than it cost. To date Front Door Pride has lost over $1 Million taxpayer dollars permanently.

  3. Oh, just in case you would like to see the vacant “FRONT PRIDE HOMES” that City of Evansville and Connie built in her 4 Ward, here are the addresses.

    115 Jefferson, 1211 Judson, 39 Jefferson, 123 Jefferson, 116 Madison and 120 Madison. Still checking to see if I can find a couple more for homes for you to tour.

    Make sure you take a body guard with you when you do the house tour.

  4. The principle of having government responsible for housing projects is false and unAmerican, no matter how “successful” politicians try to make it out to be using their metrics. Taking from Group A via government force for the benefit of Group B is NOT something to be applauded. Putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it less of a pig.


    Amen on the Penn State thing. Paterno’s statue should be melted down and Universities across the country should see this as an opportunity to get away from the sport-centric status quo and get back to educating people.




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